Moral Questions ...and No Answers

BTW, unless things change between now and then my children will be safe to play unsupervised in my neighborhood. There are kids riding bikes around today and I never hear of any incidents.

You watch too much FoxNews, you think the world is superdangerous. It is achually VERY rare for kids to be abducted or harmed in neighborhoods. But it happened in the 50's and 60's we just did not have the type of 24/7 hysterical news coverage we have now..

A) I watch MSNBC not Fox ...B) What the hell does Fox News have to do with this discussion?
But I do agree the News coverage was not as accessible back then... considering there was only 3 channels back then.. actually I had 5 ..I grew up on the border of I was able to tune in 2 canadian channels.

But I disagree that children are just as safe today.. the availability of Drugs, Pornography...Child Porn, Guns.. are much more widespread today then 30+ years ago... also Sex is practiced at a much earlier age..then that of yesteryear. The advent of the internet has made it easier for Child Predators. .. there is so much to debunk your point of view ..its ridiculous.
as a ten year old, I remember heading off on summer days with my bat and my glove to walk the mile and a half, unsupervised, to the local park where I joined in pickup games of baseball and played all the dusty hot sunny midwestern summer day long and walk back in time for dinner. In the meantime, I had gone to the local hotdog stand and purchased my own lunch and gone to the nearby gas station where I bought a bottle of Coke for a dime to wash the hotdog down. My sense is, that such idyllic summer days are no longer possible for my children, not because the world is an inherently more dangerous place now, than it was then, but because, for whatever reason, parents are more inclined to monitor and control the lives of their children today than they were 50 years ago.
as a ten year old, I remember heading off on summer days with my bat and my glove to walk the mile and a half, unsupervised, to the local park where I joined in pickup games of baseball and played all the dusty hot sunny midwestern summer day long and walk back in time for dinner. In the meantime, I had gone to the local hotdog stand and purchased my own lunch and gone to the nearby gas station where I bought a bottle of Coke for a dime to wash the hotdog down. My sense is, that such idyllic summer days are no longer possible for my children, not because the world is an inherently more dangerous place now, than it was then, but because, for whatever reason, parents are more inclined to monitor and control the lives of their children today than they were 50 years ago.
I walked a mile and a half unsupervised to my school when I was in kindergarten. That was in the 70s. I also used to walk the half-mile over to the corner store running errands. I was able to buy cigarettes for my father with just a note that it was okay. I rode my bike all over hell and back, way further than a mile and a half. All this I did while the media gained control over our fear.

We started peering at Hallowe'en candy to see if somebody was doing something bad to our children.... Why? Because the only recorded history of that happening was a family member doing it, never has there been a strong well-backed story to even spark this fear.

We were warned about stamps that might have LSD on them, but they too were a myth. They continued on many of these things as I grew up and I have watched people get paranoid about what is very unlikely and forget about things that might actually happen.
I walked a mile and a half unsupervised to my school when I was in kindergarten. That was in the 70s. I also used to walk the half-mile over to the corner store running errands. I was able to buy cigarettes for my father with just a note that it was okay. I rode my bike all over hell and back, way further than a mile and a half. All this I did while the media gained control over our fear.

We started peering at Hallowe'en candy to see if somebody was doing something bad to our children.... Why? Because the only recorded history of that happening was a family member doing it, never has there been a strong well-backed story to even spark this fear.

We were warned about stamps that might have LSD on them, but they too were a myth. They continued on many of these things as I grew up and I have watched people get paranoid about what is very unlikely and forget about things that might actually happen.

Why do you think I used fear in the media to control ?
They continued on many of these things as I grew up and I have watched people get paranoid about what is very unlikely and forget about things that might actually happen.

Oh my God... no they didn't forget about anything, they freakin' embraced it! They glorified being a 'pimp' and a 'ho' and made mobsters sexy and cool. They made freaking national icons and youth role models out of Snoop Dog and Madonna, and dressed our daughters like Brittany Spears, and told them they were cool. The number one sitcom is about a single chick who likes to see how many ways she can have Sex in the City... the next two after that, are about gay relationships! We're about a generation away from the pinheads clamoring for people's rights to marry their pets, and 'equal rights' for pedophiles!

No Damo, maybe it was the LSD stamps or the massive amounts of ganja smoked by the moms of the pinheads, but somewhere, we didn't get paranoid ENOUGH!
You won't find solutions to percieved social problems by returning to the moral conditions of a previous era, much as the moral conservatives huff and puff about.

Those moral conditions are no longer relevant, else they would still exist organically.

This is the difference between the conservative and liberal approach to social problems, liberals address the social conditions that exist currently, conservatives only solution is to return to some puritanical past era.
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They continued on many of these things as I grew up and I have watched people get paranoid about what is very unlikely and forget about things that might actually happen.

Oh my God... no they didn't forget about anything, they freakin' embraced it! They glorified being a 'pimp' and a 'ho' and made mobsters sexy and cool. They made freaking national icons and youth role models out of Snoop Dog and Madonna, and dressed our daughters like Brittany Spears, and told them they were cool. The number one sitcom is about a single chick who likes to see how many ways she can have Sex in the City... the next two after that, are about gay relationships! We're about a generation away from the pinheads clamoring for people's rights to marry their pets, and 'equal rights' for pedophiles!

No Damo, maybe it was the LSD stamps or the massive amounts of ganja smoked by the moms of the pinheads, but somewhere, we didn't get paranoid ENOUGH!

ROTFLMAO - We are not paranoid enough!
You won't find solutions to percieved social problems by returning to the moral conditions of a previous era, much as the moral conservatives huff and puff about.

Those moral conditions are no longer relevant, else they would still exist organically.

This is the difference between the conservative and liberal approach to social problems, liberals address the social conditions that exist currently, conservatives only solution is to return to some puritanical past era.
Only social conservatives. Attempting to simplify all conservative thought into such a bumpersticker is plain silly and belongs in the ministry of silly talks.

Conservatives, such as myself, like to look for solutions outside of the government realm rather than making a new law for every perceived complication that has ever existed.

So, since we are playing in the ministry of silly talks and oversimplifying everything, we can say:

"Conservatives prefer the smallest government solution while Liberals seem to trust the very government that often gets us into those problems to solve them as well."
Only social conservatives. Attempting to simplify all conservative thought into such a bumpersticker is plain silly and belongs in the ministry of silly talks.

Sorry, did put 'moral conservatives' initially...

You're a Libertarian in denial anyway.... lol
Only social conservatives. Attempting to simplify all conservative thought into such a bumpersticker is plain silly and belongs in the ministry of silly talks.

Sorry, did put 'moral conservatives' initially...

You're a Libertarian in denial anyway.... lol

Damo leans much more Libertarian than I..., but unlike extreme Libertarians he is sensible when recognizing the need for the role of Government.
You won't find solutions to percieved social problems by returning to the moral conditions of a previous era, much as the moral conservatives huff and puff about.

No one is looking for a 'solution' to anything, other than moral decay!

Those moral conditions are no longer relevant, else they would still exist organically.

Those moral conditions no longer exist because morality has been ostracized and shamed into a fucking closet, and is not allowed to see the light of day.

This is the difference between the conservative and liberal approach to social problems, liberals address the social conditions that exist currently, conservatives only solution is to return to some puritanical past era.

History is pretty vivid and clear on this, when a society loses its morality, it crumbles and falls every time. Pinheads don't understand or comprehend history! You think that you have it all figured out, and you can beat the system! We can be as immoral and decadent as we like, and nothing will result from it except immense pleasure for all! You have no regard for morality or ethics, whatever the fuck goes! If it feels good, do it! Fuck the consequences, fuck personal responsibility, fuck moral decency!

There is a wise old saying, you can't have your cake and eat it too. If we continue to foster a social environment devoid of moral constraint, and oblivious to our responsibility to be moral people, our entire society and civilization will crumble, on this there is no doubt, it has happened countless times through history, and we ain't no damn different than the men who came before us. The question is, what will it take for us to come to the realization we must change our ways? Does society have to collapse first? Are we too fucking spoiled and addicted to non-stop perverted decadence that we can't help ourselves anymore?

Oh yeah, it's real politically correct these days, to throw the religious right overboard, to ridicule and criticize those who promote decent morality, call them names and make fun of their message, when we should be listening to their message and following it. You pinheads will all line up to endorse "progressiveness", but your agenda is a dead end road to our own demise. The only thing 'progressive' about your agenda, is the 'progressive' nature at which you are decaying our morality and bringing about the end of our civilization.
This is the kind of response you get when one is lost for words...

You cant do better than this? Why not elaborate a little ... "Mr. Attorney" ...

Sometimes a statement is so profoundly idiotic that responding in any detail would only add gilt to gold, I belive most people who read Dixie's comment would see his stupidity without me pointing it out...!
Sometimes a statement is so profoundly idiotic that responding in any detail would only add gilt to gold, I belive most people who read Dixie's comment would see his stupidity without me pointing it out...!

Obviously, not.