Morning After Pill

Women don't need big brother government making decisions for them about whether they "might" use the pill to have "sex all over the place."

The pills have been deemed safe and effective by expert scientists. The decision lies with women now, not some sweaty overweight males, in a Mississipi Legislature.
I never said nobody would ever do that. I'm smart enough to never say, never OR always. No such things exist.

However, sane people do understand that this is emergency birth control, for emergencies. And that most uses of it will be when primary birth control fails. It's that simple. Hey, guess what, some people huff glue and get off on cough medicine. so what? Do most people? No, most people use both for their primary purpose. That's why we sell it. Same thing here.
LOL. Actually they seriously limit it, but that's fine. Your rant was clear...

People who are sane won't do this! Was the couple in my scenario sane? They appeared so in my mind. Even in this next post: "sane people do understand" makes it clear that you believe that such a normal scenario could never exist. That this will only happen in extreme circumstances where two insane people get together....

Please. Attempting to dismiss the objection that was presented by another poster, not myself, with "That only happens with CRAZY Peoples" isn't working. You've been caught out and wanted to fight some strawmen for effect.

1. I never suggested my opinion on this drug, only of your argument.
2. I have never stated that it shouldn't be available.
Women don't need big brother government making decisions for them about whether the "might" use the pill to have "sex all over the place."

The pills have been deemed safe and effective by expert scientists. The decision lies with women now, not some sweaty overweight males, in a Mississipi Legislature.

Or Krisy and Damo. ;)

Hey Cypress! I gotta run, but I wanted to say hi. I'll send you an email soon, I haven't talked to you in a while. Have a good one!
Women don't need big brother government making decisions for them about whether they "might" use the pill to have "sex all over the place."

The pills have been deemed safe and effective by expert scientists. The decision lies with women now, not some sweaty overweight males, in a Mississipi Legislature.

Safe? Take them often do ya?

Go play with your mudflap........shitbrick!
Or Krisy and Damo. ;)

Hey Cypress! I gotta run, but I wanted to say hi. I'll send you an email soon, I haven't talked to you in a while. Have a good one!
She once again assumes my opinion and argues with a Strawman. Quit giving me my opinion. I can express it on my own, and far better than you because I actually know what it is. If you'd like to know what it is, you can ask or you can wait for me to express it. Just don't assume... It's degrading to yourself...
Odd, that when Viagra came out there was no debate about declining moral values and increased unintended pregnancies caused by frisky men taking the pill who used the pill to have "sex all over the place"
LOL. Actually they seriously limit it, but that's fine. Your rant was clear...

People who are sane won't do this! Was the couple in my scenario sane? They appeared so in my mind. Even in this next post: "sane people do understand" makes it clear that you believe that such a normal scenario could never exist. That this will only happen in extreme circumstances where two insane people get together....

Please. Attempting to dismiss the objection that was presented by another poster, not myself, with "That only happens with CRAZY Peoples" isn't working. You've been caught out and wanted to fight some strawmen for effect.

1. I never suggested my opinion on this drug, only of your argument.
2. I have never stated that it shouldn't be available.

No, my statement was that sane people understand the primary purpose of this pill, it passed no judgement either way on those using it.

You're twisting my words in your feverish desire to have me "caught out". In fact, you're making shit up Damo. My statements are specifically and obviously about people like you and Krisy going off half-assed and claiming that this is going to cause some big outbreak of unprotected, and implicitly, immoral, sex. Not about the people using the pill, so knock that off right now, because one thing I do not like is someone making up shit that I said. If you can't read, sue your university, but don't make shit up about what I said.

And, you're using the copout of all copouts "I never even expressed an opinion ."

So then what are you doing on this thread besides jerking off while claiming you "caught me out"?
She once again assumes my opinion and argues with a Strawman. Quit giving me my opinion. I can express it on my own, and far better than you because I actually know what it is. If you'd like to know what it is, you can ask or you can wait for me to express it. Just don't assume... It's degrading to yourself...

Obviously you can't because you are claiming you haven't expressed one yet. And you've made enough posts on this thread where if you haven't expressed an opinion, but are just so happening to back up Krisy, then we know what your opinion is, and if that's not your opinion?

Then stop playing the coy virgin, and spit it out. Because you're just being annoying, not clever.
No, my statement was that sane people understand the primary purpose of this pill, it passed no judgement either way on those using it.

You're twisting my words in your feverish desire to have me "caught out". In fact, you're making shit up Damo. My statements are specifically and obviously about people like you and Krisy going off half-assed and claiming that this is going to cause some big outbreak of unprotected, and implicitly, immoral, sex. Not about the people using the pill, so knock that off right now, because one thing I do not like is someone making up shit that I said. If you can't read, sue your university, but don't make shit up about what I said.

And, you're using the copout of all copouts "I never even expressed an opinion ."

So then what are you doing on this thread besides jerking off while claiming you "caught me out"?
And you aren't "making sh*t up? Come on. You have yet to even ask my opinion...

I can keep an argument honest by pointing out the fallacy of the argument without expressing an opinion on the subject. I have been known to do it in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is no need to be so disingenuous as to presume an opinion where none has been expressed.
So then what are you doing on this thread besides jerking off while claiming you "caught me out"?

Damos - that there is an utter waste of space! no debating skills whatsoever, and nastier than what probably resides in her panties the "morning after"
Obviously you can't because you are claiming you haven't expressed one yet. And you've made enough posts on this thread where if you haven't expressed an opinion, but are just so happening to back up Krisy, then we know what your opinion is, and if that's not your opinion?

Then stop playing the coy virgin, and spit it out. Because you're just being annoying, not clever.
I'm not backing up her opinion, I am pointing out the holes in your argument.

The "Only insane people believe that this might cause more people to have unprotected sex" argument isn't working. I presented a scenario where it could happen, you don't argue that yet continue to express only insane people might think that more unprotected sex might happen because of this.

That argument is a fallacy.
Odd, that when Viagra came out there was no debate about declining moral values and increased unintended pregnancies caused by frisky men taking the pill who used the pill to have "sex all over the place"

Shut up mudflap, and stop whining about your......:gpow:
Now as for my opinion. I think that this pill should be available.

And the reason I think so is the same test as I use for abortion... Would I advise my daughter to use this product? Can I see a scenario where I might advise my daughter to use this? (Notice I say advise because I do realize it is her choice in the end).

The answer was, yes.
Now as for my opinion. I think that this pill should be available.


A classic Damocles - playing devil's advocate. I'll never forget you spending twenty threads poo-pooing the science of global warming, only to admit you support integrated approaches to reducing CO2 emissions.

God love ya. ;)

A classic Damocles - playing devil's advocate. I'll never forget you spending twenty threads poo-pooing the science of global warming, only to admit you support integrated approaches to reducing CO2 emissions.

God love ya. ;)

Yeah, I believe you often learn more when looking at it from the opposing side of the argument.
Yes well, even some of us liberal sluts, who believe a woman must control her own body while we're sleeping all over the place, have found that that's the best sex to be had anywhere.

Doesn't mean we want to have a baby every time we do it. Oh and Damo, do you know anyone who isn't a conservative over at this other site wherever it is? I mean, what is that site, free republic? Shit .


Maybe you should grow up,darla and not take things so personally. Yes,I am Conservative,and no where did I mention "sluts" or "liberals' together. I believe a woman taking control of her body is doing what she has to do to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place. Abortions have terrible,long lasting effects on women. You don't just forget it the day after. Too big a deal is being made about my sleeping all over the place comment. If you don't think that SOME,I say SOME will be a little more provacative,then I disagree. Plenty of women use abortion as birth control as it is...having 3 and 4 of them.

Also,if you want people that will agree with you all the time,why don't you go over to DU?

Damocles,you seem more liberal on this board than I have seen you on the other two. Have you changed your thinking?
Damocles,you seem more liberal on this board than I have seen you on the other two. Have you changed your thinking?

Not particularly... I'm just more openly Libertarian. Having this available doesn't change my stance on abortion either. I would prefer we remove the fetus and attempt to keep it alive thus allowing for both the reproductive choice of the woman and recognizing the life...

In time this would make true reproductive choice happen. Where women could choose to incubate naturally or ex utero...