More Than 217,000 Americans Killed by the COVID Jab |

I'll tolerate the crude insult in your first sentence, but you're pushing things. Again, you provided no facts in your last post, just some unsubstantiated statements.

I strongly disagree with you there, but this subject is for the viruses thread, of which I've been taking a bit of a break from. We can get into that when I re-engage with that thread.

Are you unable to credibly dispute the following?
Viruses were grown in cultures and the first ones to grow the polio virus were awarded a Nobel prize.

Viruses grown in culture were later injected into humans and the humans were infected with those viruses. This occurred in the 50's when Cutter failed to properly kill the viruses it used in it's vaccine.

We have electron microscope pictures of the polio virus. You will notice they are isolated from anything else.

A more closeup view of the polio virus:

Do you agree that the Noble committee gave its prize for growing a virus?
Do you agree that the Cutter vaccine caused polio?
Do you agree that a picture of a hundred viruses and nothing else would be considered isolation?

This is very relevant for this thread as well since you argue that the vaccines are not effective because viruses don't exist.
The Lancet's come under fire for its unquestioning publication of material biased in favour of the mainstream orthodoxy in the past, and rightly so. An example I just found:

The Lancet, HCL and Trump| Wall Street Journal

Here's the introduction to the article:

A widely promoted study may be based on questionable data.

By The Editorial Board

June 3, 2020 7:28 pm ET

One of the tragedies of the Trump era is how opposition to the President has caused some institutions to drop their standards. The FBI’s FISA warrant abuse is one example, and the overt media “resistance” is another. Now it may have contaminated the fight against Covid-19.

Last month the respected scientific journal Lancet published a study with little apparent vetting that suggested the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCL) that Mr. Trump has hyped as a coronavirus treatment is dangerous. It now looks like the study may be based on questionable data from a dubious source.


Even the Lancet recognized the shameful bias in its article in that particular case:
Political Bias, the Lancet and Coronavirus | Wall Street Journal

Quoting from it:

You made a good call questioning the legitimacy of an article published in the Lancet, the respected scientific journal, about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, which President Trump claimed might be effective in treating Covid-19 (“The Lancet, HCL and Trump,” June 4). The editorial suggests that the study might be based on questionable data from a suspect source. Sure enough, that same day, the editors of the Lancet rescinded that article stating that they could “no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”

Kudos to the editorial board, and further proof of the need for a strong and independent press.

Marc Chafetz



Quoting opinion pieces to rebut the credibility or lack thereof of a particular source is a #DebateFail. Try harder.

The fact that the articles I quoted are categorized as opinion pieces doesn't change the evidence they bring to the table against the Lancet article.

One is a respected, peer-reviewed medical journal. The other is crazy talk from unverified sources.

I'm not sure who you're referring to in terms of this alleged "crazy talk from unverified sources", but that medical journal you're referring to came under fire from the Wall Street Journal, which has won 38 Pullitzer Prizes, the most recent in 2019. Given your statement, I find it ironic that it was the Lancet that came under fire due to the dubiousness of its source. Quoting a bit of what I quoted before and adding a bit more:

Last month the respected scientific journal Lancet published a study with little apparent vetting that suggested the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCL) that Mr. Trump has hyped as a coronavirus treatment is dangerous. It now looks like the study may be based on questionable data from a dubious source.


Yet when scientists around the world reviewed the Lancet study, they spotted glaring data errors. One example: Obesity and smoking rates in the study were the same across six continents. In a letter to Lancet’s editors last week, 120 scientists criticized the study’s sloppiness and aggregation of patients who were different in many respects including HCL dosages and the severity of illness.

The study also had not undergone an ethics review, they pointed out, and Lancet had broken its pledge to share all data and code on Covid studies. Surgisphere’s CEO Sapan Desai was one of the study’s authors and claimed his hospital contracts did not allow the data to be shared. This raised more red flags.

On Wednesday the Guardian published an investigation of Surgisphere that raises questions about how it obtained so many patient records from around the world given privacy and technical challenges. Surgisphere’s LinkedIn page early Wednesday identified only three employees. Mr. Desai said he has initiated a “third-party audit of that paper in collaboration with The Lancet.”

Lancet on Wednesday published an “Expression of Concern” about the study and said it would undergo “an independent data audit.” That’s good, but its publication may have already done public-health harm. Doctors have complained that the negative press has made it difficult to recruit patients in the U.S. for clinical trials to study HCL’s effectiveness as a prophylactic or early-stage treatment against Covid-19.


The Lancet, HCL and Trump | The Wall Street Journal
The shots must have worked as I no longer have to wear a mask when around others.

Here's what happened ,the year mask were mandatory, my PCP Dr Jill told me " Colds,flu,strep are way down with everyone wearing mask"!
She told Mason the hypercondriact(sp) !
So now Mason won't go anywhere in public without a mask,and probably never will go maskless again!
"Who is that Mask man"?