Missing posters

IHA must be bored. The faggot has groaned every post in this thread, except for Grind's.

He does the same thing in my recipe discussion. That's where he found me asking for recipes, on a basis of health. If any juicy tidbit comes up here, he might make a discussion to complain about it. It's why I always called him Corduroy Don, rather then Teflon Don.
He does the same thing in my recipe discussion. That's where he found me asking for recipes, on a basis of health. If any juicy tidbit comes up here, he might make a discussion to complain about it. It's why I always called him Corduroy Don, rather then Teflon Don.

I just call him IHA, because he hates America. Not to the degree that CFM does, but, he still fucking hates this place.
I have to admit being impressed with Phantasmal's simple three person thread ban list.

It is amazing how banning just three people can eliminate a substantial portion of the board's racism, lying, trolling, libel, bigotry, and mental illnesses.
Look at it this way. JPP has been around long enough to have a history of good people/postings.
Some of us have been internet message board gypsies since the begging of the internetz;
boards come and go then off we go / JPP's legacy is long shelf life if nothing else
I've been worrying about BAC as well. And wondering if Kacper will post anymore. He changed his name to Irish something but haven't seen him post in a long time.

I'm glad Bill came back.
"Life is a series of hellos and good byes....."

We tend to lose members briefly, and if we're lucky they come back. (You did!). Bill and I go way back. It's always good to see him. I left here for a long time after my long time board buddy left because she wouldn't tolerate the racism.
This forum was at the top of its game in the first few years.
It seemed to be largely free of the poison, toxicity, racism, and scurrilous gossip that is allowed to prevail in its current form.

The hall of fame posters undoubtedly needs to include Tiana, UScitizen, Ornot, IHG, CareforAll, and Charver.
EVERY board I've ever been on goes through the same issues. The owners want a large member list for obvious reasons. They always trade quality for quantity, and the board becomes what the board becomes.

As long as there's an ignore feature, I'm fine with any board.
EVERY board I've ever been on goes through the same issues. The owners want a large member list for obvious reasons. They always trade quality for quantity, and the board becomes what the board becomes.

As long as there's an ignore feature, I'm fine with any board.

That makes it more bearable, doesn't it?
Look at it this way. JPP has been around long enough to have a history of good people/postings.
Some of us have been internet message board gypsies since the begging of the internetz;
boards come and go then off we go / JPP's legacy is long shelf life if nothing else

I started Internet posting in the NY Times/Boston Globe forum, ABUZZ, back 1999 (maybe 2000). Moved to Able2Know when ABUZZ closed down...then to Open Salon, sponsored by Salon. Been to a half dozen smaller places until I found JPP.

Gotta ask about Darla. I remember a Darla at one of the places I was at for a short while...cannot remember where. Anyone know where Darla was besides here?
I really hope BAC is getting better and taking care of himself.

It is a wonder to me that any black poster would want to hang out here, given the amounts of vile racism tolerated and accepted here. I get sensitive and distraught at the slightest insult or provocation to the ethnic group I identify with!

Well, before I get teary-eyed thinking about my top ten list of former posters, I will sign off with my best wishes for BACs good health and recovery.

Lol, BAC is as racist as they come. But like Grind said, I don't wish him ill health.
Remember epicures? He had the Lil Wayne avitar. I always liked that dude. Plus he was pretty young. Think he was 3D and Billy's age.

As others mentioned Nova, STY and Thing1 were very regular posters that seemed to just stop showing up.

WinterBorn still posts in the sports board but he quit cold turkey posting about politics.

Also Socrates, from New Mexico? He stopped posting as well.

Darla and Prak left pretty long ago.

Dungheap also quit the board awhile back. I liked that dude, he was sharp.

Superfreak was a regular who took a couple of years off then returns periodically.
Dungheap was awesome...or should I say steaming. Grind ran him off with his asshole comments about Sandy Hook. That was also about the time that Darla and SF dropped out.
This forum was at the top of its game in the first few years.
It seemed to be largely free of the poison, toxicity, racism, and scurrilous gossip that is allowed to prevail in its current form.

The hall of fame posters undoubtedly needs to include Tiana, UScitizen, Ornot, IHG, CareforAll, and Charver.
I converse with Tiana, Darla and Ornot on other forums. They are all doing well. Charver was hilarious. I also miss Low!
EVERY board I've ever been on goes through the same issues. The owners want a large member list for obvious reasons. They always trade quality for quantity, and the board becomes what the board becomes.

As long as there's an ignore feature, I'm fine with any board.

To me, the ignore feature is not enough.

Racists, liars, trolls, and bigots need to be socially shunned and excluded from civilized discourse.

There should be no safe harbor for racists and dunces of dubious moral character.

That is exactly why I have an extensive thread ban listed capturing all known racists, bigots, belligerent dunces, trolls, liars and libelers. I am just doing my duty to humanity to exclude subhumans from civilized conversation.
To me, the ignore feature is not enough.

Racists, liars, trolls, and bigots need to be socially shunned and excluded from civilized discourse.

There should be no safe harbor for racists and dunces of dubious moral character.

That is exactly why I have an extensive thread ban listed capturing all known racists, bigots, belligerent dunces, trolls, liars and libelers. I am just doing my duty to humanity to exclude subhumans from civilized conversation.
Meh....if I had that attitude I wouldn't be able to talk to half my family. ;)
Lol, BAC is as racist as they come. But like Grind said, I don't wish him ill health.

I do not agree, see no evidence for your claim, and consider it laughable at face value.

As a white dude, I have never gotten the impression that because of my white skin, BAC considers me and my race to be inferior to his race. Which, by definition, is what constitutes racism.

I also think the fact that only Trump boot-lickers call BAC racist should call into question the motivation and plausibility of claims about his alleged racism.

What it comes down to, IMO, is that Trump boot lickers do not like "uppity" black posters providing their perspective on America's long and sordid history of racial politics and racial identity.