More Republicans against freedom!

Missing the point, STY. It wasn't coincidental that the gun group just showed up to get their pictures taken. Why would they demonstrate at a membership meeting if not to intimidate?

"The women were having a membership meeting, for a state chapter of the ironically-named Moms Demand Action for “Gun Sense” in America (MDA)... [so]an open carry advocacy group from Open Carry Texas (OCT) decided to hold a counter-rally outside of the restaurant where the "moms" were hoping to acquire new funds and membership...

...During the counter-rally, OCT members were photographed discussing their actions with patrons and bystanders with loaded rifles strapped around their shoulders. Actions that are legal in most states in the union. On at least one occasion they also posed as a group for the camera and were pictured as a group from multiple angles."

Sorry, you are not proving intimidation at all.

If they were protesting the women's meeting in that would demonstrating *somewhere else* have done anything?

No...because those women were a specific group opposing them. So they chose to demonstrate to THEM.

moms demand action did this very same thing when gun rights groups gathered at different starbucks locations for their events. I don't see why this is different.

Right...because nothing screams "intimidation" like an unarmed group of women!

The ridiculous lengths you will go to try and excuse the threatening actions taken by these gun nuts is astonishing.

Then again, given your partisan attitude about everything, maybe it's not.
Liberals love to confuse the voters and not play by the rules....

Florida legislative leaders have formally joined Attorney General Pam Bondi’s attempt to block a medical-marijuana constitutional amendment from reaching the ballot in November 2014.

In a brief filed Friday in the Florida Supreme Court, House General Counsel Daniel Nordby and Senate General Counsel George Levesque argued that the ballot title and summary for the proposed amendment are misleading and use inaccurate rhetoric in a number of areas to obscure the “true purpose” of the ballot initiative.
The brief doesn’t contest the policy expressed in the proposed amendment.

The proposal is heavily backed by Orlando trial lawyer and Democratic donor John Morgan, whose firm employs recently announced gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist.

In the 50-page brief, Nordby and Levesque contend that while the title refers to use of marijuana for “certain medical conditions,” and the summary refers to “debilitating diseases,” the amendment instead provides an “open-ended authorization” for physicians when recommending marijuana use.

Also, they argue that the amendment violates the state constitution’s single-subject requirement by addressing three “logically-separable” subjects:

  • Removal of criminal liability and civil sanctions on individuals, caregivers and physicians.
  • Exemption from civil liability for “others” related to the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
  • Creation of a new regulatory structure to promote the use of medical marijuana.
“This classic example of ‘logrolling’ denies voters the opportunity to vote in favor of a simple decriminalization of medical marijuana use by individuals suffering from serious illnesses without also expanding the regulatory reach of state government or providing immunity from civil liability,” Nordby and Levesque argued.

Bondi tried to "screw" Zimmerman and lost the case, so I am against anything Florida AG Bondi is for, no matter what it is. These Libs are the sneakiest MFers in existence, there are always hidden meanings within any legislation they support, ie, the ObamDon'tCare Law...
Bondi tried to "screw" Zimmerman and lost the case, so I am against anything Florida AG Bondi is for, no matter what it is. These Libs are the sneakiest MFers in existence, there are always hidden meanings within any legislation they support, ie, the ObamDon'tCare Law...
Good call, grand wizard
The real irony is you refuse to see how you gun nuts marching around town squares, all of you with your surrogate penises slung across your backs or hanging off your hip, as bullying others...yet that is EXACTLY what it is.

Surrogate penises??? Yes, you really are THAT repugnant and THAT stupid.
She sounds "ignorant" and "irrational" for stating that an ARMED contingent of men milling about in the parking lot of the restaurant where she and others were meeting to discuss regulating guns scared her?

Please, do show me where ANYONE has "suppressed any education" regarding guns. That's the kind of hyperbolic crazy talk I expect from the right, not from otherwise rational posters.

Yes, the Right to Bear Arms is a constitutional Amendment...the right to intimidate others by brandishing weapons IS NOT.

I would be far more concerned with a group of young adults wearing hoodies milling about.
Police Officers are PAID to PROTECT and SERVE.

The only thing a group of armed gun nuts gathered in a parking lot are protecting is their own self-serving interests and the only people they serve are THEMSELVES.

Bullying those who think differently by gathering in front of the restaurant where they were holding their meeting is clearly nothing more than thinly-veiled intimidation.


Tell that to the woman in DC who was gunned down with a two year old in the back seat. Tell the to the parents of the teen gunned down for carrying an air soft rifle.

You're a brain dead sheeple perfectly willing to subjugate yourself to the State; but ironically and hypocritically, only a State run by your politicians.

You really are THAT incredibly stupid and repugnant.
Right...that of course is why the gun nuts picked the parking lot of the restaurant where the women were holding their meeting to stage their protest.

Because they never intended to intimidate those women.

Why are they gun nuts? Because they own guns?

I thought they were exercising their Constitutional rights. What is it about the Constitution brain dead leftist nuts like you find so repugnant?
I would be far more concerned with a group of young adults wearing hoodies milling about.

You being just another cowardly racist looking for an excuse to shoot some "scary" individuals, that makes perfect sense to me..

Of course a racist like you would be more afraid of unarmed young adults wearing hoodies than an armed contingent of rednecks attempting to intimidate some big, tough women with their .45 caliber penises.
Maybe cons can explain something. If this is okay...

...why not this?

Only a brain dead dimwit can make such a comparison. I don't know where the group in the first picutre are or what they are doing; it looks like they are hiding behind a car concerned about a shooting and ready to defend themselves.

The second picture is OBVIOUS intimidation outside of a voting booth.

You really are THAT incredibly stupid.
Why are they gun nuts? Because they own guns?

I thought they were exercising their Constitutional rights. What is it about the Constitution brain dead leftist nuts like you find so repugnant?

Keep it up.

No one expects a partisan asshat like you to admit those gun nuts were there for the express purpose of intimidating those women.

To pretend they were merely there "exercising their rights" is just more partisan Rightie bullshit.
You being just another cowardly racist looking for an excuse to shoot some "scary" individuals, that makes perfect sense to me..

Another painfully stupid race hustling comment from the dimwit.

Of course a racist like you would be more afraid of unarmed young adults wearing hoodies

How would you know if they were unarmed dumbass? What was racist about anything I post other than your moronic brain dead claims that they are.

You really are a dimwitted repugnant asshat aren't you?

than an armed contingent of rednecks attempting to intimidate some big, tough women with their .45 caliber penises.

Another dimwitted moronic claim for a repugnant moron. They didn't intimidate anyone other than a group of dimwitted Liberals who like to use the Constitution as toilet paper and desperately want to become dependent wards of the state.

History and the Constitution isn't the forte of nut job lefties like you who rant like Fascist Nazis when everyone doesn't march lockstep with your dullard ideological views. But that's because you are a repugnant leftist asshole who is permanently stuck on stupid.

I'll gladly take a group of armed law abiding rednecks to a gang of hoodie wearing gangstahs.

Race hustling moron. .
Keep it up.

No one expects a partisan asshat like you to admit those gun nuts were there for the express purpose of intimidating those women.

How ironic; a brain dead hyper partisan leftist moron calling others partisan asshats.

Yo moron; nothing I have posted is partisan; unless you're a dimwitted repugnant leftist asshat who thinks defending the Constitution is partisan.

But again, you're a repugnant moron; you probably do think the Constitution is partisan.

To pretend they were merely there "exercising their rights" is just more partisan Rightie bullshit.

To pretend they weren't is the pinnacle of ignorance. But then, you are a repugnant hyper partisan leftist asshole prone to making incredibly stupid comments.

The reason is clear; because you really are THAT stupid and THAT repugnant.
Only a brain dead dimwit can make such a comparison. I don't know where the group in the first picutre are or what they are doing; it looks like they are hiding behind a car concerned about a shooting and ready to defend themselves.

The second picture is OBVIOUS intimidation outside of a voting booth.

You really are THAT incredibly stupid.

The difference between pictures one and two?

There's a scary black man in picture two!!

Yes, TD really IS that Racist!
I'll gladly take a group of armed law abiding rednecks to a gang of hoodie wearing gangstahs.

Race hustling moron. .

I don't doubt you would rather be around rednecks brandishing weapons!

After all, I don't expect a racist asshat like yourself is EVER comfortable around people who don't have the same skin color as you.