Missing posters

It is truly ironic that so many of the liberals on this board think they are open minded and enlightened. Yet they are completely devoid of the ability to question one of their own. Desh goes batshit crazy, they say nothing. Cypress pretends to be a decent guy, they support him... even the ones who saw who he really is. When TT starts 90% of her conversations with 'your a white racist', they don't see it.

you are evil incarnate

you live fox news and deny all the facts over and over asshole


It was me who turned out to be correct

You turned out to be fucking wrong

want me to start producing the posts and threads that span over a decade again asshole

I have the proof of your idiocy

right here in the sites records remember

The internets fucks you lying fuck tarts hard huh
you are evil incarnate

you live fox news and deny all the facts over and over asshole


It was me who turned out to be correct

You turned out to be fucking wrong

want me to start producing the posts and threads that span over a decade again asshole

I have the proof of your idiocy

right here in the sites records remember

The internets fucks you lying fuck tarts hard huh

You continue with your lies Desh. I don't give a shit about Fox, you simply LIE about that. I don't deny facts... YOU DO. Your not understanding what you are posting is a part of your problem. You pretending opinions are 'FACTS' is another.

You lie each and every day. You are one of the most pathetic posters on the board.
Mott, I've had her on ignore for a year so I don't even speak to her.

I'll repeat, this is 100% tribalism. Almost everything here is a "team sport". And when your argument is "my side" is progressive and open minded and the "other side" is racist, misogynist and bigoted well of course you are going to be less likely to call out someone on your own "team" because it doesn't help your argument.

So posters here may not like racism and bigotry but what's more important is labeling the other "side" as racists and bigots than calling out anyone internally.

I'm not arguing that....I'm saying you're argument, though factually correct, is pretty lopsided.


truly ironic given it was your party that colluded with the Russians to create a bogus report on opposition.

Look at voting stats moron... the lowest income areas tend to vote Dem (see inner cities). The highest income areas tend to vote Dem (see hollywood, Silicone valley, NYC, Washington DC etc...)
I'm not arguing that....I'm saying you're argument, though factually correct, is pretty lopsided.

No, you simply are creating a straw man. His comment was on HER specifically. He did not comment on the number of right wing morons vs left wing morons on the site in terms of numbers. He stated that she comes out with 'your a white male, thus racist' with just about every comment.
this fuck muffin is lying

how many times have I given shit to bac or TQ when they got carried away

now think for a minute why a black person might have the anger build up enough to get carried away once in awhile ?

They can momentarily lose hope in white people entirely


they are the recipients of real racism from these cock swaddle shit ball racists here and in REAL LIFE

when your friend gets full to the brim once in awhile they need the people who are truly their friends and see their worth to reassure them

the right wing fucks here allow for none of that

they hate them

always have and always will

they expect ten times what they expect of others

then deny any realife story they are told by these posters

Black people get treated like shit on a daily basis

you fucks want to pretend its not true but it is

I have seen it my self right in front of me

to black people

to latinos

to gay people

to women

you racist fucks pretend it isn't true

I hereby say I prefer them to you every moment of the day and night

they are fighting hate


you are detestible

Especially when some racist cunt spits in a Black mans face and then brags about it.

OH, WAIT; that was YOU, you racist cunt. :good4u:;
truly ironic given it was your party that colluded with the Russians to create a bogus report on opposition.

Look at voting stats moron... the lowest income areas tend to vote Dem (see inner cities). The highest income areas tend to vote Dem (see hollywood, Silicone valley, NYC, Washington DC etc...)

wow you head is all the way up trumpy ass huh
IOW, you hate the first Amendment.

Speech is only protected if you agree with it. You fucking liberals that think like this are a disease.

Moron. trump is the one who's made plenty of comments on how he'd like to regulate free speech. Now go on, pretend you've never heard them.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

"Nothing funny about tired 'Saturday Night Live' on Fake News NBC!" the president
"Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Trump said multiple times that he would be in favor of changing the libel laws. Trump called out major news outlets at a Feb. 26, 2016 rally, in Fort Worth, Texas, saying as president, he would "open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money." (There isn't one single law that could be changed, other than the First Amendment and the protections it gives. Libel laws vary state by state, and there isn't a federal libel law. In order for Trump to change the libel law, he would need to overturn the Supreme Court case. As we have previously mentioned, Trump also could lead an effort to amend the Constitution, but that doesn't seem likely either.)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s private attorney has sent a cease and desist letter to author Michael Wolff and publisher Henry Holt & Co. to try to halt the publication of a new book about the first year of his administration, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

5:09 PM - 11 Oct 2017

In the beginning you made so many comments to that effect. I believe I even recall a discussion about me, making insinuations I might be Darla. You also still say I'm a female, despite the chronicling of my trip out west. You seem pretty sexist, so I'd give it up. Your crap is almost as ridiculous as TDAK anymore. Only he's the forums clown bopper, and is entertaining to that effect. You're just tiresome spaz, that could get a vein on the pope's forehead throbbing.
Moron. trump is the one who's made plenty of comments on how he'd like to regulate free speech. Now go on, pretend you've never heard them.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

"Nothing funny about tired 'Saturday Night Live' on Fake News NBC!" the president
"Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Trump said multiple times that he would be in favor of changing the libel laws. Trump called out major news outlets at a Feb. 26, 2016 rally, in Fort Worth, Texas, saying as president, he would "open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money." (There isn't one single law that could be changed, other than the First Amendment and the protections it gives. Libel laws vary state by state, and there isn't a federal libel law. In order for Trump to change the libel law, he would need to overturn the Supreme Court case. As we have previously mentioned, Trump also could lead an effort to amend the Constitution, but that doesn't seem likely either.)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s private attorney has sent a cease and desist letter to author Michael Wolff and publisher Henry Holt & Co. to try to halt the publication of a new book about the first year of his administration, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

5:09 PM - 11 Oct 2017

You think what he mentioned is free speech?
In the beginning you made so many comments to that effect. I believe I even recall a discussion about me, making insinuations I might be Darla. You also still say I'm a female, despite the chronicling of my trip out west. You seem pretty sexist, so I'd give it up. Your crap is almost as ridiculous as TDAK anymore. Only he's the forums clown bopper, and is entertaining to that effect. You're just tiresome spaz, that could get a vein on the pope's forehead throbbing.

Liar. Also, you have no ability to prove you're male or female. Those pictures could be of someone else. As for me believing you are female, that isn't sexist you moron. Quit whining all the time. You're a constant victim. Grow up.
I have posted with BAC for years on other boards before he ever came here. He always pushed the race aspect, was a race hustler, very bitter and blameful of white people. It is what it is. I have gotten along with him at times but he was always the first to jump on the race bandwagon. News flash, plenty of blacks are racist too.

Shut the fuck up Minty.
Please. He would call anyone a racist who disagreed with him. Annatta/noise is a former lefty and has never written a 'rayciss' thing ever, yet BAC labeled him as one as soon as he went against him. Stop sugar-coating it. It is, what it is.

Annette is too stupid to know how racist/misogynist he comes off.