Morning After Pill

its an ignore button

Brilliant observation douche!

Was that a word to anyone inparticular or just a brief thought in of a superior mind?

And to the post of yours previous to this one, No I am not a pervert at all! What would give you that impression? Is the superiority now reaching into the realm of telepathy or something?
Coming in late I see Desh pushes her ignore function. LOL She just hates to have a discussion she prefers a suck fest. Free speech for all who agree with me. And note Darla thinks that people follow her around. LOL Guess she misses what a discussion board is all about. DISCUSSION. lol
Coming in late I see Desh pushes her ignore function. LOL She just hates to have a discussion she prefers a suck fest. Free speech for all who agree with me. And note Darla thinks that people follow her around. LOL Guess she misses what a discussion board is all about. DISCUSSION. lol

Holy hell, desh is a girl? Ooop's! thought otherwise........:cof1:
Evil are you following Darla around?

Like a dog on the hunt!:cof1:

Nah, I was just providing some inflammatory commentary to follow up her attacks on the newbs, just having a little fun along the way!

Damn, desh is a girl? tell her that I am a sexy beast, and to take me off her ignore list, Im no pervert!:cof1:
Abortions have terrible, long lasting effects on some women. Others, and I know some, are just very thankful. One example, I know a woman who became pregnant with what would have been her fourth child in the change of life. She had a abortion and according to her, has never felt anything other than relief over it. You are projecting our mores and values on to all women, thereby consigning any woman who does not feel this way, to the heap. Of garbage by the way.

That's just for openers. We're not talking about abortion on this thread, we're talking about the morning after bill, which is a form of birth control. And if personal responsibility is doing what you have to do to prevent pregnancy in the first place, than the morning after pill is taking responsibility. Why are you conflating it with abortion? The truth is, historically your same argument has been made about birth control pills. Women will have sex more. So? Again, none of your business. Thank God for birth control pills, and thank God for any further advances in birth control, like the morning after pill.

I do appreciate the reponse(this one at least) without insult. Personal responsibility to me is doing what you have to do ahead,then you don't have to worry about disease either for that matter.
It's none of your business to pass judement on women you feel sleep around. That startling sexist narrative is what allows society to pass judgement on a woman who is filling prescription for either birth control pills, or the morning after pill in the first place.

Who decides what "sleeping around" is? How many lovers do you have to have before you are termed a woman who sleep around, and therefore can be humuliated at the pharmist? YOU?

You dare to claim your attack is not personal, but by sticking your nose into everyone else's sex lives, you appoint yourself judge and jury, empowered to convict women (always women,. never men, as if they were having sex by themselves) and have them punished by society.

How dare you. Mind your own business. You're married? Worry about what's going on in your bedroom then.

Things in my bedroom are fine,thanks for asking.

You have an extremely ignorant opinion of conservative women darla. We don't let men walk all over us(like Hillary) and demand as much reponsiblity from men as women. DO NOT spin my comments and say I am insulting someone just by holding a moral standard. If you do not care for my horrid opinion...put me on ignore. You are rather hateful of us cons women,and that hate will eat you alive. I am not bothered by your opinion,because miss liberty,you have every right to hold it.And what is so ironic is,I thought conservatives were the hateful ones. Hating black people,gay people,well, pretty much everyone. Not true.

We will never agree,but I will still sleep o.k. tongiht when I curl up next to my evil male husband

Yeah, ok.

I'll sleep good too when I curl up next to my big, hairy-legged lesbo girlfriend.
And I didn't ask how things were in your bedroom, I could not possibly care less. I told you to stick to worrying about what goes on there, and keep your big nose, and mouth, out of everyone else's sex life, and morality.

In other words, MYOB.

Oh, here comes butch, my gf. She's sooo demanding of my time.
Oh, here comes butch, my gf. She's sooo demanding of my time.

WOW, your a lesbian? that's awesome! Oh and I am glad you called me a evil dick, in fact that is exactly what I have decided to call him..... you know with the red hood an all.......

Such a delight to read your posts as usual.....:rolleyes:

Yeah, ok.

I'll sleep good too when I curl up next to my big, hairy-legged lesbo girlfriend.
And I didn't ask how things were in your bedroom, I could not possibly care less. I told you to stick to worrying about what goes on there, and keep your big nose, and mouth, out of everyone else's sex life, and morality.

In other words, MYOB.

Oh, here comes butch, my gf. She's sooo demanding of my time.

LOL!! Your funny, as well as uninformed :pke:

Tell Butch hi from the world of cons ladies!!!
I looked in Who's Online and saw three people at once responding to this thread. I thought I'd make it four.
Please do Darla, you will find that I ain't all that much of an evil dick, maybe just a regular dick but a sexy one at that! :cof1:

If I was going to screw a con on here, it would probably have to be Dano. Simply put, I figure if you are going to humiliate yourself, you might as well as go all out.

WOW, your a lesbian? that's awesome! Oh and I am glad you called me a evil dick, in fact that is exactly what I have decided to call him..... you know with the red hood an all.......

Such a delight to read your posts as usual.....:rolleyes:

evil,you sure now how to entertain!! :woot: