More Republicans against freedom!

I'm amused that a gullible poorly informed Big Government leftist like you would even be concerned about "freedoms."

Smoking pot is not about freedom; that would be as illogical as claiming one has the freedom to yell "FIRE" in a crowded auditorium.

But then, when has anyone ever acused you of being smart or logical?

Oh well then, please enlighten us.

If smoking pot is not "about" freedom, then what is smoking pot "about".
How ironic; a brain dead hyper partisan leftist moron calling others partisan asshats.

Yo moron; nothing I have posted is partisan; unless you're a dimwitted repugnant leftist asshat who thinks defending the Constitution is partisan.

But again, you're a repugnant moron; you probably do think the Constitution is partisan.

To pretend they weren't is the pinnacle of ignorance. But then, you are a repugnant hyper partisan leftist asshole prone to making incredibly stupid comments.

The reason is clear; because you really are THAT stupid and THAT repugnant.

Newsflash for you Brainiac...

Every time you refer to myself or ANYONE as a "dimwitted partisan leftist asshat" you ARE being just another partisan douchebag.
The difference between pictures one and two?

There's a scary black man in picture two!!

Yes, TD really IS that Racist!

That’s not what I saw; what I saw was a group exercising their rights to bear arms and another group intimidating voters at a polling place. But again, you’re a painfully stupid repugnant leftist so this type of stupidity is consistent with your time on the forum.

Yes, you really are THAT incredibly stupid and THAT repugnant.
I don't doubt you would rather be around rednecks brandishing weapons!

After all, I don't expect a racist asshat like yourself is EVER comfortable around people who don't have the same skin color as you.

Another incredibly stupid comment from a repugnant leftist asshat; where in any of my posts did I mention anyone of color?

Yes, you really are THAT stupid and THAT repugnant. You see, the only ones inferring race here are morons like you from the left. Does it ever occur to you that the group standing around in hoodies can be white?

No, because you are a repugnant moron stuck on stupid.
Oh well then, please enlighten us.

If smoking pot is not "about" freedom, then what is smoking pot "about".

I didn't know smoking pot was about freedom; please enlighten us how that is. I assume you think shooting up heroine is also a form of expressing freedom?

yeah, stop swallowing all the koolaid from anti gun lefty sites and look at both sides before kneejerking.

Newsflash for you Brainiac...

Every time you refer to myself or ANYONE as a "dimwitted partisan leftist asshat" you ARE being just another partisan douchebag.

Wrong again moron; when I describe someone as a dimwitted partisan leftist asshat, it is because they really are a dimwitted partisan asshat.

But you're beyond mere asshat; you're a repugnant race baiting ignoramus of epic proportions as well as being a hyper partisan asshat.

I didn't know smoking pot was about freedom; please enlighten us how that is. I assume you think shooting up heroine is also a form of expressing freedom?


What a surprise.

I just KNEW you wouldn't have the stones to answer my question and...BINGO...boy was I right!
I did answer your question dimwit; you're just too painfully stupid to comprehend it.


Am I surprised all I get in response from you are more lies?

Not in the least.

You answered NOTHING.

You responded with more of the same tired insults and usual.

Maybe you wouldn't be considered the board laughingstock if you could respond intelligently once in a while.

Oh well...
this shows you know nothing about the law. if the women also felt intimidated by a parking lot full of women wearing red dresses, would THAT be all thats required to prove intimidation?

Since when is a red dress a weapon? Those people could have demonstrated by using signs and shouting slogans, like most protestors. .Please don't try to tell us they needed to carry guns to get their point across.
No, not at all. You dont understand the law. Otherwise open carry wouldnt even be legal because anyone (irrationally) can claim to feel intimidated by seeing a gun on someone.

I don't know, Lorca. I get irrationally frightened when I see a centipede. It's not like people pick and choose something to scare themselves with.
The difference between pictures one and two?

There's a scary black man in picture two!!

Yes, TD really IS that Racist!

Figures. Nobody else wants to explain what the difference is between the armed groups in both pictures except crazy-as-a-loon Truth Deflector.

And spouting the knee jerk bigoted response too, what a surprise.