I grew up with and went to school with smart black people. Black people can say more than “racist white man” to every single topic no matter what it is. This is a perfect example of “white liberal syndrome” where white liberals expect so little of blacks that folks accept her behavior and ignorance instead of calling it out. Folks have no problem (rightfully) calling out white people for their ignorance but she’s given a pass for being black. Ignorance and bigotry come in all races and ethnicities and no favors are done excusing it because of ones race
Are we on the same forum lol? I've seen plenty of people calling her out including you. I too grew up with and went to school with smart black people but also truly believe that neither you, I nor any other white person can understand the black experience because we haven't lived it. We haven't walked in those shoes and we all are blessed to some extent with white privilege.
Personally I don't see how "ignorance" comes in. As a similar example, I and some of the other liberal women here can be very outspoken and even angry about feminist issues such as sexual assaults, equal pay etc. It doesn't make us ignorant because we criticize the way our culture has handled women's issues over the decades. We just want things to change.