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I grew up with and went to school with smart black people. Black people can say more than “racist white man” to every single topic no matter what it is. This is a perfect example of “white liberal syndrome” where white liberals expect so little of blacks that folks accept her behavior and ignorance instead of calling it out. Folks have no problem (rightfully) calling out white people for their ignorance but she’s given a pass for being black. Ignorance and bigotry come in all races and ethnicities and no favors are done excusing it because of ones race

Are we on the same forum lol? I've seen plenty of people calling her out including you. I too grew up with and went to school with smart black people but also truly believe that neither you, I nor any other white person can understand the black experience because we haven't lived it. We haven't walked in those shoes and we all are blessed to some extent with white privilege.

Personally I don't see how "ignorance" comes in. As a similar example, I and some of the other liberal women here can be very outspoken and even angry about feminist issues such as sexual assaults, equal pay etc. It doesn't make us ignorant because we criticize the way our culture has handled women's issues over the decades. We just want things to change.
Mostly yes, although occasionally she tends to lump ppl into what is IMO too large of a group. I have not seen any signs though of her dismissing or denigrating anyone just because they are white. Only if they're idiots. lol
Her folly is her inability to discern racists from people who simply don't agree with her. The Smollet issue is the most recent. Those who call him out, can't possibly be right because they don't understand the plight of all black people.
That he calls people racist who have never written a racist word tells anyone all they need to know. He is a race hustler who can't make a cogent argument therefore he resorted to smearing them with the "wace card".

Saying it ain't so, doesn't change what anyone with eyes and a brain can read.
Yea. Go with that. Long after you've forgotten the horrible things you said/posted about Obama, BAC remembers the pictures and comments.
Are we on the same forum lol? I've seen plenty of people calling her out including you. I too grew up with and went to school with smart black people but also truly believe that neither you, I nor any other white person can understand the black experience because we haven't lived it. We haven't walked in those shoes and we all are blessed to some extent with white privilege.

Personally I don't see how "ignorance" comes in. As a similar example, I and some of the other liberal women here can be very outspoken and even angry about feminist issues such as sexual assaults, equal pay etc. It doesn't make us ignorant because we criticize the way our culture has handled women's issues over the decades. We just want things to change.

How many times have we been called "shrill bitches," "femi-nazis," and so on, for speaking out on women's issues? It's just about the same with certain ppl calling TTQ, BAC, etc. "racist" for speaking out on issues the black community has had to deal with for decades.
Her folly is her inability to discern racists from people who simply don't agree with her. The Smollet issue is the most recent. Those who call him out, can't possibly be right because they don't understand the plight of all black people.

I stood up for Smollet too, so I shouldn't talk lol. But I don't understand sticking up for Michael Jackson when even his sister claims he liked young boys.
Yea. Go with that. Long after you've forgotten the horrible things you said/posted about Obama, BAC remembers the pictures and comments.

No wonder that racist bimbo has fallen into bed with Toxic TOP. Bigots of a feather. The same thing went on at our former forum with Toxic and her comments about the Obamas, none of which had a thing to do with their political POV. I think the worst racists of all are the ones like this low-quality moron, Toxic, and the others who truly believe that they are not racists.
Whenever I see a poster use the term "race hustler" it sets off my spidey senses because most of those who use it tend to be bigots.
You're addressing a person who used the term 'reverse racism' daily, posted pix of Obama as a lawn jockey, pictures of a watermelon patch on the WH lawn, and a host of other horribly racist jokes.
How many times have we been called "shrill bitches," "femi-nazis," and so on, for speaking out on women's issues? It's just about the same with certain ppl calling TTQ, BAC, etc. "racist" for speaking out on issues the black community has had to deal with for decades.

In answer to your question, too many to count. And every single time an incident happens between a man and a woman, you can take it to the bank that the woman will be called a liar, a sicko, a gold digger or worse. The Larry Baer business is the latest, right off the bat they trashed Mrs. Baer only, while the women here thought both were responsible.
You're addressing a person who used the term 'reverse racism' daily, posted pix of Obama as a lawn jockey, pictures of a watermelon patch on the WH lawn, and a host of other horribly racist jokes.

She posted here before you joined but under a few different names. I remember those pictures and jokes, from her and others. We all know who she really is.
In answer to your question, too many to count. And every single time an incident happens between a man and a woman, you can take it to the bank that the woman will be called a liar, a sicko, a gold digger or worse. The Larry Baer business is the latest, right off the bat they trashed Mrs. Baer only, while the women here thought both were responsible.

Exactly. It's almost as if conservative women think that they are inferior to males, and being a punching bag for them -- or a baby factory -- is no big deal. #PickMe Syndrome at its finest.
Exactly. It's almost as if conservative women think that they are inferior to males, and being a punching bag for them -- or a baby factory -- is no big deal. #PickMe Syndrome at its finest.

Sometimes it's hard to think of conservative women as part of the sisterhood, huh. They're bringing us down!
Sometimes it's hard to think of conservative women as part of the sisterhood, huh. They're bringing us down!

The thing is, conservative women don't seem to understand that you can love and adore men and still expect that you will be treated with respect, as you treat them with respect. Unfortunately many conservative men seem to feel the same way about respect and equality between the sexes.
I stood up for Smollet too, so I shouldn't talk lol. But I don't understand sticking up for Michael Jackson when even his sister claims he liked young boys.
Now that Smollet has been shown to be an idiot who really screwed up in an effort to further his failing career, we're being told that we can't possibly understand the truth because the racist media is painting Smollet in a negative light.

That's just insane.
She posted here before you joined but under a few different names. I remember those pictures and jokes, from her and others. We all know who she really is.
Yes...I know her from other boards as well. Going back about 15 years or more. She can't hide behind a new name.
Are we on the same forum lol? I've seen plenty of people calling her out including you. I too grew up with and went to school with smart black people but also truly believe that neither you, I nor any other white person can understand the black experience because we haven't lived it. We haven't walked in those shoes and we all are blessed to some extent with white privilege.

Personally I don't see how "ignorance" comes in. As a similar example, I and some of the other liberal women here can be very outspoken and even angry about feminist issues such as sexual assaults, equal pay etc. It doesn't make us ignorant because we criticize the way our culture has handled women's issues over the decades. We just want things to change.

You're missing the big picture here. It's not that one can't criticize the country or claim there is racism in America. One can criticize this country and there is racism in America. Why she's ignorant and a bigot is largely because that is her response to everything, regardless of topic. That's ignorance. Hence the white liberal syndrome. It doesn't benefit her or anyone to cry "white male racism" at every single topic yet posters on this board allow it.

At the end of the day people here can respond to her however you would like. To each his own, it's your right. But don't sit back and have an echo chamber as happened ITT proclaiming others racist and then make excuses for her and guno's bigotry to be acceptable. It's all partisanship and tribalism.
I do not agree, see no evidence for your claim, and consider it laughable at face value.

As a white dude, I have never gotten the impression that because of my white skin, BAC considers me and my race to be inferior to his race. Which, by definition, is what constitutes racism.

I also think the fact that only Trump boot-lickers call BAC racist should call into question the motivation and plausibility of claims about his alleged racism.

What it comes down to, IMO, is that Trump boot lickers do not like "uppity" black posters providing their perspective on America's long and sordid history of racial politics and racial identity.
I agree but BAC often spoke about ugly truths and that never makes you popular.

I didn’t know he was in I’ll health.

Hey cuz if you read this or can feel me best wishes, good vibes and righteous positive mojo for you.
Now that Smollet has been shown to be an idiot who really screwed up in an effort to further his failing career, we're being told that we can't possibly understand the truth because the racist media is painting Smollet in a negative light.

That's just insane.

I have to agree with that. I have a hard heart against those who cry wolf like that; it makes it harder the next time for a real victim to be believed.
Are we on the same forum lol? I've seen plenty of people calling her out including you. I too grew up with and went to school with smart black people but also truly believe that neither you, I nor any other white person can understand the black experience because we haven't lived it. We haven't walked in those shoes and we all are blessed to some extent with white privilege.

Personally I don't see how "ignorance" comes in. As a similar example, I and some of the other liberal women here can be very outspoken and even angry about feminist issues such as sexual assaults, equal pay etc. It doesn't make us ignorant because we criticize the way our culture has handled women's issues over the decades. We just want things to change.

We are all be passionate about certain issues. Nothing wrong with you being passionate about issues relating to woman. But if all you said was "sexist white males" to every post regardless of topic do you think that would show you in any way shape or form as intelligent or articulate?