Morning After Pill

Patience grasshoppers!

Darla is a Diamond in the rough, with a heart of gold. (hahaha! It really is in there, somewhere! I promise you! ;) )

Different strokes for different folks...we all come from different walks of life on here and that is one reason I find this board and other's interesting...meeting people that I never would have the opportunity to meet in my small little circle of friends or family.

That's something she(darling darla :) ) needs to get better at accepting herself!


That is a one of the reasons boards can be interesting indeed, but when she has to go and jump on a newbie like that it tends to kill that idea.

You have a bunch of spunk too Care, but I don't see you displaying this nastiness in every post you don't like.
That is a one of the reasons boards can be interesting indeed, but when she has to go and jump on a newbie like that it tends to kill that idea.

You have a bunch of spunk too Care, but I don't see you displaying this nastiness in every post you don't like.

Darla isn't me, she wasn't raised by my parents, nor in the same comfort that I had in my house hold, nor with the same religious beliefs....let's just say she was schooled differently than me...but so what? That's what makes her interesting...if she were my sister I would know her already...

And yes, she was very "direct" in her comments but what you don't know is that this is the thorn in her side when it comes to political issues....MEN, through using the government, trying to control women and women's bodies because we are less capable of making our own decisions.

In addition to this, there have been many threads started on this site and the other, where prolifers have been just downright mean, nasty, and as far away from being Christianlike as you could ever imagine with calling these girls murderers. slaughterers, Hollocast makers etc....and all of these comments from MEN that have all stuck their little penuses in to these women outside of marriage themselves....while they get their little blue VIAGRA pill passed through the FDA and paid for by all insurance companies, and it took 10 years to get the pill authorized to be paid for by health insurance MAN RUN COMPANIES.....

So....Krisy hit a sour note with Darla....

And...good morning!

So....Krisy hit a sour note with Darla....

And...good morning!


Good morning Care!

My gripe is simple, ya would think I was the thorn in her side, ya would think anyone with the opposing view is going to be a thorn in her side. We all tend to jump to a conclusion sometimes but projecting it every time is a bit different.
I try not to judge anyone here, I play around a lot and I see it rubs some the wrong way. Although my views on certain things may be different then yours, you will find by discussing it for a bit a common ground is possible to find.
Krisy is good people, I know her for quite some time now, Darla I have no clue about and apparently never will because she was quick to classify me as an enemy! that's fine, I did'nt come here to make friends, just have some fun.
I have no ill will for her but on the other hand I have nothing much to say either other than my usual flame. I like to have fun on the boards, if she does'nt that's fine but I won't let her attack me everytime I post without still having some fun! :cof1:
Maybe you should grow up,darla and not take things so personally. Yes,I am Conservative,and no where did I mention "sluts" or "liberals' together. I believe a woman taking control of her body is doing what she has to do to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place. Abortions have terrible,long lasting effects on women. You don't just forget it the day after. Too big a deal is being made about my sleeping all over the place comment. If you don't think that SOME,I say SOME will be a little more provacative,then I disagree. Plenty of women use abortion as birth control as it is...having 3 and 4 of them.

Also,if you want people that will agree with you all the time,why don't you go over to DU?

Damocles,you seem more liberal on this board than I have seen you on the other two. Have you changed your thinking?

Abortions have terrible, long lasting effects on some women. Others, and I know some, are just very thankful. One example, I know a woman who became pregnant with what would have been her fourth child in the change of life. She had a abortion and according to her, has never felt anything other than relief over it. You are projecting our mores and values on to all women, thereby consigning any woman who does not feel this way, to the heap. Of garbage by the way.

That's just for openers. We're not talking about abortion on this thread, we're talking about the morning after bill, which is a form of birth control. And if personal responsibility is doing what you have to do to prevent pregnancy in the first place, than the morning after pill is taking responsibility. Why are you conflating it with abortion? The truth is, historically your same argument has been made about birth control pills. Women will have sex more. So? Again, none of your business. Thank God for birth control pills, and thank God for any further advances in birth control, like the morning after pill.
And you aren't "making sh*t up? Come on. You have yet to even ask my opinion...

I can keep an argument honest by pointing out the fallacy of the argument without expressing an opinion on the subject. I have been known to do it in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is no need to be so disingenuous as to presume an opinion where none has been expressed.

Ok Damo. If that's what makes you happy. I find it annoying,, and in itself, disingenious. Viva la difference.
I'm not backing up her opinion, I am pointing out the holes in your argument.

The "Only insane people believe that this might cause more people to have unprotected sex" argument isn't working. I presented a scenario where it could happen, you don't argue that yet continue to express only insane people might think that more unprotected sex might happen because of this.

That argument is a fallacy.

That wasn't my argument. That's what you want my argument to be.
Don't worry,I won't sweat her. She is busy tearing Damo a new one about putting words in her mouth,yet she did just that to me. I have been friendly in my argument and have insulted no one,except for women that sleep around and are irresponsible. As strongly as I disagree with Liberals,rarely will I insult them personally on a message board. Darla has shown her maturity level,and given me a first impression of someone who is maybe a little irrational.

It's none of your business to pass judement on women you feel sleep around. That startling sexist narrative is what allows society to pass judgement on a woman who is filling prescription for either birth control pills, or the morning after pill in the first place.

Who decides what "sleeping around" is? How many lovers do you have to have before you are termed a woman who sleep around, and therefore can be humuliated at the pharmist? YOU?

You dare to claim your attack is not personal, but by sticking your nose into everyone else's sex lives, you appoint yourself judge and jury, empowered to convict women (always women,. never men, as if they were having sex by themselves) and have them punished by society.

How dare you. Mind your own business. You're married? Worry about what's going on in your bedroom then.
LOL. She was "tearing me a new one" because it is embarrassing to be caught out like that. She assumed my opinion and ended up with egg on her face...

I am against abortion when the zygote/fetus has attached to the uterine wall. In every case.

Abortion being the directed killing of the fetus.

I am for:

1. Genuine reproductive choice, not the falsehood of abortion.
2. Working to acheive choice through study.
3. Actually creating a new science, and funding it, to protect both the life and the choice...
4. True women's equality through actual reproductive choice, not slaughter of innocents...

I don't think my stance is all that "liberal"...


In fact, I assumed you were for the pill, your being a self-described Libertarian, it would be nearly unheard of for you not to be.

I knew you were just being a jackass, and jackasses annoy me Damo.

Your continued masturbation over your "caught her out" fantasy, is so childish.
How dare you. Mind your own business. You're married? Worry about what's going on in your bedroom then.

Give it a break Darla, it was her opinion and she was entitled to it! how many times are you going to reply with your digust?
maybe you just need a little...

Patience grasshoppers!

Darla is a Diamond in the rough, with a heart of gold. (hahaha! It really is in there, somewhere! I promise you! ;) )

Different strokes for different folks...we all come from different walks of life on here and that is one reason I find this board and other's interesting...meeting people that I never would have the opportunity to meet in my small little circle of friends or family.

That's something she(darling darla :) ) needs to get better at accepting herself!


No Care, I despise female conservatives.

I have tried to get along with them in the past, in the interest of diversity, but my contempt for them is so strong, it makes that impossible. So now I simply openly tell them what I think. I have no respect for them. They are in my experience, the most incredibly stupid women I have ever come across, and they work and agitate to disempower all women.

I openly despise them. That will not change. Sorry.
No Care, I despise female conservatives.

I have tried to get along with them in the past, in the interest of diversity, but my contempt for them is so strong, it makes that impossible. So now I simply openly tell them what I think. I have no respect for them. They are in my experience, the most incredibly stupid women I have ever come across, and they work and agitate to disempower all women.

I openly despise them. That will not change. Sorry.

Care - see what I mean? there is limited maturity level to deal with here as far as a serious discussion is concerned. She needs a board striclty with people as the same opinions as her self because she is too naive to know that the world does'nt revolve around her way of thinking!
By the way dick, and that would be the evil dick, I notice that everytime I make a post anywhere, your name is right after mine. Dozens upon dozens of times.

While I am not unaware of the honor you do me by following me around like panting poodle, I have you on IA.

So, if you are looking for something, why not take your wet nose, and stick it up the butt of a con lady?

:) :) :) :)

By the way dick, and that would be the evil dick, I notice that everytime I make a post anywhere, your name is right after mine. Dozens upon dozens of times.

While I am not unaware of the honor you do me by following me around like panting poodle, I have you on IA.

So, if you are looking for something, why not take your wet nose, and stick it up the butt of a con lady?

:lolup: :lolup: :lolup:

Hilarious, Best reply I have seen from you yet!

The evil dick

don't do the iggie on him darla, that will make this LESS fun for the bystanders! :) pretty please!!! WE need the extra posts on this ste....!!!!
Darla isn't me, she wasn't raised by my parents, nor in the same comfort that I had in my house hold, nor with the same religious beliefs....let's just say she was schooled differently than me...but so what? That's what makes her interesting...if she were my sister I would know her already...

And yes, she was very "direct" in her comments but what you don't know is that this is the thorn in her side when it comes to political issues....MEN, through using the government, trying to control women and women's bodies because we are less capable of making our own decisions.

In addition to this, there have been many threads started on this site and the other, where prolifers have been just downright mean, nasty, and as far away from being Christianlike as you could ever imagine with calling these girls murderers. slaughterers, Hollocast makers etc....and all of these comments from MEN that have all stuck their little penuses in to these women outside of marriage themselves....while they get their little blue VIAGRA pill passed through the FDA and paid for by all insurance companies, and it took 10 years to get the pill authorized to be paid for by health insurance MAN RUN COMPANIES.....

So....Krisy hit a sour note with Darla....

And...good morning!


First of all, I was jumped on by every guy on the FP site when I was new, so take the whining somewhere else. It didn't bother me much and I defintely did not whine about it. Imatanman used to follow me around calling me a cunt, because he decided I wasn't a "real person" I was a troll, or whatever his excuse wass. My, how whiny cons are though.

Care I like you a lot,, and you earned my respect because you fight for all life, thus relieving you of the hypocrisy mantle that they all carry around so proudly. And also because you're not bug fuck nuts, and don't equate the morning after pill with abortion.

But you should know, I was raised in an extremely middle class family. I was raised on LI, North Shore of Suffolk County, and my father was a wall street executive.

There is no lacking in my upbringing. I simply reached the point in my life where I do not entertain insipid fools. I don't have the time to waste, and though, they usually do, why should they?
I'm not on a message board to entertain and consider different opionions, for the most part. Well, let's say this, I'm not here to consider different idealogies. No one is. I'm just honest about it. If someone is very, very smart, I will take their argument seriously, if only to better hone my own.

Otherwise, I just usually read about 5 of their posts, dismiss them as idiots who have short, one sentence thinking, and if the option is available, IA them. Because to me, they're clutter. I have and will IA liberals for nonsense too. It's rarer, but I do it.

And I don't come here to be loved. I am loved, and very well, in my actual life. It's nice to be liked, but it's not imperative either. :)
don't do the iggie on him darla, that will make this LESS fun for the bystanders! :) pretty please!!! WE need the extra posts on this ste....!!!!


Ok, because you ask, and you are always taking pains to explain me to others, which I do appreciate but also find very cute, I'll take him off IA Care.
don't do the iggie on him darla, that will make this LESS fun for the bystanders! :) pretty please!!! WE need the extra posts on this ste....!!!!

Hey, Im a post whore so no worries there! that stuff rolls right off of me but must admit that her last post directed at me was awesome, that plain out cracked me up wether she likes it or not. I love it when I get flamed in return, it makes for a bit of fun. If ya can't laugh at yourself sometimes, then ya can't be laughing at nobody else. So whatever the iggie is I beg for her to give it to me with her best shot, I'm pretty certain I can handle it! :cof1:

Ok, because you ask, and you are always taking pains to explain me to others, which I do appreciate but also find very cute, I'll take him off IA Care.

Please do Darla, you will find that I ain't all that much of an evil dick, maybe just a regular dick but a sexy one at that! :cof1: