Morning After Pill

The debate about the pill was for the most part, whether it should be sold OTC without a Dr.

No I don't think it should be sold over the counter, clearly from what I have read this is something that is not recommended to be taken more then once a year, so that in itself tells me it could be dangerous, so I think that you should have to get this from a Doctor just so you can be informed on the risks involved with taking this pill.
What is the market for this drug anyway? Who needs it? Rubbers are easy to buy and available everywhere. If you plan sex, there are better options than this one time event drug. So why the need?
care4,I am totally with you that should men bare as much reponsibility with a child as the women. I have to wonder tho,how many women have abortions without even telling the father? QUOTE]

I can tell you how many...probably most all of them imo.

Especially when you look at the statistic that 40% of all children born today are single mothers. To me, that spells out some clear facts....these women had to tell the father's in most cases and guess what, they are still having those babies on their own.

So, imo, those women that had abortions involved their man in the decision also, and their man had no intentions of doing "good" by it, thus the abortion.

I know that cases can be brought up where there is a father to be that wants to have his gal deliver his child, and where she has proceded to abort it....but those cases are few and far between in reality and are used by the right in my humble opinion to distort the facts, and the facts are men are not holding up to their responsibility of least not nearly as much as women who now are showing their end of the responsibility of delivering their out of wedlock mistake and bringing forth her offspring and motherhood, with or without the father.

IF you support womens choice shouldn't you also support mens choice? Shouldn't men have a say in whether the child is born or not?
What is the market for this drug anyway? Who needs it? Rubbers are easy to buy and available everywhere. If you plan sex, there are better options than this one time event drug. So why the need?
it is an EMERGENCY contraceptive Toby, ala rubber breaking...or being raped, or for getting in to a stupid position.
IF you support womens choice shouldn't you also support mens choice? Shouldn't men have a say in whether the child is born or not?
on a personal level, of course he should. On a government level, I would have to say no...because he is not the person that would have to go 9 months gestating the child nor would he be taking any medical risk of his own life, as the woman does, by going through childbirth.

besides, most men don't give a hoot and that is why there are so many abortions and births out of wedlock...

they don't want this law to change, the majority anyway...otherwise it would have become law...afteralll, men really write and pass all the laws in this country...

care4,I am totally with you that should men bare as much reponsibility with a child as the women. I have to wonder tho,how many women have abortions without even telling the father?

care said:
I can tell you how many...probably most all of them imo.

Especially when you look at the statistic that 40% of all children born today are single mothers. To me, that spells out some clear facts....these women had to tell the father's in most cases and guess what, they are still having those babies on their own.

So, imo, those women that had abortions involved their man in the decision also, and their man had no intentions of doing "good" by it, thus the abortion.

I know that cases can be brought up where there is a father to be that wants to have his gal deliver his child, and where she has proceded to abort it....but those cases are few and far between in reality and are used by the right in my humble opinion to distort the facts, and the facts are men are not holding up to their responsibility of least not nearly as much as women who now are showing their end of the responsibility of delivering their out of wedlock mistake and bringing forth her offspring and motherhood, with or without the father.


Back to my friend that had the 5 abortions, she got pregnant by 4 diffrent men, 1 of them she got pregnant by twice. Of all of those pregnancies not one of the fathers was ever told that she was pregnant. She never said a word to any of them she just went and had abortions.
Care my point was that men should be able to abort if they didn't want to support the child. or be relieved of the obligation of support. but that is a bit off the topic of the thread.
Back to my friend that had the 5 abortions, she got pregnant by 4 diffrent men, 1 of them she got pregnant by twice. Of all of those pregnancies not one of the fathers was ever told that she was pregnant. She never said a word to any of them she just went and had abortions.

I don't know what to tell you about your friend Trinity, other than she is NOT the norm and that she is probably going to be pretty messed up someday...20 years down the road for taking sex so casually...Where is her self esteem, self respect? And what the hell is she doing having this "variety" of sexual partners without even considering AIDS and passing it on to her other partners?

Your friend is an exception to the rule and there will always be exceptions, she needs help, she is on a DEATH WISH quest, I am afraid.

At least looking at it from the outside.

I don't know what to tell you about your friend Trinity, other than she is NOT the norm and that she is probably going to be pretty messed up someday...20 years down the road for taking sex so casually...Where is her self esteem, self respect? And what the hell is she doing having this "variety" of sexual partners without even considering AIDS and passing it on to her other partners?

Your friend is an exception to the rule and there will always be exceptions, she needs help, she is on a DEATH WISH quest, I am afraid.

At least looking at it from the outside.


I don't have any friends that remotely resemble what she keeps describing.

I guess I just would have so little in common with such a person, that we would never become friends in the first place.

I don't have any friends that remotely resemble what she keeps describing.

I guess I just would have so little in common with such a person, that we would never become friends in the first place.


Hi Darla, dick here

Are you only able to be friends with those who see the world in the same light as you?
I would think that must be a bit boring....
Amazing. I am friends with nearly everybody that I meet. I have people over each and every Presidential election that disagree with me very vehemently for my Election results party. I couldn't imagine life without those I disagree with. It is a reality that I not only learned to live with but to thrive in.
Amazing. I am friends with nearly everybody that I meet. I have people over each and every Presidential election that disagree with me very vehemently for my Election results party. I couldn't imagine life without those I disagree with. It is a reality that I not only learned to live with but to thrive in.

I can honestly say that I have never , ever known a woman who became pregnant five times, by FIVE different men, and had five abortions

If that makes me strange, or "narrow-minded" so be it. I'm kind of thankful for it.

Maybe you know a ton of women like that Damo, I couldn't say.
Hi Darla, dick here

Are you only able to be friends with those who see the world in the same light as you?
I would think that must be a bit boring....

I simply never moved in those kind of circles.

I guess I"ve been sheltered.

Pregnant five times, by five different men??? Gosh, my mama would have beat me for hanging with someone who did that.
Can't say that I know one personally. I do know one that has had more than one abortion and is sooooo strong on the abortion issue because of the whole "men want to control me" issue. I wouldn't know if the fathers were different and wouldn't ask.