Moral Realizations


I guess it's a good sign that 54 percent of Americans now believe that the Iraqi war is not moral. But, you know, they're a little late to the sanity table. If only they had had this epiphany before we went into Iraq, just think how many people would be alive today, who are not.

"Asked whether the U.S. action in Iraq is morally justified, 54 percent said no, versus 42 percent who said yes and 4 percent with no opinion. Just two weeks ago, a poll found less than half (47 percent) saying the war was morally unjustified"

WASHINGTON (CNN) — A new low of 30 percent of Americans say they support the U.S. war in Iraq and, for the first time, most Americans say they don’t believe it is morally justified, a poll released Tuesday said.

In the poll, which was carried out Friday through Sunday, 30 percent of respondents said they favor the war in Iraq; 41 percent said they oppose it because they think the 2003 decision to go to war was a mistake; 26 percent said they oppose it because they think it has been mismanaged; and 3 percent said they had no opinion.
Support is down 4 points from what it was May 4-6, when 34 percent of respondents said they favored the U.S. war in Iraq.

Asked during the latest poll how things are going for the United States in Iraq, more than two-thirds (69 percent) said badly — 4 percent said “very well,” 26 percent said “moderately well,” 25 percent said “moderately badly” and 44 percent said “very badly.”

There appears to be little optimism that things will improve, with 17 percent saying the situation is getting better; 46 percent saying it is getting worse; 35 percent saying it is staying the same; and 1 percent offering no opinion.

Nearly two-thirds of those polled want withdrawal of U.S. troops to begin — either in part or in total. Asked what the United States should do about the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, just 17 percent said it should send more troops; 16 percent said keep the numbers the same; 24 percent said withdraw some troops; and 39 percent said withdraw all troops.
I am curious what the republican plans are to create the perception of a turnaround in Iraq.....

I'm sure they have the marketing departments working on that right now. The fall campaign will be unveiled with a lot of fanfair, and some runway models, and some fools will even fall for it. "Oh look, it's the new "we're getting out of Iraq" fall line," they'll say, "that would look fabulous on us."
what about AFganistan Darla is that immoral to you?

I've discussed this on the board before, with IHG, Top.

I will not lie and claim that when we first went into Afghanistan I was against it. I wasn't. I thought it was a "just war". I was against Iraq from the first mention of it. I thought it was insane. Why? They had nothing to do with 9/11.

As time went on, and I was exposed to more and more, meeting an Afghan mother and daughter for instance, and seeing their pictures and artwork, I began to question it. What did we accomplish? Might there not have been a better way? We didn't even get Bin Laden. We did kill a lot of innocents though.

I've really come to a place where I believe that because of modern weapons, there can be no "just war". If we have to have a war, I need to see fleets and troops and submarines on my coast. Otherwise, no.

And yes, Afghanistan is an immoral war as well. It's also a very badly managed, and useless war at this point.
And that's relevant...why again?

Anti-war activists shy away from discussing Afghanistan, because it's not a popular opinion to say, hey maybe we should have just sent in a few special ops teams and put a bullet into Bin Laden rather than attack the country. And we've made a mess of it, and no one wants to talk about that either.

You're right though, in many way it is not relevant to the Iraqi war. But I'll answer the question, even though mine is not a popular answer and probably makes me look like one of those "moonbats". :)
Darla is the chiding mother, stifling and guilting the disfavored son. while it was the father, her husband who's abusive ways incited the child to act out.

America is our baby, be good to it.
I thought that the statement made by the democratically elected president of Afganistan that the Taliban are no threat to his government was very enlightening.

Good reply Darla, I am in the same boat as you. At first afganistan seemed justified, but now...
And like you I found it hard to believe that the USA was going to invade and occupy a foreign country on a whim. I used to think we did not do such things any more.
Topspin's idiocy isn't worthy of such a thoughtful, eloquent response. 10 to 1 he misses the point and calls you a false outrager in w/ the Michael Moore crowd, before plugging Hillary in '08...
Darla is the chiding mother, stifling and guilting the disfavored son. while it was the father, her husband who's abusive ways incited the child to act out.

America is our baby, be good to it.

This tells us a lot about your family life, which explains a lot, but other than that, I've no idea what in hell you are saying.

Have you been hanging with Bottle borne?
Topspin's idiocy isn't worthy of such a thoughtful, eloquent response. 10 to 1 he misses the point and calls you a false outrager in w/ the Michael Moore crowd, before plugging Hillary in '08...

Well, he usually just responds with "duhla, how was that junior college you went too (sic)"
This tells us a lot about your family life, which explains a lot, but other than that, I've no idea what in hell you are saying.

Have you been hanging with Bottle borne?

My message will work within you on a subconcious level. Expect new dreams, and a shift in your reality.
I don't shy away from Afghanistan. I, like most, thought it was a reasonable response after 9/11, since we could directly tie the Taliban to 9/11's architect and they were giving him safe harbor. As you said, the heavy-handed execution of the war over the course of time has been a mess, but the initial cause, I believe, was just.

To take that logic & extend it to Iraq is complete buffoonery. Iraq was basically a random country by comparison. What if we had invaded Madagascar instead? Would folks like topspin still be calling out the left w/ our criticism of it with "What about Afghanistan?"

It's a totally irrelevant comparison....
Topspin's idiocy isn't worthy of such a thoughtful, eloquent response. 10 to 1 he misses the point and calls you a false outrager in w/ the Michael Moore crowd, before plugging Hillary in '08...

He does appear pretty politically confused all right.
I don't shy away from Afghanistan. I, like most, thought it was a reasonable response after 9/11, since we could directly tie the Taliban to 9/11's architect and they were giving him safe harbor. As you said, the heavy-handed execution of the war over the course of time has been a mess, but the initial cause, I believe, was just.

To take that logic & extend it to Iraq is complete buffoonery. Iraq was basically a random country by comparison. What if we had invaded Madagascar instead? Would folks like topspin still be calling out the left w/ our criticism of it with "What about Afghanistan?"

It's a totally irrelevant comparison....

That's all very true. Good points. Top is a bit over-excited about the drama of the new Iphone coming out this week. There's drool's all very strange. He might be confusing the two wars.