Moral Questions ...and No Answers

Yes Leaning You Got That right!
The "leave it to beaver" lifestyle is mostly dead in urban areas but still survives to some extent in the rural areas.
The urbanites have lost sight of a lot of what is really important as far as I am concerned.
Still safer for kids here. If a person sees a child being seriously mishandled, or abused, they take care of the kid first and then call the cops, or the ambulance.
We have a few perverts but they are very careful. all my neighbors know my grandchildren, and the kids know that the neighbors are safe palces to go if they need to.
Urbanites just have lost the community spirit of caring and being neighbors.
Well off my country soapbox.
btw I was just kidding, it is horrible out here, stay in the city.

Leaning, we can't get it back, just carry forward what we have learned to make the future better. We all just do what we can...
Yes Leaning You Got That right!

Leaning, we can't get it back, just carry forward what we have learned to make the future better. We all just do what we can...

I agree wholeheartedly uscitizen. I might look back and long for the good ole days, but not at the expense of doing nothing to try to make the future better for my kids.

BTW, we have the same type of community around here. Very similar sounding. Good stuff most of the time.
My step kids can wander freely around here. There's really no crime.

I wonder if there were less psychos, child abusers, and pedophiles in the 1950s, or whether is just wasn't reported in the media as much then, as it is now.
My step kids can wander freely around here. There's really no crime.

I wonder if there were less psychos, child abusers, and pedophiles in the 1950s, or whether is just wasn't reported in the media as much then, as it is now.
Perhaps watching leave it to beaver caused it all ?
Actually I did not get to watch that when I was growing up, no TV and then when we got one we did not get that network.
I have since watched some of it on re-re-re-re-re cubed runs.
I, on the other hand, have absolutely no desire to live in the Cleavers' world. I think it's unhealthy, immature and far too paternalistic. I don't want moral absolutes: I dislike, distrust and resent them.

The whole point of this thread is that the idea we're less safe today is mostly an illusion. It is an illusion born of self-deception and wishful thinking, a longing for something that never was what it seemed to be.

What vacuum are you from? Did you just drop out from a black hole? It was no illusion... I know how I grew up and the environment was much safer than what Children have been subjected to over the past 30 years. Lets not forget... I didnt have to walk through metal detectors when I went to school...and my guess is neither did you..

You talk about paternalistic... on one hand you think its perfectly fine for Government to dictate political correctness, whether or not one can display a Nativity Scene, whether or not one can light up a cigar on ones private property... and then moan and groan over moral guidance ... I think its a bit twisted myself....
Safer ? No child restraints in vehicles, no bicycle helmet laws, Apparently priests were busy back then being pervs. I remember when polio vaccine came out, I remember when stents became common place and dropped the death rate considerably, cancer being stopped manytimes. I remember playing with mercury on my hands, I remember schools painted with lead paint and insulated on the ceilings with asbestos, cigarettes were good for us back then, duck and cover was a viable protection from nukes....
What vacuum are you from? Did you just drop out from a black hole? It was no illusion... I know how I grew up and the environment was much safer than what Children have been subjected to over the past 30 years. Lets not forget... I didnt have to walk through metal detectors when I went to school...and my guess is neither did you..

You talk about paternalistic... on one hand you think its perfectly fine for Government to dictate political correctness, whether or not one can display a Nativity Scene, whether or not one can light up a cigar on ones private property... and then moan and groan over moral guidance ... I think its a bit twisted myself....

Who ever ever said the government should be alowed to tell you if you should be allowed to have a cigar or display a nativity on private property?
Safer ? No child restraints in vehicles, no bicycle helmet laws, Apparently priests were busy back then being pervs. I remember when polio vaccine came out, I remember when stents became common place and dropped the death rate considerably, cancer being stopped manytimes. I remember playing with mercury on my hands, I remember schools painted with lead paint and insulated on the ceilings with asbestos, cigarettes were good for us back then, duck and cover was a viable protection from nukes....

These are all good points but they are technological and medical advancements.. I believe we are talking about Neighborhood Safety ...the human element.
As far as Priests being pervs... didnt happen to Brothers nor any of my friends... seems like it was a Massachusetts phenom.
Who ever ever said the government should be alowed to tell you if you should be allowed to have a cigar or display a nativity on private property?

Im referring back to a previous discussion Ornot and I had... apparently he sees nothing wrong in these types of ordinances.
These are all good points but they are technological and medical advancements.. I believe we are talking about Neighborhood Safety ...the human element.
As far as Priests being pervs... didnt happen to Brothers nor any of my friends... seems like it was a Massachusetts phenom.
I am talking absolutes.
Compare the child mortality rates for the two periods.
If more die how can it be safer ?

but in all fairness I understand where you are coming from. The human elemnet, all to often not even considered now-a-days.
What vacuum are you from? Did you just drop out from a black hole? It was no illusion... I know how I grew up and the environment was much safer than what Children have been subjected to over the past 30 years. Lets not forget... I didnt have to walk through metal detectors when I went to school...and my guess is neither did you..

You talk about paternalistic... on one hand you think its perfectly fine for Government to dictate political correctness, whether or not one can display a Nativity Scene, whether or not one can light up a cigar on ones private property... and then moan and groan over moral guidance ... I think its a bit twisted myself....
No, you know how you remember what it was like for you growing up. Childhood is full of illusions, Klaatu. For all of us.

You and I are the same age.
Sure Id like to go back to my childhood.. Great parents, no difficult responsabilities, plenty of anything you wanted without having to work for it.

But it was not because it was the 1970's, it was because it was childhood.

Hell my teen years were great also, but not because it was the 80's.
BTW, unless things change between now and then my children will be safe to play unsupervised in my neighborhood. There are kids riding bikes around today and I never hear of any incidents.

You watch too much FoxNews, you think the world is superdangerous. It is achually VERY rare for kids to be abducted or harmed in neighborhoods. But it happened in the 50's and 60's we just did not have the type of 24/7 hysterical news coverage we have now..
Yes and child abuse by parents was much worse. Disclipine was often literally a beating.

Ahhh remember the paddle in school.....
that must be what dixie is actually missing , a good ass whooppin :rolleyes:
Sure Id like to go back to my childhood.. Great parents, no difficult responsabilities, plenty of anything you wanted without having to work for it.

But it was not because it was the 1970's, it was because it was childhood.

Hell my teen years were great also, but not because it was the 80's.
Just so.

Actually, though, the point I was trying to make is that the world really isn't more dangerous today than it was when Klaatu and I were kids. It may seem like it is but that impression is largely mistaken.

In a broad sense, I honestly believe that many parents today are way too overprotective of their kids. Enough so that it's actually a disservice.
Maybe we should be looking at the vacuous consumer society we exist in rather than scapegoating liberalism for the cause of social problems we see today.

We live in a society where the acquisition of consumer goods is the prime concern of most people, where an individual's self worth is measured by what they own. You only have to look at the vacuous, greed ridden state of 'gangster culture' to see this, and after the 80's you can see it permeating all levels of society.

We live in societies driven insane by the idea of consuming as quickly as possible, we live in a world of instant material gratification.
In a broad sense, I honestly believe that many parents today are way too overprotective of their kids. Enough so that it's actually a disservice.

Too many parents treat their kids as adults, and let them get away with way too much. Kids have no discipline these days, they dictate to their parents.

Christmas is a prime example of this, with many kids DEMANDING this or that from their parents, and playing merry hell up until they get it.

We need to stop celebrating the cult of youth, recognise that kids are 'in training' and stop letting them dictate.
Also Anyold too many couples put the children's wants before even their own relationship. This I feel contributes to the divorce rate.
Just so.

Actually, though, the point I was trying to make is that the world really isn't more dangerous today than it was when Klaatu and I were kids. It may seem like it is but that impression is largely mistaken.

In a broad sense, I honestly believe that many parents today are way too overprotective of their kids. Enough so that it's actually a disservice.

I agree. I know people who will not let there kids go outside in braud daylight without strict supervision. These are 9-12year old kids who live in nice gated communities. I think it is pittafull. I have also noticed that many of todays kids are afraid of the outdoors. I think it is a shame. Unless things change drastically my son will be allowed to play outdoors when he is 9, and I dont live in a gated community.
Yes and child abuse by parents was much worse. Disclipine was often literally a beating.

Ahhh remember the paddle in school.....
that must be what dixie is actually missing , a good ass whooppin :rolleyes:

Remember it......I used it just last week on a couple of unruly students. They are exhibiting eximplery behavior this week. :)