APP - Mid Term Prediction: As of today and subject to change

Sorry Jarod. Can't let you get away with that spin. Up until recently some were predicting a 40-60 seat pickup in the House and possibly the Senate

While winning the House is still winning the House, if the dems only have a 1-2 seat majority, that will be a major disappointment, although your side will try to spin it as a MAJOR victory

I cant let you get away with so many "different" predictions, you will claim victory no matter the outcome, because you change every few days.
I love how on this board, every liberal is responsible for every claim ever made by some lunatic left person saying anything. But they are not held to The Blaze or other such shit.
Wishywashy are you..... So you are admitting your previous prediction was incorrect?

What wishy washy? Where am I wishy washy?

I haven’t changed my Senate predictions. I still say 5-7 seats

Donnelly will lose
Nelson win lose
Heitkamp will lose
McCaskill will lose
Tester will lose

Those are my five and I am sticking to it

Always said Manchin would be a challenge. Murkowski gave him cover to not be the tie breaking vote for Kavanaugh. If he voted no he was dead. He voted yes.
I cant let you get away with so many "different" predictions, you will claim victory no matter the outcome, because you change every few days.

I have been back and forth on the House. It is still in the dems hands to lose

I have been unwavering on Senate. Nice try
So tell me, what would constitute a wave?

BTW, show me a cite where a Democrat has predicted a wave? (I already know you don't have one.)

you haven't heard the term "blue wave" literally all over the media for the past year?


that said I am not saying there wont be one. I am saying, stop denying you have talked about it.
Picking up more than the consensus “two seats” in the Senate wouldn’t be a win?

I think a 5-7 seat pickup in the Senate would be a huge win

5 seats in the Senate would be a win for TRump. Keeping the Senate the same a win for the Democrats. Inbetwen is a draw.
What wishy washy? Where am I wishy washy?

I haven’t changed my Senate predictions. I still say 5-7 seats

Donnelly will lose
Nelson win lose
Heitkamp will lose
McCaskill will lose
Tester will lose

Those are my five and I am sticking to it

Always said Manchin would be a challenge. Murkowski gave him cover to not be the tie breaking vote for Kavanaugh. If he voted no he was dead. He voted yes.

So... No Democratic pick ups?
you haven't heard the term "blue wave" literally all over the media for the past year?


that said I am not saying there wont be one. I am saying, stop denying you have talked about it.

No I have not. I heard a lot of Republicans claiming they said it.
No I have not. I heard a lot of Republicans claiming they said it.

if you truly have not you have not been reading political articles or really paying attention to politics in the last year. just google the term and you'l get a bajillion results.
Hmmm looks like the Migrant Invasion has given the GOP another reason to turn out

I have been back and forth on the House. We will have to see

Heller is the most vulnerable Republican and so far early votes in Nevada have a D tilt. I would label Nevada a lean Dem to toss up.

For some reason I am having a hard time believing Florida polls. They are all over the place.
Hmmm looks like the Migrant Invasion has given the GOP another reason to turn out

I have been back and forth on the House. We will have to see

Heller is the most vulnerable Republican and so far early votes in Nevada have a D tilt. I would label Nevada a lean Dem to toss up.

For some reason I am having a hard time believing Florida polls. They are all over the place.

My new update:

Democrats get the House by a slim majority.
Republicans gain one or two seats in the Senate.

I voted this AM, and the other voters looked Trumpy to me. Not changing my prediction based on that... just sayin.

**** Unless their is a big waive for one party or the other, but I’m not predicting one.
From Republicans claiming Democrats said it?

no, jarod. You can also search this forum. It really disappoints me how you seem to be utterly unaware of the political conversation of the last year. This ins't some vague thing that has been talked about in small alcoves. It's been the dominant political term and narrative for almost 18 months if not more. You need to pay attention more.
no, jarod. You can also search this forum. It really disappoints me how you seem to be utterly unaware of the political conversation of the last year. This ins't some vague thing that has been talked about in small alcoves. It's been the dominant political term and narrative for almost 18 months if not more. You need to pay attention more.

Do you really think he wasn’t paying attention? I think it is more likely he is pretending it never happened.
While the chance of the Democrats taking the House improves...

Unless their is a significant waive that does not currently show in the polling data, it is more likely the Republicans will gain three seats in the Senate than the Democrats will win a majority.