Morning After Pill

you are doing just fine over here "Evil Dick".... I mean, you got a new "handle" and everything...what more could you want for being here a week? ;)


LOL, and that moniker was produced by Darla! I gave her full credit, I can laugh at myself about it, but alas she still don't like me, I think she need be changin her moniker to Ms. Crabtree! :cof1:
Woman’s contraceptive use and abortion

65% Used contraceptives, but not at the time of

26% Used contraceptives at the time of conception

5.5% Never has used contraceptives

0.8% Did not know whether she used contraception

2.5% Did not provide information

Unfortunately, many women use abortion as a form of
birth control. For example, more than 70 percent of the
women who obtained abortions in 2001 did not use any
form of birth control when they became pregnant.

Reason for abortion*

44% Does not want children at this time

17% Economic reasons

6% Emotional health is at stake

4% Physical health is at stake

1% Pregnancy resulted in fetal anomalies

0.2% Continued pregnancy will cause impairment of
major bodily function

0.66% Rape

0.04% Incest

22% Other stated reason

31% Unknown/refused to answer

If abortion were allowed only to save the life of the
woman, Minnesota would have had only 0.2 percent (34)
of the abortions that occurred in 2001. Of the women who
stated a reason for their abortion in 2001, more than two
out of every five women obtained abortions because they
did not want children; for these women, abortion was
clearly elective and these babies died for no reason other
than to make life more convenient for the mother.

* This information is self-reported by women and not
subject to further scrutiny or verification. The percentages do
not add up to 100 percent because women are allowed to
provide more than one reason.
Age of woman

17% 19 years of age or younger

34% 20–24 years of age

22% 25–29 years of age

15% 30–34 years of age

9% 35–39 years of age

3% 40 years of age and older

Eighty-three percent of Minnesota’s abortions are
performed on women 20 or older.

The most common reason women
gave for abortion in 2001 was, “does
not want children at this time.”

More quick facts

• Although people who identify themselves as Black
or African-American make up only 3.5 percent of
Minnesota’s population, more than 19 percent of
abortions performed in Minnesota’s abortion
facilities were on black women.
• 948 women had three or more previous abortions.
• 240 babies were 20 or more weeks old when they
were aborted.
• 1,371 women traveled to Minnesota from another
state or country to have an abortion. Because most
of Minnesota’s abortion providers are located
relatively near the Wisconsin border, it isn’t
surprising that 1,117 of these women were from
• 2,974 Minnesota women who live outside of the
seven-county metro area obtained abortions in 2001.
• 355 abortions were “medical” abortions. Medical
abortions are drug-induced, non-surgical abortions
(such as RU-486). using abortion as form of birth control"


A "self-reported" so-called "poll" on a pro-life website.

Oh, I totally changed my mind.

You're a real laugh riot Trinity.

A "self-reported" so-called "poll" on a pro-life website.

Oh, I totally changed my mind.

You're a real laugh riot Trinity.

how about this one............
Legal Abortions and Legal Abortion Ratios in the U.S., According to Selected Characteristics, 1973–2002
Characteristic 1973 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 19981 19991 20002 20012 20022
Number of legal abortions reported in thousands
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention 616 855 1,298 1,329 1,429 1,211 884 862 857 853 854
Alan Guttmacher Institute3 745 1,034 1,554 1,589 1,609 1,359 1,319 1,315 1,313 1,303 1,293
Abortions per 100 live births4
Total 19.6 27.2 35.9 35.4 34.4 31.1 26.4 25.6 24.5 24.6 24.6
Under 15 years 123.7 119.3 139.7 137.6 81.8 66.4 75.0 70.9 70.8 74.4 75.3
15–19 years 53.9 54.2 71.4 68.8 51.1 39.9 39.1 37.5 36.1 36.6 36.8
20–24 years 29.4 28.9 39.5 38.6 37.8 34.8 32.9 31.6 30.0 30.4 30.3
25–29 years 20.7 19.2 23.7 21.7 21.8 22.0 21.6 20.8 19.8 20.0 20.0
30–34 years 28.0 25.0 23.7 19.9 19.0 16.4 15.7 15.2 14.5 14.7 14.8
35–39 years 45.1 42.2 41.0 33.6 27.3 22.3 20.0 19.3 18.1 18.0 18.0
40 years and over 68.4 66.8 80.7 62.3 50.6 38.5 33.8 32.9 30.1 30.4 31.0
White5 32.6 27.7 33.2 27.7 25.8 20.3 18.9 17.7 16.7 16.5 16.4
Black or African American6 42.0 47.6 54.3 47.2 53.7 53.1 51.2 52.9 50.3 49.1 49.5
Hispanic origin7
Hispanic or Latino — — — — — 27.1 27.3 26.1 22.5 23.0 23.3
Not Hispanic or Latino — — — — — 27.9 27.1 25.2 23.3 23.2 23.7
Marital status
Married 7.6 9.6 10.5 8.0 8.7 7.6 7.1 7.0 6.5 6.5 6.5
Unmarried 139.8 161.0 147.6 117.4 86.3 64.5 62.7 60.4 57.0 57.2 57.0
Previous live births8
0 43.7 38.4 45.7 45.1 36.0 28.6 25.5 24.3 22.6 26.4 23.3
1 23.5 22.0 20.2 21.6 22.7 22.0 21.4 20.6 19.4 18.0 19.4
2 36.8 36.8 29.5 29.9 31.5 30.6 30.0 29.0 27.4 25.5 27.9
3 46.9 47.7 29.8 18.2 30.1 30.7 30.5 29.8 28.5 26.4 29.1
4 or more9 44.7 43.5 24.3 21.5 26.6 23.7 24.3 24.2 23.7 21.9 23.6
Percent distribution10
Period of gestation
Under 9 weeks 36.1% 44.6% 51.7% 50.3% 51.6% 54.0% 55.7% 57.6% 58.1% 59.1% 60.5%
9–10 weeks 29.4 28.4 26.2 26.6 25.3 23.1 21.5 20.2 19.8 19.0 18.4
11–12 weeks 17.9 14.9 12.2 12.5 11.7 10.9 10.9 10.2 10.2 10.0 9.6
13–15 weeks 6.9 5.0 5.1 5.9 6.4 6.3 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.0
16–20 weeks 8.0 6.1 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.3 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.1
21 weeks and over 1.7 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4
Previous induced abortions
0 — 81.9 67.6 60.1 57.1 55.1 53.8 53.7 54.7 55.5 55.3
1 — 14.9 23.5 25.7 26.9 26.9 27.0 27.1 26.4 25.8 25.8
2 — 2.5 6.6 9.8 10.1 10.9 11.4 11.5 11.3 11.0 11.3
3 or more — 0.7 2.3 4.4 5.9 7.1 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.6

(—) = Data not available. NOTE: Latest data available.
1. In 1998 and 1999 Alaska, California, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma did not report abortion data to CDC. For comparison, in 1997 the 48 corresponding reporting areas reported about 900,000 legal abortions.
2. In 2000, 2001, and 2002 Alaska, California, and New Hampshire did not report abortion data to CDC.
3. No surveys were conducted in 1983, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2001, or 2002. Data for these years were estimated by interpolation.
4. For calculation of ratios by each characteristic, abortions with characteristic unknown were distributed in proportion to abortions with characteristic known.
5. For 1989 and later years, white race includes women of Hispanic ethnicity.
6. Before 1989 black race includes races other than white.
7. Reporting area increased from 20–22 States, the District of Columbia (DC), and New York City (NYC) in 1991–95 to 31 States and NYC in 2002. California, Florida, Illinois, and Arizona, states with large Hispanic populations, do not report Hispanic ethnicity.
8. For calculation of percent distribution by each characteristic, abortions with characteristic unknown were excluded.
9. For 1975, data refer to four previous live births, not four or more. For five or more previous live births, the ratio is 47.3.
10. For calculation of percent distribution by each characteristic, abortions with characteristic unknown were excluded.
Source: Health, United States, 2005. Web: .
The Morning After pill, if taken within the first 3 days, prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus, just as the birth control pill does.

The morning after pill prevents eggs from becoming fertilized in the first place, but if that fails it also prevents the attachment of the egg...

from what I have read, around 80 % of all naturally fertilized eggs do not attach to the uterus...this is no different except it makes it 100% in most cases....

I don't know how often this morning after pill will be used...I can only bet that it would reduce the number of seems more humane than aborting an embryo or fetus that has started the growing process to full personhood....and psycologically, less harm to the mother to be imo.
Uhh, I hate to tell you, but "this one" proves you wrong:

3 or more (previous abortions) — 0.7 2.3 4.4 5.9 7.1 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.6

So according to "this one" a miniscule number of women can be termed as "using abortion as birth control" by any stretch of the imagination.
The Morning After pill, if taken within the first 3 days, prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus, just as the birth control pill does.

The morning after pill prevents eggs from becoming fertilized in the first place, but if that fails it also prevents the attachment of the egg...

from what I have read, around 80 % of all naturally fertilized eggs do not attach to the uterus...this is no different except it makes it 100% in most cases....

I don't know how often this morning after pill will be used...I can only bet that it would reduce the number of seems more humane than aborting an embryo or fetus that has started the growing process to full personhood....and psycologically, less harm to the mother to be imo.

Care, I honestly do not know about anybody on this thread, but causing harm to the woman is the main point of much of this argument in today's America.

The woman must be punished for having sex, outside of marriage.
This debate merely lays bare the myth that the right is willing to compromise in any way about this issue. are absolutely right. This pill will prevent large numbers of abortions, and one would think that would be viewed as a good thing by the RR. But they don't want to reduce abortions, they want to totally and completely control the reproductive process fromthe instant of conception without exception. Is it any wonder why the pro-choice crowd feels the need to fight every single restriction on a woman's right to chose? They KNOW that the RR will NEVER be satisfied until the state controls the reproductive behaviors of all women. It is sort of scary, actually.
This debate merely lays bare the myth that the right is willing to compromise in any way about this issue. are absolutely right. This pill will prevent large numbers of abortions, and one would think that would be viewed as a good thing by the RR. But they don't want to reduce abortions, they want to totally and completely control the reproductive process fromthe instant of conception without exception. Is it any wonder why the pro-choice crowd feels the need to fight every single restriction on a woman's right to chose? They KNOW that the RR will NEVER be satisfied until the state controls the reproductive behaviors of all women. It is sort of scary, actually.

Exactly right! And by controlling her reproductive behavior, they thereby control her sexual behavior, or, at the very least, are in the position to punish her properly for it. And that is what they want to do. And if you watch them closely enough, and give them just enough room to continue to rant, their ways will make themselves known, and the majority will recoil.
Well, Eve made Adam eat the apple and her punishment was a laborous and painful birthing of her children, to be passed on to all women.... :D... we can't let that punishment pass on by, now can we? ;) j/k
Exactly right! And by controlling her reproductive behavior, they thereby control her sexual behavior, or, at the very least, are in the position to punish her properly for it. And that is what they want to do. And if you watch them closely enough, and give them just enough room to continue to rant, their ways will make themselves known, and the majority will recoil.

who exactly is they?
who exactly is they?

Same as always for Pro-choicers. Anyone that believes that life is precious and should be considered first. Anyone that believes that life must be protected.

That would be those evil pro-lifers. If you believe in protecting life, you are nothing but scum to Pro-choicers.

This debate merely lays bare the myth that the right is willing to compromise in any way about this issue. are absolutely right. This pill will prevent large numbers of abortions, and one would think that would be viewed as a good thing by the RR. But they don't want to reduce abortions, they want to totally and completely control the reproductive process fromthe instant of conception without exception. Is it any wonder why the pro-choice crowd feels the need to fight every single restriction on a woman's right to chose? They KNOW that the RR will NEVER be satisfied until the state controls the reproductive behaviors of all women. It is sort of scary, actually.

exactly. You'd think they'd be happy with this - I mean it will reduce the number of abortions performed. But alas no. They can't agree to that.
Same as always for Pro-choicers. Anyone that believes that life is precious and should be considered first. Anyone that believes that life must be protected.

That would be those evil pro-lifers. If you believe in protecting life, you are nothing but scum to Pro-choicers.


quit being a drama queen.

the point is: if reducing abortions were the goal of the RR, then the morning after pill would be welcomed by them...but it is clear that total control of women's reproductive systems is what the goal really is.
Uhh, I hate to tell you, but "this one" proves you wrong:

3 or more (previous abortions) — 0.7 2.3 4.4 5.9 7.1 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.6

So according to "this one" a miniscule number of women can be termed as "using abortion as birth control" by any stretch of the imagination.

1973 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 19981 19991 2000 2001 2002
Number of legal abortions reported in thousands
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
616 855 1,298 1,329 1,429 1,211 884 862 857 853 854
Alan Guttmacher Institute
3 745 1,034 1,554 1,589 1,609 1,359 1,319 1,315 1,313 1,303 1,293

1973 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 19981 19991 2000 2001 2002

3 or more — 0.7 2.3 4.4 5.9 7.1 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.6

Yes it does seem miniscule doesn't it, however lets look at it this way. The numbers reported just from the CDC are the figures I will use. In 2002 there were 854,000 abortions performed on women yes the numbers you see up there are in thousands. 7.6% of them had 3 or more abortions, 7.6% comes out to be 64,904 women who have had 3 or more abortions so let's times that by 3 for the hell of it 194,712 Thats how many babies were aborted by these women who failed to use birthcontrol.

So anyway I am still trying to figure out exactly what point it is you are trying to make I believe I posted in another post that I did not have a problem with morning after pill, it is the abortions I have a problem with unless it is an extreme case. Not as a form of birth control.

Oh and as a side note I talked to all of the women that were there the last time I went with that friend of mine, just to find out why they were doing what they were doing, they were 8 women there all together 4 of the 8 used abortion as birth control, 2 of the women had had 4 previous abortions 1 had had 5 and the other had had 3. Then there is my friend who had just recently had her 5th.
Unlike other Prolifers, I have come to the conclusion that the way to change people's hearts about killing the unborn or even recognizing that the fetus is something more than a virus growth or the growth of a human toe nail, is not through legislation and accusations of murder or killer, but through the understanding of the science involved and through compassion for the mother to be....

I can't legislate a change of heart or the change of circumstances that lead to the root of these unwanted pregnancies....and I can't legislate my beliefs on to others.

There are many different religions out there that do not consider abortion as wrong. There are secularists out there that do not consider Abortion as wrong. and there are lots of Christians out there and many others too that believe abortion is wrong.

The only thing that I can do is pass on my own beliefs in personal conversations with people I meet and hope that they are given the forsight to recognize the unborn child as more than a virus or a blob of cells but a living entity, with its own human identity....

I also believe that as more and more women decide to have their offspring instead of aborting it, as the statistic of 40% of all babies born in our country are now born to single mothers, then fewer and fewer abortions will take place, becasue it will be common place for a woman to have a child out of wedlock and she will no longer be stereo typed as a woman with the Scarlet Letter on her.... making it easier on her to have a child on her own which is already difficult, without the "scorn" that goes with it.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that children of single mothers are more apt to live in poverty, get a poorer education etc.... :(

like I have said before, where the hell are the men in all of this? 40% of our babies are born to women that obviously loved the father of their baby enough to have it as a single mother and not abort it?

like I have said before, where the hell are the men in all of this? 40% of our babies are born to women that obviously loved the father of their baby enough to have it as a single mother and not abort it?


I often wonder this myself.
quit being a drama queen.

the point is: if reducing abortions were the goal of the RR, then the morning after pill would be welcomed by them...but it is clear that total control of women's reproductive systems is what the goal really is.

Well, not quite, the point was that Darla was once again attacking people who have very valid reasons for opposing abortion. We, pro-lifers, are made out to be terrible ogres because we believe that the protection of life should come first. Many of us, me included, do not like the position this puts us in because we value the rights of women as well, but still feel that all life deserves protection.

Pro-choicers make us out to be ogres because of our views. Deep left choicers have no more desire than the RR to decrease the number of abortions. But, pro-choice people like Darla make me out to be the scum of the earth because of my beliefs yet get very defensive when they are chastised for their disdain for other living beings.

As for this morning after pill, I have not made up my mind. I don't trust either side. I'm certain Planned Parenthood is lieing about this pill, but the RR is no more honest the NOW or PP. I am very concerned about the safety of this drug for the woman and fear another Phen Phen type incident.

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The debate about the pill was for the most part, whether it should be sold OTC without a Dr.

on that note:

you can only take this pill within the first three days of unprotected sex.

it would be difficult to schedule an appt with the doctor and get the prescription filled within that time period....thus, the over the counter access for over the age of 18 females.

on the otherhand, i believe a followup with a doctor of some sort should be required within 2 weeks of taking it, but there is no way that i could think of...that could make that happen....?

so then i thought, maybe places like planned parenthood ,should handle these emergency cases and prescribe/give the b/c pill to them at the same time they are explaining the detrimental consequences of this morning after pill if taken more than once in a certain amount of months...
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care4,I am totally with you that should men bare as much reponsibility with a child as the women. I have to wonder tho,how many women have abortions without even telling the father? He is expected to support the child if she has it,yet she can abort his baby without telling him. I know,there is really no way to solve this problem. Men in today's society can be just as careless as women. It should be HIS personal responsibility as well as hers to avoid unwanted pregnancy.