Morning After Pill

my concern, is that without a prescription for this, what is to prevent the girl from taking this drug two months in a row, which can be very harmful to the girl if she does?

they say there will be warnings not to take this pill more than once in a year, i believe it says, but who is really going to pay attention to that or stop the girl from doing that without a prescription?

that's my only concern for this pill, otherwise i am ok with it!

What's to stop me from taking thirty aspirins?
What's to stop me from taking thirty aspirins?
most people, unless they want to commit suicide, will not take 30 aspirins.

a girl that finds herself in an emergency contraceptive situation, may find herself in that same situation 3 months later, and not heed the WARNINGS to NOT use the morning after pill if you have used it before etc....or not remember's not like aspirin where they know the doseage by heart, such as 2 aspirin every 4 hours.

i am not saying this could not be overcome by a major marketing campaign that focuses on this high risk...

This is absolutely nothing like RU-486. It's simply a high dosage of normal birth control pills. It's impossible to abort your baby with it, as it would be to abort your baby by taking a few birth controls pills.


And that is just exactly what Planned Parenthood wants everyone to believe. Believe what they tell you if you want. I don't trust them.

If it were about money for planned parenthood, as Immanuel always claims, they would be against this pill as it is MUCH MUCH less expensive than an abortion and allows the pregnant girl to bypass the clinic and go stright to the pharmacy.

The more acceptable they can make abortion seem the better for them.

The more desensitized they can make America about the issue the fewer complications they will have; which translates into less legislation against them; which reduces the litigation costs they have and ultimately translates into higher revenue for them. Cut costs and increase revenues sounds like a dream come true for them.

The more acceptable they can make abortion seem the better for them.

The more desensitized they can make America about the issue the fewer complications they will have; which translates into less legislation against them; which reduces the litigation costs they have and ultimately translates into higher revenue for them. Cut costs and increase revenues sounds like a dream come true for them.


That doesn't make any sense - I mean not one iota.
That doesn't make any sense - I mean not one iota.

yes, this seems to be a problem with some of the prolife crowd.

they make a mountain out of a molehill on molehill issues that might relate, which then in turn, lessens their credibility on the prolife issue and makes them appear to be less sincere and more ''in it'' for purely political gain! :(

yes, this seems to be a problem with some of the prolife crowd.

they make a mountain out of a molehill on molehill issues that might relate, which then in turn, lessens their credibility on the prolife issue and makes them appear to be less sincere and more ''in it'' for purely political gain! :(


sounds about right.
If people want to engage in unhealthy practices they should be free to do so, this is America!

I agree..........however...........if people are going to engage in unhealthy practices they should be able to financially support the consequences of those actions.
You have a good point about the birth control pill. I look at this morning after as worse,because in my eyes,it destroys life,and that is where government has to decide. Ultimately,abstinance is the best way,but I bet almost everyone here would argue that is not going to work. It is what I will teach my kids. I cannot promote them having sex and risk pregnancy or disease. What good am I if I don't try to pass along my moral values and just give in to the evils of society by saying..."go ahead and have sex,but if you do,make sure you get the morning after pill or use a condom"

It is all about personal responsibility. It has to be taught and enforced with our children,or they will grow up to be hippies:p

You know krisy as much as I hate to say it.....I think I would be more comfortable with this pill then I will ever be with abortion.

The pill if taken the morning after as intended, will prevent the egg from attaching itself to the uterine wall long before it even becomes an embryo. Where most abortion's do not occur untill 4 weeks of pregnancy up to 20 weeks of pregnancy by that time there is a heartbeat and all of the organs have formed this is at 4 weeks I do not want to even talk about 20 weeks.

My point I am getting at is....... I would much rather see some one use this, then abortion. There is a women I know who uses abortion as a form of birth control which I think is wrong...... she is 31 years old has 2 living children and has had 5 abortions in the past 6 months. I know this because she begged me to go with her on all of them, however after the first 2 I could not go with her anymore, it broke my heart, I was so close to tears at the last one I knew there was no way I could sit through another. Unfortunatley there are a lot of women like this in this world.
You know krisy as much as I hate to say it.....I think I would be more comfortable with this pill then I will ever be with abortion.

The pill if taken the morning after as intended, will prevent the egg from attaching itself to the uterine wall long before it even becomes an embryo. Where most abortion's do not occur untill 4 weeks of pregnancy up to 20 weeks of pregnancy by that time there is a heartbeat and all of the organs have formed this is at 4 weeks I do not want to even talk about 20 weeks.

My point I am getting at is....... I would much rather see some one use this, then abortion. There is a women I know who uses abortion as a form of birth control which I think is wrong...... she is 31 years old has 2 living children and has had 5 abortions in the past 6 months. I know this because she begged me to go with her on all of them, however after the first 2 I could not go with her anymore, it broke my heart, I was so close to tears at the last one I knew there was no way I could sit through another. Unfortunatley there are a lot of women like this in this world.

How could there be a lot of women like the one you describe in this world? I don't dispute that they exist, but in large quantities? I doubt it. Why would anyone in their right mind choose to put themselves through any surgical procedure, over and over? You'd have to be sick. Any surgery carries inherent risk in it, people go in for very minor procedures, and sometimes, die right on the table. We all know of cases like that. Plus, just the fact of surgery, and bleeding, and after care, all can be avoided if you take a pill or use a diaphram, but there are "a lot of women" who go through this procedure over and over, using it as birth control?

I just can't see it. The ones who do obviously have problems, but I can't believe it's that common. I don't know anyone who has done this, or if I do, they haven't told me about it. In fact, I actually don't know anyone who has had more than one abortion. One woman I know may have had two, now that I think harder about it, but I'm not certain.
That's just for openers. We're not talking about abortion on this thread, we're talking about the morning after bill, which is a form of birth control. And if personal responsibility is doing what you have to do to prevent pregnancy in the first place, than the morning after pill is taking responsibility. Why are you conflating it with abortion? The truth is, historically your same argument has been made about birth control pills. Women will have sex more. So? Again, none of your business. Thank God for birth control pills, and thank God for any further advances in birth control, like the morning after pill.

Ok here's something for you to think about, since you are adiment about taking personal responsibility.......You can prevent pregnancy without ever being on any form of birth control pill, never using a condom, or ever having to worry about possibly getting pregnant its called the ovulation method. It is all about the women taking personal responsibility for her body.

The Ovulation Method is not the old "rhythm method" or the temperature method. It is a new scientifically proven method, researched by Dr. John Billings with the scientific research confirmed by the famous endocrinologist James B. Brown. This method is based on the simple recognition of natural signs of fertility that appear for a few days during the woman's menstrual cycle. Family of the Americas (FAF) was instrumental in simplifying the teaching and charting system of the Ovulation Method that made it applicable for universal use. By keeping accurate records, a woman can now confidently identify the fertile and infertile phases of her cycle. Women with long or irregular cycles, breast-feeding mothers, and even those going through pre-menopause or discontinuing artificial methods of family planning may use the Ovulation Method safely and effectively. IRREGULARITY OF CYCLES DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH THE PRACTICE OF THE OVULATION METHOD
Ok here's something for you to think about, since you are adiment about taking personal responsibility.......You can prevent pregnancy without ever being on any form of birth control pill, never using a condom, or ever having to worry about possibly getting pregnant its called the ovulation method. It is all about the women taking personal responsibility for her body.

The Ovulation Method is not the old "rhythm method" or the temperature method. It is a new scientifically proven method, researched by Dr. John Billings with the scientific research confirmed by the famous endocrinologist James B. Brown. This method is based on the simple recognition of natural signs of fertility that appear for a few days during the woman's menstrual cycle. Family of the Americas (FAF) was instrumental in simplifying the teaching and charting system of the Ovulation Method that made it applicable for universal use. By keeping accurate records, a woman can now confidently identify the fertile and infertile phases of her cycle. Women with long or irregular cycles, breast-feeding mothers, and even those going through pre-menopause or discontinuing artificial methods of family planning may use the Ovulation Method safely and effectively. IRREGULARITY OF CYCLES DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH THE PRACTICE OF THE OVULATION METHOD

Oh thanks! But I already have a great birth control method, I got it from James Dobson's website.

After sex I douche with coca cola, say four Our Fathers' and tickle my lover's testicles while reciting Matthew: "yea, though you bed indiscrimintely, three tickles and a coke and you shall bear no fruit"

So far, so good, fingers crossed!
Give it a break Darla, it was her opinion and she was entitled to it! how many times are you going to reply with your digust?
maybe you just need a little...


:eek: damn evil now I got to clean the tea off my monitor!