Moral Realizations

Just that he voted for him at all, is kinda funny. So what is all this anti-bush stuff from him, false outrage?
I am not sure and his fixation on Hillary is strange as well.

but I did fianlly figure out his fixation with rasslin, rich people do it.
onewarhawk, you want to send you kids to die in afganistan because they are towel heads and had a few tea parties with Osama go ahead.
I value my kids more than that.
My guess is that being a warhawk lite you are not sending kids nor going.:pke:
For all states those sneaky neos are everywhere. And some retarded Dems even support bush. Mostly churchie types.
I agree with the draft comment USC. Did I just say that.:tongout:

Oneturd, again do you have kids in the war or u willing to go?

One could easily make the falseoutrage comment that it was crazy insane to go after taliban ie religious persecusion.
I agree with the draft comment USC. Did I just say that.:tongout:

Oneturd, again do you have kids in the war or u willing to go?

One could easily make the falseoutrage comment that it was crazy insane to go after taliban ie religious persecusion.

Damn! think I will go buy a powerball ticket.
I could be a real land maggot if I won that.
"One could easily make the falseoutrage comment that it was crazy insane to go after taliban ie religious persecusion."

Sure, if one wanted to open themselves up to the kind of ridicule that you're subjected to every day for making incredibly inane arguments in the name of "false outrage."

Spot on there, topper...
oneturd, how many 911 bombers were from Afganistan, or ever even talked to them.
Compare that to the thousands killed there.

Any argument from dems other than GTF out of both is a loser with regular americans ie not party hacks like most of you.:pke:
18-21 year olds usually don't vote. I think the quickest way to do absolutely nothing about the war except get more people killed and empower the Republicans would be to reinstate the draft.

It's not them. It's their parents. They'd close down DC. You can send the Juan's and the poor whites to "fight for freedom".

But, Johnny and Suzie aren't going. Their lives are worth something.
And how would those like Romney who got out of nam on religious grounds refuse to go and fight the sworn enemy of God ?
oneturd, how many 911 bombers were from Afganistan, or ever even talked to them.
Compare that to the thousands killed there.

Any argument from dems other than GTF out of both is a loser with regular americans ie not party hacks like most of you.:pke:

You know who Osama Bin Laden is, don't you?

Your knowledge on this issue seems frightfully lacking...
You know who Osama Bin Laden is, don't you?

Your knowledge on this issue seems frightfully lacking...
Sure he does, but you see. OBL is from Saudi Arabia and we are supposed to think that it all the information we should ever use about him. Not where he was living and getting support from the government....
You know who Osama Bin Laden is, don't you?

Your knowledge on this issue seems frightfully lacking...

Don't be too hard on Topper. Our own President doesn't remember who Osama Bin Laden is. And all he does is clear brush. Top's got the big iphone launch on his plate.