Morning After Pill

If it were about money for planned parenthood, as Immanuel always claims, they would be against this pill as it is MUCH MUCH less expensive than an abortion and allows the pregnant girl to bypass the clinic and go stright to the pharmacy.
Nah, it is better to make money with the least effort. It may make less profit in the short run, but you can fire workers and make more in the long run. If it is all about profit they'd be for this more than regular abortion. It isn't a zero sum game. Even lawyer's practices should make that clear. Least amount of effort, or cheapest, is often best.
Nah, it is better to make money with the least effort. It may make less profit in the short run, but you can fire workers and make more in the long run. If it is all about profit they'd be for this more than regular abortion. It isn't a zero sum game. Even lawyer's practices should make that clear. Least amount of effort, or cheapest, is often best.

Except that the women can go to a pharmacy to get this pill, they wont need PP at all!
Nah, it is better to make money with the least effort. It may make less profit in the short run, but you can fire workers and make more in the long run. If it is all about profit they'd be for this more than regular abortion. It isn't a zero sum game. Even lawyer's practices should make that clear. Least amount of effort, or cheapest, is often best.

Even a LAWYER wants people to take a case to trial instead of settleing it. He gets more money that way!
This pill will do nothing but make women go out even more and have unprotected sex and know they won't have to worry about it the next day. If your worries about getting pregnant,or are regularly sexually active...why not just get on the pill or use a condom? Wait,that would mean personal reposibility,which the makers of this pill apparently don't advocate.

More disease and more death will come from this ,I fear.
This pill will do nothing but make women go out even more and have unprotected sex and know they won't have to worry about it the next day. If your worries about getting pregnant,or are regularly sexually active...why not just get on the pill or use a condom? Wait,that would mean personal reposibility,which the makers of this pill apparently don't advocate.

More disease and more death will come from this ,I fear.

If people want to engage in unhealthy practices they should be free to do so, this is America!
Even a LAWYER wants people to take a case to trial instead of settleing it. He gets more money that way!

A trial is much more work than settling a case... but I get paid much more and thus I perfer a trial.

IN the case of this pill it is one step toward making Planned Parenthood obsolite.
Except that the women can go to a pharmacy to get this pill, they wont need PP at all!
Ah, but most, like with other birth control, want a place of privacy to get it. The Pharmacy won't be their regular stopping point.
Even a LAWYER wants people to take a case to trial instead of settleing it. He gets more money that way!
A smart lawyer knows that if he can get money for almost no outlay he has, in the end, made more money. The problem is, most lawyers make terrible businessmen. You treat it as a zero sum game and you will make minimum profit. It'll still be better than the regular, but it won't be the REAL money you can make.
If people want to engage in unhealthy practices they should be free to do so, this is America!

This is true. and with that being the case,I don't want my tax dollars funding things like abortions because a woman and her man,or a man,were too lazy too wear a condom,get on birth control,or abstain. If this pill causes medical problems...who will pay for it?

I am strongly against things like junk food tax,tobacco lawsuits and government in any way telling us how to behave,but for me pregnancy is a much stronger issue. We are talking about creating a life. We shouldn't promote bad behavior,that could cost us later.
This is true. and with that being the case,I don't want my tax dollars funding things like abortions because a woman and her man,or a man,were too lazy too wear a condom,get on birth control,or abstain. If this pill causes medical problems...who will pay for it?

I am strongly against things like junk food tax,tobacco lawsuits and government in any way telling us how to behave,but for me pregnancy is a much stronger issue. We are talking about creating a life. We shouldn't promote bad behavior,that could cost us later.

The same things were said about the Birth Control Pill when Congress was deciding whether to make it legal to get....and now you are promoting(for the lack of a better word on my lips :) ), it as the healthier or better means to prevent pregnancy Krisy....if the morning after pill encourages people to have unprotected sex or sex outside of marriage, then don't you think the Pill does the same thing?

And when is this just going to go back in to the hands of the Parents... teaching right from wrong....? Why should the government be involved at all, is what I guess I am asking, and I think you already answered that...

In the modern age pre-marital sex happens, accept it. This pill or any other is'nt going to change the fact. It won't help or worsen the cause. Sex is the best drug known to mankind, and probably the most addictive. Fighting the pros & cons of this pill is a losing cause, like most drugs it will be available somewhere somehow if someone wishes to get their hands on it!
The same things were said about the Birth Control Pill when Congress was deciding whether to make it legal to get....and now you are promoting(for the lack of a better word on my lips :) ), it as the healthier or better means to prevent pregnancy Krisy....if the morning after pill encourages people to have unprotected sex or sex outside of marriage, then don't you think the Pill does the same thing?

And when is this just going to go back in to the hands of the Parents... teaching right from wrong....? Why should the government be involved at all, is what I guess I am asking, and I think you already answered that...


You have a good point about the birth control pill. I look at this morning after as worse,because in my eyes,it destroys life,and that is where government has to decide. Ultimately,abstinance is the best way,but I bet almost everyone here would argue that is not going to work. It is what I will teach my kids. I cannot promote them having sex and risk pregnancy or disease. What good am I if I don't try to pass along my moral values and just give in to the evils of society by saying..."go ahead and have sex,but if you do,make sure you get the morning after pill or use a condom"

It is all about personal responsibility. It has to be taught and enforced with our children,or they will grow up to be hippies:p
In the modern age pre-marital sex happens, accept it. This pill or any other is'nt going to change the fact. It won't help or worsen the cause. Sex is the best drug known to mankind, and probably the most addictive. Fighting the pros & cons of this pill is a losing cause, like most drugs it will be available somewhere somehow if someone wishes to get their hands on it!

Don't you think that is giving in to something you or any given individual might think is wrong? It's the same argument a lot of people have for abortion. They say if we don't keep it legal,then women will have them in back alleys anyway...and they will get hurt.

I say if they know it's not an easy option,they might think twice about having sex all over the place.
I think the pill is just one more thing that allows another decision for a person. Right or wrong...

People make these choices every day, learning how to tell is the direction you should take. It will serve our children better to teach them this than it will to try to take from them all of these choices so that there is no more chance for free will to be used.
I think the opnon on this morning after pill,for most people, is basically going to go along with how they feel on abortion. A lot will argue it's not abortion,some will say it is. I just don't like it. I think with cloning,and picking the gender of your child and all the other things going on in the world,we are trying to play God way to's dangerous IMO.
Don't you think that is giving in to something you or any given individual might think is wrong? It's the same argument a lot of people have for abortion. They say if we don't keep it legal,then women will have them in back alleys anyway...and they will get hurt.

I say if they know it's not an easy option,they might think twice about having sex all over the place.

Krisy - I'm not advocating anything other than the fact that people will have sex regardless of what pills are available to them.

I see where you stand on abortion, I am not looking to go that route but what do these pills prevent? They prevent life as well. In a day when sex was a purpose of procreation and only that, these would make for better examples of argument. I don't even know when that time existed but today people are having sex recreationally, and it's nothing new. I see this pill as a choice for those who wanna have sex, and are thinking of the consoqunces of their actions, also that is keeping safe sex in mind. Just my opinion though....
I think the opnon on this morning after pill,for most people, is basically going to go along with how they feel on abortion. A lot will argue it's not abortion,some will say it is. I just don't like it. I think with cloning,and picking the gender of your child and all the other things going on in the world,we are trying to play God way to's dangerous IMO.

I agree
Don't you think that is giving in to something you or any given individual might think is wrong? It's the same argument a lot of people have for abortion. They say if we don't keep it legal,then women will have them in back alleys anyway...and they will get hurt.

I say if they know it's not an easy option,they might think twice about having sex all over the place.

imo, usually the girls that ''have sex all over the place'' know quite a bit about birth control....

it is usually the one who doesn't, the one who expects not to have sex, is the one ill prepared.... :(
In my experience the ones who had "sex all over the place" were seeking to have children more often than the others as well.