More Republicans against freedom!

But a group of rednecks assembled in a parking lot with their guns drawn isn't a reason to be scared...understood.

They do it all the time, all over the US on any given weekend..or day...but usually they guns are concealed....still scared? Are the guns less dangerous?
That's nice, except we aren't discussing the legality of open try to keep up.

We ARE discussing whether my use of the term "brandishing" was correct or not.

I just supplied the definition to show I was correct.

and I proved that you were wrong through court precedent. Ginsburg herself has said openly carrying weapons is not brandishing.
No, not at all. You dont understand the law. Otherwise open carry wouldnt even be legal because anyone (irrationally) can claim to feel intimidated by seeing a gun on someone.

Again, we aren't discussing the legality of open carry...merely the definition of the term "brandish."

Another study examined newspaper reports of gun incidents in Missouri, involving police or civilians. In this study, civilians were successful in wounding, driving off, capturing criminals 83% of the time, compared with a 68% success rate for the police. Civilians intervening in crime were slightly less likely to be wounded than were police. Only 2% of shootings by civilians, but 11% of shootings by police, involved an innocent person mistakenly thought to be a criminal. [145] Silver & Kates, supra.
Sorry, you are not proving intimidation at all.

If they were protesting the women's meeting in that would demonstrating *somewhere else* have done anything?

Their protest would have garnered the same attention if it had been held on the steps of the Capital or County Courthouse.

Merely alert the local news crews to the impending gathering of open carry supporters and BINGO...instant news story!

Sorry...they held their little protest where they did, with one intention.

To intimidate the women in the restaurant.
Their protest would have garnered the same attention if it had been held on the steps of the Capital or County Courthouse.

Merely alert the local news crews to the impending gathering of open carry supporters and BINGO...instant news story!

Sorry...they held their little protest where they did, with one intention.

To intimidate the women in the restaurant.
and you can read minds now???? can you show any factual evidence that YOU know that is what they were thinking?
Their protest would have garnered the same attention if it had been held on the steps of the Capital or County Courthouse.

Merely alert the local news crews to the impending gathering of open carry supporters and BINGO...instant news story!

Sorry...they held their little protest where they did, with one intention.

To intimidate the women in the restaurant.

No...because those women were a specific group opposing them. So they chose to demonstrate to THEM.
Another study examined newspaper reports of gun incidents in Missouri, involving police or civilians. In this study, civilians were successful in wounding, driving off, capturing criminals 83% of the time, compared with a 68% success rate for the police. Civilians intervening in crime were slightly less likely to be wounded than were police. Only 2% of shootings by civilians, but 11% of shootings by police, involved an innocent person mistakenly thought to be a criminal. [145] Silver & Kates, supra.


What...couldn't find anything older?

Nice 20 year old paper...filled with ASSumption and SUPPOSITION.
Yes, and you have not shown any intent to intimidate.

Right...that of course is why the gun nuts picked the parking lot of the restaurant where the women were holding their meeting to stage their protest.

Because they never intended to intimidate those women.
No...because those women were a specific group opposing them. So they chose to demonstrate to THEM.

You know, I like you.

You can have a discussion without resorting to the same tired name calling I get from so many here.

We are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

You obviously have some strong feelings regarding the 2nd amendment and it's apparent neither of us is going to change the other's mind.
and you can read minds now???? can you show any factual evidence that YOU know that is what they were thinking?

You know what's truly funny?

That back on page 3 of THIS VERY THREAD, you presumed to tell me the motivation behind my comments.

this is real irony. your fear of weapons forces you to fall back on the penis fallacy and that wanting to have the best protection available makes one a bully. I laugh at you

So I guess it's just Y-O-U that can "read minds"?

No, it's just another "do as I say and not as I do" Rightie. STY is allowed to INFER what he likes from my comments, but no one else is allowed the same privilege.
She sounds "ignorant" and "irrational" for stating that an ARMED contingent of men milling about in the parking lot of the restaurant where she and others were meeting to discuss regulating guns scared her?

Please, do show me where ANYONE has "suppressed any education" regarding guns. That's the kind of hyperbolic crazy talk I expect from the right, not from otherwise rational posters.

Yes, the Right to Bear Arms is a constitutional Amendment...the right to intimidate others by brandishing weapons IS NOT.

Maybe cons can explain something. If this is okay...

...why not this?
Missing the point, STY. It wasn't coincidental that the gun group just showed up to get their pictures taken. Why would they demonstrate at a membership meeting if not to intimidate?

"The women were having a membership meeting, for a state chapter of the ironically-named Moms Demand Action for “Gun Sense” in America (MDA)... [so]an open carry advocacy group from Open Carry Texas (OCT) decided to hold a counter-rally outside of the restaurant where the "moms" were hoping to acquire new funds and membership...

...During the counter-rally, OCT members were photographed discussing their actions with patrons and bystanders with loaded rifles strapped around their shoulders. Actions that are legal in most states in the union. On at least one occasion they also posed as a group for the camera and were pictured as a group from multiple angles."
Missing the point, STY. It wasn't coincidental that the gun group just showed up to get their pictures taken. Why would they demonstrate at a membership meeting if not to intimidate?

"The women were having a membership meeting, for a state chapter of the ironically-named Moms Demand Action for “Gun Sense” in America (MDA)... [so]an open carry advocacy group from Open Carry Texas (OCT) decided to hold a counter-rally outside of the restaurant where the "moms" were hoping to acquire new funds and membership...

...During the counter-rally, OCT members were photographed discussing their actions with patrons and bystanders with loaded rifles strapped around their shoulders. Actions that are legal in most states in the union. On at least one occasion they also posed as a group for the camera and were pictured as a group from multiple angles."

moms demand action did this very same thing when gun rights groups gathered at different starbucks locations for their events. I don't see why this is different.