More Than 217,000 Americans Killed by the COVID Jab |


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An article with the same name as this thread was just published today on To avoid someone bringing it up, yes, I'm aware that simply because a lot of people -think- that Covid jabs killed someone they know doesn't mean their beliefs are fairly accurate. Based on evidence I've seen elsewhere, however, I believe their suspicions are accurate in this particular case. Finally, stories are put behind a paywall after 48 hours, so if you're thinking you might want to read the full article after that point, I suggest you download it as a PDF, which you can do by clicking the bottom to do so near the top left of the article. With that said, here's the introduction...

February 7, 2023


•According to a December 2021 survey of 2,840 Americans, between 217,330 and 332,608 people died from the COVID jabs in 2021

•Survey results also show that people who got the jab were more likely to know someone who experienced a health problem from COVID-19 infection, whereas those who knew someone who experienced a health problem after getting the jab were less likely to be jabbed

•Of the respondents, 34% knew one or more people who had experienced a significant health problem due to the COVID-19 illness, and 22% knew one or more people who had been injured by the shot

•51% of the survey respondents had been jabbed. Of those, 13% reported experiencing a “serious” health problem post-jab. Compare that to Pfizer’s six-month safety analysis, which claimed only 1.2% of trial participants experienced a serious adverse event

•In December 2022, Rasmussen Reports polled 1,000 Americans. In this poll, 34% reported experiencing minor side effects from the jab and 7% reported major side effects


Full article:
More Than 217,000 Americans Killed by the COVID Jab |

Good tweet. It didn't show up in your post, I suspect it's because you labelled it as a video, when it's just a regular tweet. I see that it shows up now that I took away the video bit and added the url manually. I imagine some won't click on the link but might read it if it's here, so here we go...

Imma keep saying it until you listen: The mRNAs work so well that the countries that use them have had FAR higher excess death rates than the rest of the world for a FULL YEAR, with no signs of the trend reversing.

1,000,000 excess deaths in the mRNA countries.

Good tweet. It didn't show up in your post, I suspect it's because you labelled it as a video, when it's just a regular tweet. I see that it shows up now that I took away the video bit and added the url manually. I imagine some won't click on the link but might read it if it's here, so here we go...

Imma keep saying it until you listen: The mRNAs work so well that the countries that use them have had FAR higher excess death rates than the rest of the world for a FULL YEAR, with no signs of the trend reversing.

1,000,000 excess deaths in the mRNA countries.

View attachment 24444

It works fine for me....I dont believe that there is any problem.
From one of the planet's most respected medical journals.


A mathematical model of COVID-19 transmission and vaccination was separately fit to reported COVID-19 mortality and all-cause excess mortality in 185 countries and territories. The impact of COVID-19 vaccination programmes was determined by estimating the additional lives lost if no vaccines had been distributed. We also estimated the additional deaths that would have been averted had the vaccination coverage targets of 20% set by COVAX and 40% set by WHO been achieved by the end of 2021.


Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021. This estimate rose to 19·8 million (95% Crl 19·1–20·4) deaths from COVID-19 averted when we used excess deaths as an estimate of the true extent of the pandemic, representing a global reduction of 63% in total deaths (19·8 million of 31·4 million) during the first year of COVID-19 vaccination. In COVAX Advance Market Commitment countries, we estimated that 41% of excess mortality (7·4 million [95% Crl 6·8–7·7] of 17·9 million deaths) was averted. In low-income countries, we estimated that an additional 45% (95% CrI 42–49) of deaths could have been averted had the 20% vaccination coverage target set by COVAX been met by each country, and that an additional 111% (105–118) of deaths could have been averted had the 40% target set by WHO been met by each country by the end of 2021.


COVID-19 vaccination has substantially altered the course of the pandemic, saving tens of millions of lives globally. However, inadequate access to vaccines in low-income countries has limited the impact in these settings, reinforcing the need for global vaccine equity and coverage.

Another good tweet. For anyone like me who couldn't see the original tweet until they replied to Hawkeye's post, here's some of the content of the tweet, as well as the link to the tweet at the end. I found I couldn't get the link to show at all unless I replaced something in the tweet, so I put in [colon] instead of : at the start of the tweet...

"Our results suggest that lipid nanoparticles bearing mRNA molecules encoding SARS-CoV-2 proteins can reach hepatocytes and deliver mRNA in high quantities that could be used by the translational machinery of the cells to produce spike."

Putin doesn’t want you to read medical journals. He’s sent his trolls like the OP to spread disinformation and of course drunken deviants like Hawkeye ear it up like pigs at the trough This thread is more bullshit.

Alright, that's 2 times that all you've done in my threads is essentially ad some ad hominems. Time to start thread banning you.

  • “Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. More than 668 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through January 26, 2023. During this time, VAERS received 18,977 preliminary reports of death (0.0028%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records. Continued monitoring has identified nine deaths causally associated with J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination. CDC and FDA continue to review reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination and update information as it becomes available.”
I’ll go with the CDC and not Dr. Mercola, the pusher of supplements and COVID disinformation.
The conclusion is nonsensical for many reasons the primary being the multiple variables in play (population density, average age, vaccine penetration). Sloppy lazy work from an obvious Russian troll.
Wow, an alternative medicine website with absolutely abysmal credibility and track record posts bullshit about real medicine again.

The Lancet's come under fire for its unquestioning publication of material biased in favour of the mainstream orthodoxy in the past, and rightly so. An example I just found:

The Lancet, HCL and Trump| Wall Street Journal

Here's the introduction to the article:

A widely promoted study may be based on questionable data.

By The Editorial Board

June 3, 2020 7:28 pm ET

One of the tragedies of the Trump era is how opposition to the President has caused some institutions to drop their standards. The FBI’s FISA warrant abuse is one example, and the overt media “resistance” is another. Now it may have contaminated the fight against Covid-19.

Last month the respected scientific journal Lancet published a study with little apparent vetting that suggested the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCL) that Mr. Trump has hyped as a coronavirus treatment is dangerous. It now looks like the study may be based on questionable data from a dubious source.


Even the Lancet recognized the shameful bias in its article in that particular case:
Political Bias, the Lancet and Coronavirus | Wall Street Journal

Quoting from it:

You made a good call questioning the legitimacy of an article published in the Lancet, the respected scientific journal, about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, which President Trump claimed might be effective in treating Covid-19 (“The Lancet, HCL and Trump,” June 4). The editorial suggests that the study might be based on questionable data from a suspect source. Sure enough, that same day, the editors of the Lancet rescinded that article stating that they could “no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”

Kudos to the editorial board, and further proof of the need for a strong and independent press.

Marc Chafetz


Wow, an alternative medicine website with absolutely abysmal credibility and track record posts bullshit about real medicine again.
More than a decade ago, before I fully perused every claim on the internet, I clicked on a Mercola link about some health issue. I was probably prompted to sign up for the emails. For almost a year I got emails with sensational claims, and always a push to sell some sort of product.

It's an interesting ploy, as there is always a modicum of truth in the claims, followed by a promise of a cure if you just buy Mercola's snake oil.

Then I saw Oz hosting him, as my GF used to be addicted to Oz's daytime show.