Missing posters

To help continuing to derail the thread notice those who speak out so loudly against racism and bigotry from posters NEVER say a word against guno or TTQ64? They want bigots to be shun yet buddy buddy up to those two?

Posters like TDAK, CFM and volstrock should be spoken out against. Idiots dropping n-bombs is unacceptable. But it just shows partisanship and tribalism are more important than what they claim which is being against racism and bigotry.
Oh for Christ’s sakes Wacko. For ever TTQ64 there’s 36 ignorant red necks on here spouting that ignorant shit directly or blowing dog whistles. That’s just so lame. It’s the metaphorical equivalent of saying “but he started it”.

It’s like saying men getting raped in prison is of a similar scope to sexual assualt on women. Let’s have some perspective here.
I converse with Tiana, Darla and Ornot on other forums. They are all doing well. Charver was hilarious. I also miss Low!

Maybe you should mention to Darla that I was her replacement. At first Yurt was certain I was her, and now he still thinks I'm female. All because I banned him from a discussion, for being a douche over recipes.
I have to agree with that. I have a hard heart against those who cry wolf like that; it makes it harder the next time for a real victim to be believed.
Especially given that he tried to capitalize on the hotbed of racial divide that trump has wrought.
Oh for Christ’s sakes Wacko. For ever TTQ64 there’s 36 ignorant red necks on here spouting that ignorant shit directly or blowing dog whistles. That’s just so lame. It’s the metaphorical equivalent of saying “but he started it”.

It’s like saying men getting raped in prison is of a similar scope to sexual assualt on women. Let’s have some perspective here.

Mott, you’re making my point for me that it’s about tribalism and partisanship, not bigotry and racism. If you really cared you would call out TTQ64 and guno along with the others. But it’s a team mentality. “You” won’t call out one of your own. No one here on the left will call either of them out.
We are all be passionate about certain issues. Nothing wrong with you being passionate about issues relating to woman. But if all you said was "sexist white males" to every post regardless of topic do you think that would show you in any way shape or form as intelligent or articulate?

I think it would show me to be biased and possibly angry about something that personally affected me. But as far as intelligence, that raises an interesting question. An example is that I've been reading the various books written by trump insiders who either quit or were fired. Most were well-written, detailed and agreed with each other on the basic facts. (You could probably say this about anti-Hillary books too, although I haven't read them.) Yet to my mind they also contain some incredibly stupid comments and excuses for trump's behaviour.* So as much as I despise trump and question the sanity of those who defend him lol, I can't write off all these people as being stupid.

Am I making this clear? Sometimes what I'm typing doesn't come out the same as what's in my mind. :smile:
I agree but BAC often spoke about ugly truths and that never makes you popular.

I didn’t know he was in I’ll health.

Hey cuz if you read this or can feel me best wishes, good vibes and righteous positive mojo for you.

A very commendable sentiment.

I don't know how popular BAC is, I do not keep track of that score, but I think he is well respected by the sentient, higher life forms here.

The forum has more than enough perspective and insight from college educated white liberals, and buck toothed hillbilly Trump supporters. What I think we need more consistently is the perspective of other communities, other socio-economic groups.

I do not think the truth BAC seeks to articulate is ugly. But it undoubtedly feels uncomfortable for some.

"Many of you have already found out and others will find out in the course of their lives that truth eludes us if we do not concentrate with total attention on its pursuit. And even while it eludes us, the illusion still lingers of knowing it and leads to many misunderstandings."

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I think it would show me to be biased and possibly angry about something that personally affected me. But as far as intelligence, that raises an interesting question. An example is that I've been reading the various books written by trump insiders who either quit or were fired. Most were well-written, detailed and agreed with each other on the basic facts. (You could probably say this about anti-Hillary books too, although I haven't read them.) Yet to my mind they also contain some incredibly stupid comments and excuses for trump's behaviour.* So as much as I despise trump and question the sanity of those who defend him lol, I can't write off all these people as being stupid.

Am I making this clear? Sometimes what I'm typing doesn't come out the same as what's in my mind. :smile:
Interesting conundrum. You have otherwise intelligent people who are basically whores. In every case, you will find their blind loyalty was due to greed.

You can understand something like that. But... message board members blindly supporting a regime that actually does them harm, is just plain stupidity. Not much intelligence involved.
A very commendable sentiment.

I don't know how popular BAC is, I do not keep track of that score, but I think he is well respected by the sentient, higher life forms here.

The forum has more than enough perspective and insight from college educated white liberals, and buck toothed hillbilly Trump supporters. What I think we need more consistently is the perspective of other communities, other socio-economic groups.

I do not think the truth BAC seeks to articulate is ugly. But it undoubtedly feels uncomfortable for some.
BAC is an interesting case study. He and I agree on quite a bit, but when we don't, we had some real barn burners. In certain discussions, his data wasn't always accurate, or it might be outdated, etc. He's so vehement in his beliefs, sometimes he would rush to post what he thought was proof of his assertions...only to be grossly incorrect.

In the middle of some pretty angry discussion, with all sorts of filthy insults on his part, he would calmly accept that he was incorrect in his one statement. It was like a reset to the discussion.

We have an interesting relationship. As we age, I tend to steer clear of the topics that I know will set him off. Best to remain on the 'good brother' side of the tracks.
Mott, you’re making my point for me that it’s about tribalism and partisanship, not bigotry and racism. If you really cared you would call out TTQ64 and guno along with the others. But it’s a team mentality. “You” won’t call out one of your own. No one here on the left will call either of them out.
I would if I saw it but I really don’t follow your twos flame wars and it’s not about tribalism. It about possibly one black person making bigoted comments in the last 15 years that is a relative drop in the bucket by comparison.