Moral Realizations

My message will work within you on a subconcious level. Expect new dreams, and a shift in your reality.
Ah. You got that letter too? It's a scam. The reality is all they send you is a 50 page rambling that sounds just like the letter with another bill for another "book". Don't fall for it AHZ.
Hahhah, thanks for the comedy Duhla (falseoutrage queen, USuneducatedcitine, and onedumbass)

You guys have IQ's barely above room temperature and think you are geniuses.
I am more anti-war than all of you combined.
I'm against both.
My stance is and always has been, Fat lazy good ole boy republicans are not sending my sons (2 in college wresling, 1 PLAYING FOR THE BILLS) to war.
If they attack up the Mississippi I'll go fight first.
Now which of you dorks can top that for anti war.
And yes Duhla is smart enough to seem me drooling of the US product of the decade the Iphone. That took Sherlock Holmes type intuition.
Hahhah, thanks for the comedy Duhla (falseoutrage queen, USuneducatedcitine, and onedumbass)

You guys have IQ's barely above room temperature and think you are geniuses.
I am more anti-war than all of you combined.
I'm against both.
My stance is and always has been, Fat lazy good ole boy republicans are not sending my sons (2 in college wresling, 1 PLAYING FOR THE BILLS) to war.
If they attack up the Mississippi I'll go fight first.
Now which of you dorks can top that for anti war.
And yes Duhla is smart enough to seem me drooling of the US product of the decade the Iphone. That took Sherlock Holmes type intuition.

What about my answer to you provoked this response? I tried to answer you in as heart-felt manner as I could.

Are you ok Top? Did you just read a negative review of the Iphone or something?
just looking for ways to pick on my fellow liberal dems, I don't care for repubs I hope they get worse so they can lose by a landslide.
I'm just not digging the anything less than GTF out of both country's strategy. 5 yrs ago to many dems were warhawk lites. Now there just oh we objected but not very loud.
just looking for ways to pick on my fellow liberal dems, I don't care for repubs I hope they get worse so they can lose by a landslide.
I'm just not digging the anything less than GTF out of both country's strategy. 5 yrs ago to many dems were warhawk lites. Now there just oh we objected but not very loud.

That's true about elected Dems.

There are people here who knew me back then though, on another message board. I never, for one second, did anything less than yell against even the idea of invading Iraq. I believe it was mass insanity.
I believe the same thing about afganistan.
Ahh they have towels on their heads and they once went to an Osama seminar. Let's bomb em Bubba!!!
just looking for ways to pick on my fellow liberal dems, I don't care for repubs I hope they get worse so they can lose by a landslide.
I'm just not digging the anything less than GTF out of both country's strategy. 5 yrs ago to many dems were warhawk lites. Now there just oh we objected but not very loud.

Given that we were attacked by al qaeda, given that the taliban were actively harboring and aiding al qaeda, given that diplomatic overtures to the taliban to surrender OBL were unsuccessful, and given that both NATO and the UN were on our side with respect to afghanistan, some sort of military response there was appropriate.

That was five years ago. I think bush has totally fucked up afghanistan, just like he's fucked up everything else.

In retrospect, I think we should not have tried to occupy afghanistan. We should have used intelligence, and covert ops to go after al qaeda in afghanistan. And used the full force of international law enforcement and intelligence agencies to roll up their cells, their funding, and their supporters.
For real work example of my term warhawk lite see cypress post above.

Darla, I felt exactly the same. Again, I am a father of two and step father to another son. Nothing trumps that, I'm not into this monopoly type decisions on going to war. The Taliban was incapable of fighting a war with us.
For real work example of my term warhawk lite see cypress post above.

Darla, I felt exactly the same. Again, I am a father of two and step father to another son. Nothing trumps that, I'm not into this monopoly type decisions on going to war. The Taliban was incapable of fighting a war with us.

Well, Kudos to you then. I'm impressed.

But, Cypress is right about the differences between Iraq and Afghanistan. Just because I have come to regard that as also, not a just war, does not mean that there is not a huge difference, in the facts, of the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq. I mean, there was absolutely no justification, unless you were literally insane, for invading Iraq. It made as much sense as invading Uzbeckistan in response to Pearl Harbor.
I thought that the statement made by the democratically elected president of Afganistan that the Taliban are no threat to his government was very enlightening.

Good reply Darla, I am in the same boat as you. At first afganistan seemed justified, but now...
And like you I found it hard to believe that the USA was going to invade and occupy a foreign country on a whim. I used to think we did not do such things any more.
Me too---three, ????? But not as emphatically opposed as with Iraq.
I wonder what moral argument those who have now changed their position to oppose the war in Iraq used to justify their change.

Did they use utilitarianism, and the balance has now fallen, in their opinions, on the side that the war is causing more suffering than it alleviates? If so, what suffering did they once think the war alleviated.

Or did they consider it moral until they discovered they were lied to, in which case they are being intentionalist.

Be interesting to see how it fits in the mind of someone once supporting and now opposing the Iraq war on moral grounds.....
As for Afghanistan, it can easily be argued that that country could have been used as a base for further attacks, and so it is easier to justify.

However that the west took its eye off Afghanistan to attend the debacle in Iraq gives it an appearence that we have pulled a moral defeat out of moral victory.
No it just means your a warhawk if you support Afghanistan and warhawk lite if you once supported it but now don't.
No it just means your a warhawk if you support Afghanistan and warhawk lite if you once supported it but now don't.

You're level of thinking on the topic is so shallow; there is almost no reasoning involved.

The Taliban did a lot more than go to an "Osama seminar." We were attacked, and they were directly tied to Osama & efforts to give him safe harbor. I supported military strikes against them, and still think the initial response was appropriate & just. Does that mean I support a 5 year occupation & the level of force we have leveled against the Afghan people in general? Of course not.

Already, I've spoken in more detail & with more nuance than your simplistic brain is able to compute. Suffice to say that Iraq & Afghanistan are not comparable in the slightest, and one is not a "war hawk" for supporting an appropriate, measured response against those who actually had something to do w/ the attack against us.

Hopeless buffoon...
You're level of thinking on the topic is so shallow; there is almost no reasoning involved.

The Taliban did a lot more than go to an "Osama seminar." We were attacked, and they were directly tied to Osama & efforts to give him safe harbor. I supported military strikes against them, and still think the initial response was appropriate & just. Does that mean I support a 5 year occupation & the level of force we have leveled against the Afghan people in general? Of course not.

Already, I've spoken in more detail & with more nuance than your simplistic brain is able to compute. Suffice to say that Iraq & Afghanistan are not comparable in the slightest, and one is not a "war hawk" for supporting an appropriate, measured response against those who actually had something to do w/ the attack against us.

Hopeless buffoon...

That was a well-earned thumping you got right here Topper.