Michelle Obama critisized for telling students that drinking water is good for them..

Soda is poison. Everyone is free to drink it however, and I for one, certainly encourage conservatives to drink it often. Have it for breakfast! Wake up in the middle of the night and have some more! Get a goddamned IV hooked up and have it pumped into you 24/7! Go for it! God Bless America! You are free baby , free. Do It!
Soda is poison. Everyone is free to drink it however, and I for one, certainly encourage conservatives to drink it often. Have it for breakfast! Wake up in the middle of the night and have some more! Get a goddamned IV hooked up and have it pumped into you 24/7! Go for it! God Bless America! You are free baby , free. Do It!

Such hate. You must be nearly as ugly on the inside as you are in appearance by now.
Soda is poison. Everyone is free to drink it however, and I for one, certainly encourage conservatives to drink it often. Have it for breakfast! Wake up in the middle of the night and have some more! Get a goddamned IV hooked up and have it pumped into you 24/7! Go for it! God Bless America! You are free baby , free. Do It!

Darla clearly owns stock in Coke and Pepsi.
What is this; another whiney lefttard rant thread? Say it isn't so!!!

Don't people know that it is only okay to criticize Republican Administrations and that thou shalt not criticize The One or his wife!!!! Those dumb ignerent rednecks!
To my knowledge, Michelle Obama never stated we should drink 9 instead of 8 glasses of water a day. She stated people should drink one more glass of water a day.

Only the Corporate Hugging Right Wing would jump to a conclusion that stating "drink more water" is an attack on soda. Dumb as fuck. If your only drive and perspective is more Corporate power, then you might find yourself fighting for less water talk.

This talk of, not force of water is mostly due to the high temps in the nation for whatever reason you want to believe, it's a fact, it's hot. "75 percent of the American population fall short of the 10 daily cups prescribed by the Institute of Medicine – which, in medical terms, means that most people in the U.S are functioning in a chronic state of dehydration." Raising awareness for water drinking is the job of EVERY American.

And when you find yourself fighting that "There is no proof water is good for you" you might want to step back, look at what you are saying and try to use your brain instead of being sheeple and repeating everything you hear from For Profit media.

Why shouldn't we attack sodas? Our population is getting more and more obese. So many of our health problems can be traced back to our diet. Soda are pure junk. Look at the sugar levels, the chemicals, and the even more dangerous sugar replacements. They are slowly poisoning our population.

Why the hell would we NOT attack sodas?
What is this; another whiney lefttard rant thread? Say it isn't so!!!

Don't people know that it is only okay to criticize Republican Administrations and that thou shalt not criticize The One or his wife!!!! Those dumb ignerent rednecks!

Looks like the only one whining on this thread was Rush Limpballs, well, until you showed up with your pair!
Why shouldn't we attack sodas?

Because they contain legal substances that Americans choose to ingest?

BTW, the soft drink giants also market water. If you want to drink more than the necessary amount of water to maintain health, fine. Just don't lie to children by exaggerating the benefits.

BTW, don't Democrats warn us that water is full of arsenic?
Why shouldn't we attack sodas? Our population is getting more and more obese. So many of our health problems can be traced back to our diet. Soda are pure junk. Look at the sugar levels, the chemicals, and the even more dangerous sugar replacements. They are slowly poisoning our population.

Why the hell would we NOT attack sodas?

Because I NEED my Diet Cokes every day!!! and it's all about me! (grin)

I also drink a lot of water every day though.

And yes, kids should be discouraged from drinking much soda or any sugary drinks - some of the juices and milks have a lot of sugar in them as well.
Because I NEED my Diet Cokes every day!!! and it's all about me! (grin)

I also drink a lot of water every day though.

And yes, kids should be discouraged from drinking much soda or any sugary drinks - some of the juices and milks have a lot of sugar in them as well.

I basically agree that moderation is the key. We didn't have pop as a drink of choice growing up, mostly it was something we could order when we went out to eat, about once a month. Raised my own kids the same way. None of us drink much pop, though occasionally.

I don't think that advertising has the effect attributed to it, at least to the degree purported. If parents don't have it in the house, it's not an issue. Even if they do, for young children at least, they can decide when.
Why shouldn't we attack sodas? Our population is getting more and more obese. So many of our health problems can be traced back to our diet. Soda are pure junk. Look at the sugar levels, the chemicals, and the even more dangerous sugar replacements. They are slowly poisoning our population.

Why the hell would we NOT attack sodas?

If only we could teach moderation. Our society seems to be all or nothing. My once a month soda and hamburger will not kill me. ;)
I basically agree that moderation is the key. We didn't have pop as a drink of choice growing up, mostly it was something we could order when we went out to eat, about once a month. Raised my own kids the same way. None of us drink much pop, though occasionally.

I don't think that advertising has the effect attributed to it, at least to the degree purported. If parents don't have it in the house, it's not an issue. Even if they do, for young children at least, they can decide when.

You beat me to it! Here's to moderation!
Why shouldn't we attack sodas? Our population is getting more and more obese. So many of our health problems can be traced back to our diet. Soda are pure junk. Look at the sugar levels, the chemicals, and the even more dangerous sugar replacements. They are slowly poisoning our population.

Why the hell would we NOT attack sodas?

Why don't we just make a law that puts Pepsi and Coke out of business. That will put another 50,000 out of work and dependent on the Nanny State; but they will be much healthier for it right?

Why don't we just make a law that puts Pepsi and Coke out of business. That will put another 50,000 out of work and dependent on the Nanny State; but they will be much healthier for it right?


or simply enact regulations that force those companies to make their products healthier. In the beginning, Coca Cola was made with cocaine. They changed the formula and people kept drinking it. They can do so again.