APP - Mid Term Prediction: As of today and subject to change

Thanks Diane Feinstein and her last minute theatrics, I am ready to make a prediction on the mid terms. I reserve the right to change this prediction as more information is known. But, here goes

If the mid terms were held today. The GOP would hold the House and pick up 5-7 Senate seats. There is even an outside chance that they could get to 60 votes in the US Senate.

You have failed to change this prediction so I am sticking with it.
The Republicans are keeping the house

And it's not going to matter

F*ck the Republicans

F*ck the Democrats
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The Republicans are keeping the house

And it's not going to matter

F*ck the Republicans

F*ck the Democrats

I think you are just trying to manage your expectations. Things will have to really turn out well for the GOP to keep the house. It isn't a great map for them. That is the reality. But, like they say, turnout is everything. We will know soon won't we?
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I think you are just trying to manage your expectations. Things will have to really turn out well for the GOP to keep the house. It isn't a great map for them. That is the reality. But, like they say, turnout is everything. We will know soon won't we?

I've honestly got a bad feeling about this. There's a pit in my stomach.
I've honestly got a bad feeling about this. There's a pit in my stomach.

why? nate silver has dems getting the house at a 6 out of 7 chance. the dems have a higher chance of taking the senate than republicans have of getting the house. you couldnt be in a better position. you are trying to reverse jinx, your previous reverse jinxs have worked like everytime so far
Nate Silver does not have a good record with legislative races. Also I think the polls have been highly biased towards conventional wisdom lately. And conventional wisdom is that the Democrats will do very well. I think it is safe to edge on the probability that the Democrats will not do quite as well as current polls and models suggest.
Nate Silver does not have a good record with legislative races. Also I think the polls have been highly biased towards conventional wisdom lately. And conventional wisdom is that the Democrats will do very well. I think it is safe to edge on the probability that the Democrats will not do quite as well as current polls and models suggest.

I honestly don’t know how the House is going to fall. Nothing would surprise me. I would be very surprised if the GOP actually lost the Senate
Nate Silver does not have a good record with legislative races. Also I think the polls have been highly biased towards conventional wisdom lately. And conventional wisdom is that the Democrats will do very well. I think it is safe to edge on the probability that the Democrats will not do quite as well as current polls and models suggest.

I honestly don’t know how the House is going to fall. Nothing would surprise me. I would be very surprised if the GOP actually lost the Senate

natesilvers odds for republicans has just shot from 1 in 7 to 2 in 7 :)

almost same odds as trump winning in 2016 now.

i want the liberal meltdown so bad. otherwise I don't care much about the house.