Michael Moore On LAX Shooting: 'Guns Don't Kill People, Americans Kill People'

Stupid bitch, that means nothing to me. Most of you "righties" are criminals in my eyes.

That is because you are a repugnant dimwitted asshole. A lot of things in your eyes are the result of ignorance and stupidity.

And the Boston terrorists had guns, you imbecile.

Moron; they used bombs to murder innocents.

And there is nothing moronic in my commentary.

All of your commentaries are moronic in that require a level of ignorance that is repugnant. Your tomes are predictable in their ignorance and one can predict what ignorance erupts next on your keyboard. But one thing we can all be assured of; it will not resemble anything honest or intelligent.

You're a hateful, racist, idiotic bitch, without a compassionate or tolerant bone in your rancid body.

No I am not; but then, you are a repugnant race hustling imbecile.

And just because you think or say something doesn't make it credible or true. Have a seat. Have several.

Apparently you are convinced that what you think (an oxymoron by any definition) and believe are facts in your myopic, ignorant race hustling mind. But that is because you really are THAT stupid and repugnant.
About Truth Detector
LocationVentura CA
Interests Flying and music
Self employed Consultant

In other words, a "telemarketer". Musicians are supposed to be progressive in their thinking. You are a contradiction. Music? No doubt, "bluegrass", and hillbilly honky tonk.

What is this; another unintelligent moronic post from the forums race hustling moron? Say it isn’t so!!??
Once again you make moronic assumptions in a desperate effort to mask the repugnant ignorance that erupts from your keyboard.

One thing I have not experienced that you have; being a criminal. Where were you incarcerated again?

Yes Poet, you really are THAT stupid and repugnant.

P.S. I am not a telemarketer. They don't command six figure incomes dimwit.

As for your ASSumptions about music and musicians; they are equally moronic. But then, you really are THAT incredibly stupid. Nope, not into hillbilly or bluegrass; although the bluegrass musicians I have met and know, most being fairly liberal, have more intelligence in their little pinky’s than you have in your entire being.
poet and desh like to switch off who's the nutter on their side. apparently it's his turn.

They're not switching; both are incredibly ignorant and repugnant assholes that spend too much time whining on internet blog sites and not enough time earning a living. Poet is an admitted felon; what else would you expect from a convicted felon.
They're not switching; both are incredibly ignorant and repugnant assholes that spend too much time whining on internet blog sites and not enough time earning a living. Poet is an admitted felon; what else would you expect from a convicted felon.

explains his anti gun stance then. if he can't have one, nobody should.
That's a lie. More white people are on welfare than any other group.

This is another example of a dimwit who cannot comprehend simple statistics; as a percentage of the population, there are many more blacks on welfare.

Now, why do you think that is dimwit?

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %


Here are some more sad statistics regarding the Obama economy:

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare $1000
Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job 39
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job 6
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher 8
Stupid bitch, that means nothing to me. Most of you "righties" are criminals in my eyes. And the Boston terrorists had guns, you imbecile. And there is nothing moronic in my commentary. You're a hateful, racist, idiotic bitch, without a compassionate or tolerant bone in your rancid body. And just because you think or say something doesn't make it credible or true. Have a seat. Have several.

Stupid bitch, that means nothing to me. Most of you "righties" are criminals in my eyes. And the Boston terrorists had guns, you imbecile. And there is nothing moronic in my commentary. You're a hateful, racist, idiotic bitch, without a compassionate or tolerant bone in your rancid body. And just because you think or say something doesn't make it credible or true. Have a seat. Have several.

Bitch, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. A bitch kick to your groin, would topple you, and then a stomp to your face, would render you unconscious. Dude? Sorry but I don't comprehend "white speak".

Poet's trying to act like he got his balls back; but everyone knows that Grind still has them in a jar, on his desk.

That is because you are a repugnant dimwitted asshole. A lot of things in your eyes are the result of ignorance and stupidity.

Moron; they used bombs to murder innocents.

All of your commentaries are moronic in that require a level of ignorance that is repugnant. Your tomes are predictable in their ignorance and one can predict what ignorance erupts next on your keyboard. But one thing we can all be assured of; it will not resemble anything honest or intelligent.

No I am not; but then, you are a repugnant race hustling imbecile.

Apparently you are convinced that what you think (an oxymoron by any definition) and believe are facts in your myopic, ignorant race hustling mind. But that is because you really are THAT stupid and repugnant.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Try to keep up, Neanderthal.
What is this; another unintelligent moronic post from the forums race hustling moron? Say it isn’t so!!??
Once again you make moronic assumptions in a desperate effort to mask the repugnant ignorance that erupts from your keyboard.
One thing I have not experienced that you have; being a criminal. Where were you incarcerated again?

Yes Poet, you really are THAT stupid and repugnant.

P.S. I am not a telemarketer. They don't command six figure incomes dimwit.

As for your ASSumptions about music and musicians; they are equally moronic. But then, you really are THAT incredibly stupid. Nope, not into hillbilly or bluegrass; although the bluegrass musicians I have met and know, most being fairly liberal, have more intelligence in their little pinky’s than you have in your entire being.

Prove it. Why would anyone take the word of a pathological liar and miscreant?
They're Americans all right; but most are repugnant race hustling assholes like Poet.

Race hustling? What would I have to gain by any "race hustling"? I don't even know what that would look like.
You know that is the go to tactic in the white racist handbook, suggesting that you would know better than I what
constitutes racism, when you have never really been exposed to it, as I am every goddamn day, and in this very forum and thread.
They're not switching; both are incredibly ignorant and repugnant assholes that spend too much time whining on internet blog sites and not enough time earning a living. Poet is an admitted felon; what else would you expect from a convicted felon.

right. Convicted of possessing a controlled substance , for my personal use, because I couldn't cope with the death of my mother, 24 years ago. A hardened criminal....short of cold blooded murder. You're ridiculous. What about your meth habit? Didn't you get caught running a meth lab? Aren't your teeth rotted?