Darla isn't me, she wasn't raised by my parents, nor in the same comfort that I had in my house hold, nor with the same religious beliefs....let's just say she was schooled differently than me...but so what? That's what makes her interesting...if she were my sister I would know her already...
And yes, she was very "direct" in her comments but what you don't know is that this is the thorn in her side when it comes to political issues....MEN, through using the government, trying to control women and women's bodies because we are less capable of making our own decisions.
In addition to this, there have been many threads started on this site and the other, where prolifers have been just downright mean, nasty, and as far away from being Christianlike as you could ever imagine with calling these girls murderers. slaughterers, Hollocast makers etc....and all of these comments from MEN that have all stuck their little penuses in to these women outside of marriage themselves....while they get their little blue VIAGRA pill passed through the FDA and paid for by all insurance companies, and it took 10 years to get the pill authorized to be paid for by health insurance MAN RUN COMPANIES.....
So....Krisy hit a sour note with Darla....
And...good morning!
First of all, I was jumped on by every guy on the FP site when I was new, so take the whining somewhere else. It didn't bother me much and I defintely did not whine about it. Imatanman used to follow me around calling me a cunt, because he decided I wasn't a "real person" I was a troll, or whatever his excuse wass. My, how whiny cons are though.
Care I like you a lot,, and you earned my respect because you fight for all life, thus relieving you of the hypocrisy mantle that they all carry around so proudly. And also because you're not bug fuck nuts, and don't equate the morning after pill with abortion.
But you should know, I was raised in an extremely middle class family. I was raised on LI, North Shore of Suffolk County, and my father was a wall street executive.
There is no lacking in my upbringing. I simply reached the point in my life where I do not entertain insipid fools. I don't have the time to waste, and though, they usually do, why should they?
I'm not on a message board to entertain and consider different opionions, for the most part. Well, let's say this, I'm not here to consider different idealogies. No one is. I'm just honest about it. If someone is very, very smart, I will take their argument seriously, if only to better hone my own.
Otherwise, I just usually read about 5 of their posts, dismiss them as idiots who have short, one sentence thinking, and if the option is available, IA them. Because to me, they're clutter. I have and will IA liberals for nonsense too. It's rarer, but I do it.
And I don't come here to be loved. I am loved, and very well, in my actual life. It's nice to be liked, but it's not imperative either.