Morning After Pill

Oh, it must be something I made up then.

There is no conservative oppostion to gay marriage. There were no ballot iniatives all over the country, timed to coincide with the 04 elections to get the base out.

There has been no movement to amend the constitution.

Gosh, you two men made a real fool out of little ole me. Can't you be easier on me? Just picture me fanning myself and calling for my smelling salts.

Who gives a shit what you two are or aren't for?

Damo you're a supposed libertarian, who are not known for giving a crap who marries whom. What does that have to do with the conservative movement against gay marriage? Which, whether you two gigglers want to acknowledge it or not, does exist. Sorry.
Oh, it must be something I made up then.

There is no conservative oppostion to gay marriage. There were no ballot iniatives all over the country, timed to coincide with the 04 elections to get the base out.
Sure, just because there were some meanes they all think that way, right?

There has been no movement to amend the constitution.

Gosh, you two men made a real fool out of little ole me. Can't you be easier on me? Just picture me fanning myself and calling for my smelling salts.
Not so at all, in fact if anything I'm jealous that you have a girl now and I don't! :cof1:

Who gives a shit what you two are or aren't for?

Damo you're a supposed libertarian, who are not known for giving a crap who marries whom. What does that have to do with the conservative movement against gay marriage? Which, whether you two gigglers want to acknowledge it or not, does exist. Sorry.

Yeah Damo, what the hell is the matter with you not agreeing to what it is the rest of your kind believe in, the nerve to think that you could have a mind for yourself!....:pke:

Your pretty awesome Darla!...:)
I may be a Libertarian at heart, Darla. But I am a Republican in the registry. I go to the caucuses and vote for platform changes that reflect my beliefs. I work to get the local rlc chapter stronger so that, in time, it will reflect the regular beliefs of all the Conservatives that I know, with the exception of a few religious. That Government has no place there... And usually has no place in much.

I work to effect the change, to make the party reflect what I see in the beliefs of myself and others.
Why does this always happen to me? On my other board I made the mistake of treating conservatives as if they were human beings, and I had an entire parade of them following me around and emailing me. Some of them, wrote poetry about me and posted it!

So, after these, what I think you will all admit can be termed "horrific" experiences, I treat conservatives like crap.

And what happens? The same thing.

What is it about me? Is it a smell I give off? Eue de conservatives apply here?

It's just so awful.
I may be a Libertarian at heart, Darla. But I am a Republican in the registry. I go to the caucuses and vote for platform changes that reflect my beliefs. I work to get the local rlc chapter stronger so that, in time, it will reflect the regular beliefs of all the Conservatives that I know, with the exception of a few religious. That Government has no place there... And usually has no place in much.

I work to effect the change, to make the party reflect what I see in the beliefs of myself and others.

Cool. I respect that.
You need to put in an mofugly avatar... They'll associate it and just take your posts and answer them. Give them a picture to associate with your post and it will change how they react to you...

You need to put in an mofugly avatar... They'll associate it and just take your posts and answer them. Give them a picture to associate with your post and it will change how they react to you...


That is a very clever idea Damo. I will do that. I don't really know how to use that function, but I'll fool around with it tomorrow and see what I can do. Maybe Grind will take pity on me and give me some pointers.
Yes, she says I stink! And please, tell all your conservative friends! lol

Pssst, they make something to help that out! Summer's Eve....Ya know, a sot in the twat wether ya need it or not.......:cof1:

I know, I'm am an incredibly sick individual.....:cool:
That is a very clever idea Damo. I will do that. I don't really know how to use that function, but I'll fool around with it tomorrow and see what I can do. Maybe Grind will take pity on me and give me some pointers.

Like Beefy's right?

I like him anyway though. But then, I'm a girl. I think you're right about the male reaction.
Cool. I respect that.

darla,I bet deep down you aren't a bad gal,but who knows. You are witty,I'll givve that too ya.

Another thing,being a conservative doesn't mean you hate gay people. I work with couple of lesbians and we get along wonderful. They are nice gals and we talk about a lot of stuff. One of them is actually bi,has been married with kids.
We do not talk abut sexuality because there is really no need to. Poltics came up once,and we disgagreed briefly and quickly moved on. She doesn't hate me for being conservative.

can't we all just get along?:hug: :cof1:
darla,I bet deep down you aren't a bad gal,but who knows. You are witty,I'll givve that too ya.

Another thing,being a conservative doesn't mean you hate gay people. I work with couple of lesbians and we get along wonderful. They are nice gals and we talk about a lot of stuff. One of them is actually bi,has been married with kids.
We do not talk abut sexuality because there is really no need to. Poltics came up once,and we disgagreed briefly and quickly moved on. She doesn't hate me for being conservative.

can't we all just get along?:hug: :cof1:

Well, I've tried to get along with conservative women on message boards in the past, the result was not good, and the fallout was extremely ugly. It scarred me. I have deep, emotional scars from the experience.

On message boards, for some reason, conservative men want to f me, and conservative women want to humiliate and then kill me. As if having sex with one of their men wasn't humiliation enough for any girl.

I wish you would all just leave me alone and let me be among my own kind!

I guess since you've extended such an olive branch after I was such a bitch, I really don't have a choice but to respond in kind do I? I presume you planned it that way. After all, if I were to rebuff this, then Care would come along and look so disappointed in me, and I'd have to carry that burden around.

So...ok. I will give it a try.
I guess since you've extended such an olive branch after I was such a bitch, I really don't have a choice but to respond in kind do I? I presume you planned it that way. After all, if I were to rebuff this, then Care would come along and look so disappointed in me, and I'd have to carry that burden around.

So...ok. I will give it a try.

Krisy is not that way, she won't think any different of ya for what ya think! Oh, neither will I, and I ain't looking to do ya either, especially if you are a true lesbian, but I would like to watch sometime if ya think that would be cool...:cof1:

Nah, Just have fun with it Darla, don't take it all so personal, ain't no way everyone in the world will think the same.....:)
Well, I've tried to get along with conservative women on message boards in the past, the result was not good, and the fallout was extremely ugly. It scarred me. I have deep, emotional scars from the experience.

On message boards, for some reason, conservative men want to f me, and conservative women want to humiliate and then kill me. As if having sex with one of their men wasn't humiliation enough for any girl.

I wish you would all just leave me alone and let me be among my own kind!

I guess since you've extended such an olive branch after I was such a bitch, I really don't have a choice but to respond in kind do I? I presume you planned it that way. After all, if I were to rebuff this, then Care would come along and look so disappointed in me, and I'd have to carry that burden around.

So...ok. I will give it a try.

I'm not out to humiliate anyone,that's for sure. Not to brag:p ,but I have had a lot of people tell me "krisy,you can get along with anyone". I know,I know...who gives?!!!

Glad to hear this from you. I TOLD you not all conservatives were a cetain way!!! We have our ideals,just like you,but I for one,don't hate anyone for what they think. we just disagree

And evil is a good guy too,really. He has just been havin some fun over here!!

Oh, and what boards were you on that the cons women gave you hell? Just curious
In case anyone cares,I shall return shortly....I have to take a shower and get the kids to bed. My daughters first day of kindergarden is tomorrow!! My son's first full week of middle school,and a little teenie bit of quiet for mom( after I quit crying when my kid goes into school!)

Talk amongst yourselves:argue:
In case anyone cares,I shall return shortly....I have to take a shower and get the kids to bed. My daughters first day of kindergarden is tomorrow!! My son's first full week of middle school,and a little teenie bit of quiet for mom( after I quit crying when my kid goes into school!)

Talk amongst yourselves:argue:

Good Luck with the kiddies Krisy, you'll do fine.....:cool:
I'm not out to humiliate anyone,that's for sure. Not to brag:p ,but I have had a lot of people tell me "krisy,you can get along with anyone". I know,I know...who gives?!!!

Glad to hear this from you. I TOLD you not all conservatives were a cetain way!!! We have our ideals,just like you,but I for one,don't hate anyone for what they think. we just disagree

And evil is a good guy too,really. He has just been havin some fun over here!!

Oh, and what boards were you on that the cons women gave you hell? Just curious

Netscape boards. I gave out some hell too, believe it or not.
They have Conservatives on Netscape Boards? I thought they were more like Yahoo... All Ds piling on the three Conservatives...
Well, you are close. The truth is that it is the abortion lobby who will defend their industry with every bit of gusto that greed can muster and the government that allowed another dangerous drug like RU-486 to hit the market without proper research.


And I am no neocon. I simply believe that life is precious and should be defended first and foremost. We should always err on the side of life not greed or selfishness.


This is absolutely nothing like RU-486. It's simply a high dosage of normal birth control pills. It's impossible to abort your baby with it, as it would be to abort your baby by taking a few birth controls pills.