Michelle Obama critisized for telling students that drinking water is good for them..

Boys and girls, if you drink water, juice, pop, coffee, tea, milk, of your choice you are likely hydrated fine. If you go all alchy, you need some major help with electrolytes, grab some gatorade, pedialyte, Smartwater.
You obviously have never competed in something demanding!
LOL, poor Zaps...

1. Dr. Margaret McCartney, a general practitioner based in Scotland.

Some organizations backed by bottled-water makers -- such as Hydration for Health, created by the makers of Volvic and Evian -- say that it's important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters (about 6 to 8 cups) of water a day, and that being even mildly dehydrated plays a role in disease development, McCartney wrote.

However, no such claims have ever been confirmed in studies, she said, and drinking too much water can actually be dangerous by causing low blood sodium levels (a condition called hyponatraemia) and exposing people to pollutants in the water.

"People still think that we're all going to die or our kidneys will shrivel up if we don't drink eight cups of water a day," McCartney told Postmedia News. "From what I can see, there's never been any evidence in the medical literature about it."

Humans' thirst mechanisms are so sophisticated that if our bodies are in need of water, they'll let us know by making us thirsty.

2. Dartmouth Medical School physician Dr. Heinz Valtin also told The Huffington Post last month that there aren't any scientific studies supporting the eight-glasses-a-day rule and that, to date, he hasn't seen any additional evidence that would confirm the recommendation.

3. In addition, drinking enough to produce about 6.3 cups of clear or slightly yellow urine a day means your fluid intake is probably sufficient, the Mayo Clinic said.


Okay...so according to TWO DOCTOR'S OPINIONS, the recommendation to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is "thoroughly debunked nonsense".

The inclusion of that one extra Doctor makes for a WORLD of difference...ROTFLMAO!
Boys and girls, if you drink water, juice, pop, coffee, tea, milk, of your choice you are likely hydrated fine. If you go all alchy, you need some major help with electrolytes, grab some gatorade, pedialyte, Smartwater.

Your list included pop and coffee, both of which will dehydrate you. And take a few minutes to read the ingredients list on some of the sport drinks. There is more sugar (mainly high fructose corn syrup) than in some candy bars. That will do as much harm as being dehydrated.
Your list included pop and coffee, both of which will dehydrate you. And take a few minutes to read the ingredients list on some of the sport drinks. There is more sugar (mainly high fructose corn syrup) than in some candy bars. That will do as much harm as being dehydrated.
Yeah I thought soda and coffee was funn for hydration
Okay...so according to TWO DOCTOR'S OPINIONS, the recommendation to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is "thoroughly debunked nonsense".

The inclusion of that one extra Doctor makes for a WORLD of difference...ROTFLMAO!
Zap your expecting a science iq above room temp from a teabagger!
Come on man
or simply enact regulations that force those companies to make their products healthier. In the beginning, Coca Cola was made with cocaine. They changed the formula and people kept drinking it. They can do so again.

Well, there ya go.....you pinheads are the driving force to legalize drug use...have them go back to old recipe....
Hey numbnuts, please point out where I want to make sodas illegal? If you are going to rewrite what I said, why not just claim I said we should shoot babies and starve old people?

I can't believe you want to shoot babies and starve old people!!!!!!! You terrible terrible man!

and who is ILA referring to when he says "negrozilla" anyway?
So...according to ONE DOCTOR'S OPINION, the recommendation to drink six to eight glasses of water a day is "thoroughly debunked nonsense."

"Thoroughly debunked" because one Doctor says so...ROTFLMAO!

If all it takes is one expert's OPINION to "thoroughly debunk" something, then "intelligent design" was debunked YEARS ago.

You need fluids. Can you get it from someplace other than drinking 6 to 8 glass of water? Sure. But you need the fluids, and water is the best delivery vehicle.

My stepkids used to pull the line about "too much water causes problems" - and sure, it can. But they were NOWHERE near the level of trouble; they needed more water.

Most people don't drink enough water. Drinking an additional glass is a good suggestion. If they already get sufficient water, one more glass won't tip them over the edge.

If they are overhydrating - the handful of people that do it - they should, of course, take that into consideration.
You obviously have never competed in something demanding!

It's been years, but gymnastics for 15 years. Yes we all drank water and gatorade back then. I thought we were discussing most of us on any given day. If it's 90+ outside and I'm out there, I drink more than in my house.