Michelle Obama critisized for telling students that drinking water is good for them..

"Drink just one more glass of water a day, and you can make a real difference in your health, for your energy and the way that you feel.” She cited “scientific evidence” that says our bodies perform better when they are “hydrated” than when they are even “just a little bit dehydrated.” And perhaps most importantly, Obama said, “The truth is, we all have a choice about what we drink and when we choose water, we’re choosing to be at our very best.” Michelle Obama told students in Watertown, Wisconsin.

Rush Limbaugh called it “just more command-and-control” from the Obama White House.

Conservative anti-Obamacare Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania, who said, “There really isn’t data to support this. I think, unfortunately, frankly, they’re not basing this on really hard science"


What these extremeist Right Wingers need to know is that a governing power should govern their nation with more words and less force. Having a speech and asking restaurants to lower their soda size should be determined a good thing. Using force, is not. More extremeists making Conservatives look idiotic.

Why can't Negrozilla mind her own fucking bidness?
I live in Alaska, I drink straight from the tap, it is cold and it has basically no taste, just refreshing water! When I travel out of Alaska, water has a taste, like some are metallic, rusty, lol.

Do you have a well? Most of my life I had well water, it was mostly pure but did have a certain taste that you just can't find anywhere else. Then we switched to city water, it's basically undrinkable without a filter. The filter makes it tasteless, but it's not quite the same as the good 'ole well water.
"Drink just one more glass of water a day, and you can make a real difference in your health, for your energy and the way that you feel.” She cited “scientific evidence” that says our bodies perform better when they are “hydrated” than when they are even “just a little bit dehydrated.” And perhaps most importantly, Obama said, “The truth is, we all have a choice about what we drink and when we choose water, we’re choosing to be at our very best.” Michelle Obama told students in Watertown, Wisconsin.

Rush Limbaugh called it “just more command-and-control” from the Obama White House.

Conservative anti-Obamacare Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania, who said, “There really isn’t data to support this. I think, unfortunately, frankly, they’re not basing this on really hard science"


What these extremeist Right Wingers need to know is that a governing power should govern their nation with more words and less force. Having a speech and asking restaurants to lower their soda size should be determined a good thing. Using force, is not. More extremeists making Conservatives look idiotic.

this goes beyond retarded...

A person should consume about an ounce a day per pound of body weight to stay fully hydrated. Yes, this means nature calls more frequently... but that flushes toxins and other waste out of your system. It is healthier for you.

Michelle Obama is correct, it makes a huge difference in your energy level and in your over all health. The more hydrated you are, the more energy you will have. It is also does not have the high and low energy level that you get from drinking caffeine and then crashing (the higher the dose of caffeine, typically the harder the crash... especially if sugar is also consumed).

Once again Rush proves himself a moron. Not sure who 'Dr.' Stanley' is, but if he is a medical doctor he should be fired from the University.
So whats the context of this.....

I (Rush) think there's an all-out assault on soda pop, soft drinks. That's why, by the way, if you've noticed, all the soft drink companies now have their own version of bottled water. Coca-Cola has their own version of bottled water, and I'm sure Pepsi does. I don't know what the brand is, but they're expanding into bottled water. You know how much bottled water actually comes out of somebody's tap? You would be amazed. I can't remember. I had the story not long ago about all of the deception in that industry. You know, I've always been amazed. The price of bottled water is far more expensive if you measure it by the gallon. When you go to the store and buy it, it's far more expensive than a gallon of gasoline.
The guys that produce the water don't have to do anything. They don't have to drill for it, they don't have to explore for it, they don't have to get permission from the government to go do things wherever they want. They don't scour the world. They don't have to go down 5,000 feet below the ocean floor to get it. They just turn on somebody's tap, and they claim it comes from some spring. I always thought if I was in the oil business, I'd really be ticked off that the bottled water guys are able to charge that much.
I get grief for what I charge versus what it costs me to go find the oil and have it refined and turned into gasoline. Pull quote from the story. "everal public health experts contacted by Politico said they had concerns about the way the White House was framing the campaign. Those experts said the health benefits of increased water consumption are murky and there are no widely accepted criteria for how much water individuals should drink each day.

(is 8 glasses still the recommendation ?)

"'There really isn't data to support this,' said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania. 'I think, unfortunately, frankly, they're not basing this on really hard science. It's not a very scientific approach they've taken. … To make it a major public health effort, I think I would say it's bizarre,'" and this guy is a kidney specialist. He took issue with the White House claims that drinking more water would boost energy. The idea that drinking water increases energy? Absurd. Water doesn't create energy.

And implying Goldfarb made the claim because he is "anti-Obamacare"....
I don't listen to him and was curious to see how this came about.....
Just FYI...no excuse intended...everyone has their opinions, huh ? Limbaugh can certainly make a mountain out of mole-hill with the best of 'em....he stretchin' here

except that his comment that water doesn't provide energy is nonsense. Try going two days without drinking any (just drink soda/coffee), then the next two days consume an ounce for every pound you weigh. Then come back and share with us how you felt in each scenario.
To my knowledge, Michelle Obama never stated we should drink 9 instead of 8 glasses of water a day. She stated people should drink one more glass of water a day.

Only the Corporate Hugging Right Wing would jump to a conclusion that stating "drink more water" is an attack on soda. Dumb as fuck. If your only drive and perspective is more Corporate power, then you might find yourself fighting for less water talk.

This talk of, not force of water is mostly due to the high temps in the nation for whatever reason you want to believe, it's a fact, it's hot. "75 percent of the American population fall short of the 10 daily cups prescribed by the Institute of Medicine – which, in medical terms, means that most people in the U.S are functioning in a chronic state of dehydration." Raising awareness for water drinking is the job of EVERY American.

And when you find yourself fighting that "There is no proof water is good for you" you might want to step back, look at what you are saying and try to use your brain instead of being sheeple and repeating everything you hear from For Profit media.

That said, we should make sure everyone knows just how bad soda is for you. While, like cigarettes, we should not tell people they cannot drink it, they should know just how unhealthy that crap is (unless mixed with whiskey, then it is completely healthy ;) )
this goes beyond retarded...

A person should consume about an ounce a day per pound of body weight to stay fully hydrated. Yes, this means nature calls more frequently... but that flushes toxins and other waste out of your system. It is healthier for you.

Michelle Obama is correct, it makes a huge difference in your energy level and in your over all health. The more hydrated you are, the more energy you will have. It is also does not have the high and low energy level that you get from drinking caffeine and then crashing (the higher the dose of caffeine, typically the harder the crash... especially if sugar is also consumed).

Once again Rush proves himself a moron. Not sure who 'Dr.' Stanley' is, but if he is a medical doctor he should be fired from the University.

It just shows some people want to argue anything/everything if it is someone they don't like or generally don't agree with. It is truly retarded to argue against the advice that drinking water is good for you.
The recommendation to drink six to eight glasses of water a day is "thoroughly debunked nonsense," a doctor wrote in the British Medical Journal.

There is no scientific evidence to support the recommendation, wrote Dr. Margaret McCartney, a general practitioner based in Scotland.

Some organizations backed by bottled-water makers -- such as Hydration for Health, created by the makers of Volvic and Evian -- say that it's important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters (about 6 to 8 cups) of water a day, and that being even mildly dehydrated plays a role in disease development, McCartney wrote.

However, no such claims have ever been confirmed in studies, she said, and drinking too much water can actually be dangerous by causing low blood sodium levels (a condition called hyponatraemia) and exposing people to pollutants in the water.

"People still think that we're all going to die or our kidneys will shrivel up if we don't drink eight cups of water a day," McCartney told Postmedia News. "From what I can see, there's never been any evidence in the medical literature about it."

Humans' thirst mechanisms are so sophisticated that if our bodies are in need of water, they'll let us know by making us thirsty.

Dartmouth Medical School physician Dr. Heinz Valtin also told The Huffington Post last month that there aren't any scientific studies supporting the eight-glasses-a-day rule and that, to date, he hasn't seen any additional evidence that would confirm the recommendation.

In addition, drinking enough to produce about 6.3 cups of clear or slightly yellow urine a day means your fluid intake is probably sufficient, the Mayo Clinic said.

Do you have a well? Most of my life I had well water, it was mostly pure but did have a certain taste that you just can't find anywhere else. Then we switched to city water, it's basically undrinkable without a filter. The filter makes it tasteless, but it's not quite the same as the good 'ole well water.

No, it is city, but good!
Wow. This thread should have died quickly - of course drinking more water (up to a point of overhydration is good for you); of course the conservatives were dumb to act like this was the White House dictating something; of course people on this forum would just roll their eyes and move on.

But trust Nova to walk the right-wing line....

Well, Nova loved it when Nancy was running the country with her psychic advisers but let Michelle say something innocuous like people should drink more water and KA-BOOM!
That said, we should make sure everyone knows just how bad soda is for you. While, like cigarettes, we should not tell people they cannot drink it, they should know just how unhealthy that crap is (unless mixed with whiskey, then it is completely healthy ;) )

Nobody has suggested that we should tell people they cannot drink it. In fact its the liberals who are closer to having the same position on Marijuana, its bad for you, but its your choice.
So now the Republicans get upset if the first lady shares her opinion that drinking water instead of soda is good for you?
this goes beyond retarded...

A person should consume about an ounce a day per pound of body weight to stay fully hydrated. Yes, this means nature calls more frequently... but that flushes toxins and other waste out of your system. It is healthier for you.

Michelle Obama is correct, it makes a huge difference in your energy level and in your over all health. The more hydrated you are, the more energy you will have. It is also does not have the high and low energy level that you get from drinking caffeine and then crashing (the higher the dose of caffeine, typically the harder the crash... especially if sugar is also consumed).

Once again Rush proves himself a moron. Not sure who 'Dr.' Stanley' is, but if he is a medical doctor he should be fired from the University.

It is not Negrozilla's job to lecture us. She should be more concerned with her daughters so that they don't become pole dancers
The recommendation to drink six to eight glasses of water a day is "thoroughly debunked nonsense," a doctor wrote in the British Medical Journal.

There is no scientific evidence to support the recommendation, wrote Dr. Margaret McCartney, a general practitioner based in Scotland.

Some organizations backed by bottled-water makers -- such as Hydration for Health, created by the makers of Volvic and Evian -- say that it's important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters (about 6 to 8 cups) of water a day, and that being even mildly dehydrated plays a role in disease development, McCartney wrote.

However, no such claims have ever been confirmed in studies, she said, and drinking too much water can actually be dangerous by causing low blood sodium levels (a condition called hyponatraemia) and exposing people to pollutants in the water.

"People still think that we're all going to die or our kidneys will shrivel up if we don't drink eight cups of water a day," McCartney told Postmedia News. "From what I can see, there's never been any evidence in the medical literature about it."

Humans' thirst mechanisms are so sophisticated that if our bodies are in need of water, they'll let us know by making us thirsty.

Dartmouth Medical School physician Dr. Heinz Valtin also told The Huffington Post last month that there aren't any scientific studies supporting the eight-glasses-a-day rule and that, to date, he hasn't seen any additional evidence that would confirm the recommendation.

In addition, drinking enough to produce about 6.3 cups of clear or slightly yellow urine a day means your fluid intake is probably sufficient, the Mayo Clinic said.


They won't even believe huffington now......thats a new one.