Moral Realizations

Oh I think they will run out on purpose though. Each store is getting like 200 to 250 accross a few thousand stores.
It'll run out like the game consoles to help create even more hype.

Probably, but there will be new shipments next week, so if it were me, I'd try and stay calm if I couldn't get one this week. "That which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" I'd tell myself, as I tried to hold out for another week without an Iphone.
totally agree, these are our whaco's
But I did see several professional types interviewed saying it was a tough decision to wait a couple weeks or months. My guess is the creative types who use Macs will want the Iphone. Hopefully it spreads to the bean counter types like me.
The servers used by business types will have to be set up for the iPhone. Many business will not do it, at least for some time.
Business types will basically stick with their Blackberries and such.
Apple is currently at $120.

The iphone will flop in my opinion. Yes, there will be hype and a rush to buy by some lemmings. But....

1) It is limited to AT&T customers
2) The plans AT&T are posting are expensive relative to other plans
3) Anyone with an ounce of patience knows the price will come down in 6 months.
4) Apple stock has already priced in a boom due to the iphone... thus, barring the sales somehow exceeding the already insanely high expectations... the stock is more likely to be headed down than up.

Time to buy the 2010 puts.
In about a year you'll probably be paying 300-400 for a second generation 20GB IPhone. I wouldn't buy one right now unless you just have a lot of money to burn. They might even have a better data network up by then.
we'll see all you chumps slaming apple.
Go back and tell me what it was when I started buying in late 06 when I told you guys about it.
I'll stick with expert opinions of 10 mill sales in 08
Even with out the Iphone apple is worth more than the price ie growth rate greater than pe.
That is all.
IE IE IE IE I-phones Since I usually make a comment about everything, you might have noticed I refrained from doing so in this case.

First of all, how did the OP come up with that title for the Thread? :confused:

Now to my point: There is no way in hell that I would pay 5 or 6 humdred dollors for that toy. I won't even own a Cell-phone. however, today they listed One aspect of the thing that I think is kind of cool

"ZOOMING IN by Pinching Out" I can see the touch control which would allow you to scroll al over the place. but putting two fingers together and separating them in two directions -causing the picture to enlarge?

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