Moral Realizations

I don't think that the iPhone is a big enough advance to be hyped quite this much. Can anybody say "flop"?
I have read a couple of articles on it, it could be pretty much a flop. None of the articles said it was a must buy type of thing and gave reasons not to buy if you were going to use it for business and some other uses.

I figure once the new gadget junkies and apple nuts get theirs it will fizzle.

The iRack pretty much fizzled too.
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This is why I crush you guys making money playing the market.
Here's my launch prediction
1. if someone dies in the stampeed 20% in two months
2. if they just get hospitalized 15%
3. if it's just elbow and asswholes 10%
You guy's have heard of the Ipod and how user friendly it is
I don't think that the iPhone is a big enough advance to be hyped quite this much. Can anybody say "flop"?

It's all the marketing, you know? They've convinced a lot of fools that if you aren't among the first to get an Iphone, you're a nobody. It's really funny because, anyone with any brains, if they wanted one, would wait at least a month or two, see if it lives up to its hype, what others think of theirs.

I wouldn't know what to do with one. I have a cell phone and a ipod, and no need to have them combined into one pain in the neck toy. But, it's a status symbol now.
This is why I crush you guys making money playing the market.
Here's my launch prediction
1. if someone dies in the stampeed 20% in two months
2. if they just get hospitalized 15%
3. if it's just elbow and asswholes 10%
You guy's have heard of the Ipod and how user friendly it is

Oh my God.
This is why I crush you guys making money playing the market.
Here's my launch prediction
1. if someone dies in the stampeed 20% in two months
2. if they just get hospitalized 15%
3. if it's just elbow and asswholes 10%
You guy's have heard of the Ipod and how user friendly it is
I hope you are right. I own the stock, I have since before the splits and bought it at $6.32... It is one of my best investments.

However, this is overhyped. The advances are not enough to overcome that, IMO.
I hope you are right. I own the stock, I have since before the splits and bought it at $6.32... It is one of my best investments.

However, this is overhyped. The advances are not enough to overcome that, IMO.

LOL You hope someone dies in the stampede? No you don't!
Jetson's cars couldn't live up to the Iphone hype. That doesn't mean they woun't sell millions. And Apple was a great buy before the launch.
Darla, it would just be a Darwin award thing is anyone is stupid enough to get involved in a buying stampede.
I don't wish anyone to die, but have no control over others stupid actions.
Jetson's cars couldn't live up to the Iphone hype. That doesn't mean they woun't sell millions. And Apple was a great buy before the launch.
Since I bought Apple at $6.32, it went up over 60 split, then split again and is currently selling where?

;) Apple has been a great buy for a long time.
Well, yah. I don't hope anybody dies, but I wouldn't mind 20%.

Maybe there will be a catfight, but no one will get killed. If you got two hot girls fighting over the last Iphone in the store, that would probably be worth the same percentage in sales as a dead body would be. Everybody loves a catfight. (well, men I mean.)
come on I'm the most antiwar poster on hear
Uncle jed is the least violent, most chi harnessed mofo!!!
Darla, it would just be a Darwin award thing is anyone is stupid enough to get involved in a buying stampede.
I don't wish anyone to die, but have no control over others stupid actions.

That's true. I can never get over those morons stampeding each other, and then other morons, trampling over the one who goes down, to get a 40 dollar dvd player (piece of crap) at WalMart.
there are fools who have been in line since monday morning.
I'm no computer geek, but it seems to me some of these folks need to get a life. I don't want one of them morphing into Jeffery Dahmer
there are fools who have been in line since monday morning.
I'm no computer geek, but it seems to me some of these folks need to get a life. I don't want one of them morphing into Jeffery Dahmer

That's sick. Apple isn't going to run out of the Iphone. If you don't get one this week, you can get it next week. You really have to wonder how someone, who can wait in line for a week, earns the money to buy the thing in the first place. I'd like to see my boss' face if I told her, I have to take this week off because I have to camp out for five days in front of a store so I can get be the first one with an Iphone.
Oh I think they will run out on purpose though. Each store is getting like 200 to 250 accross a few thousand stores.
It'll run out like the game consoles to help create even more hype.