Morning After Pill

LOL-I guess you guys liked(or didn't) my sex all over the place comment :pke:

Sex all over the place is a good thing, in the car, in the kitchen, on the dining room table, in the shower, on a boat, in the woods, at the drive-in, on top of the car, in the swimming pool, or wherever else, just do it responsibly! :cof1:
A smart lawyer knows that if he can get money for almost no outlay he has, in the end, made more money. The problem is, most lawyers make terrible businessmen. You treat it as a zero sum game and you will make minimum profit. It'll still be better than the regular, but it won't be the REAL money you can make.

Any money I lay out for a trial I get back. I get paid back 100% of my costs + my fee!
Any money I lay out for a trial I get back. I get paid back 100% of my costs + my fee!
It's not outlay. It's time. Time is money. If you can get paid a set amount for little time outlay you have a winner and a way to make more than the regular lawyer. You keep thinking it is zero sum, it is not.
In the modern age pre-marital sex happens, accept it. This pill or any other is'nt going to change the fact. It won't help or worsen the cause. Sex is the best drug known to mankind, and probably the most addictive. Fighting the pros & cons of this pill is a losing cause, like most drugs it will be available somewhere somehow if someone wishes to get their hands on it!

IN any age pre-marital sex happens!
It's not outlay. It's time. Time is money. If you can get paid a set amount for little time outlay you have a winner and a way to make more than the regular lawyer. You keep thinking it is zero sum, it is not.
In the case of Planned Parenthood, they can get paid for only having one person rather than a Doctor and that person... The less Doctors they have to hire to get the job done the more money they can make by not paying for that.

In your case... A set fee for something like a Will can net you quick money...

Other, now billionaires, lawyers realized this and put it online for easy acces with directions. They became billionaires through ingenius use of time! It isn't the time they spend, but whether it is spent smartly. It is your most valuable asset, use it very discriminately.
This pill will do nothing but make women go out even more and have unprotected sex and know they won't have to worry about it the next day. If your worries about getting pregnant,or are regularly sexually active...why not just get on the pill or use a condom? Wait,that would mean personal reposibility,which the makers of this pill apparently don't advocate.

More disease and more death will come from this ,I fear.

This reminds me quite a bit of the argument some conservatives make against Universal Health care. I have actually seen them argue (and in this group too) that if you give people "free" health care they won't take care of their health. They'll smoke and make unhealthy eating choices, because if they don't care if they get sick because someone else is paying for it. That cracked me up. As if, given Universal Health care, I'm going to start chain smoking, and then when I get lung cancer just get hysterical laughing over it Ha ha, boy did I put one over on the taxpayers or what? I've got stage 3 lung cancer and YOU have to pay for it. hahahhahahaah. Oh it's so funny.

So now, if I have freer access to the morning after pill, I'm going to be out every night screwing my brains out (oh sorry if screwing offends you, maybe I should say "sleeping all over the place", because you know, that's not offensive) so anyway, I'm going to be out screwing, with no protection, laughing my ass off about it because I can always go get the morning after pill.

Which you can't take often, and which is not always effective, and which sane people understand is for an EMERGENCY. Thus, it is known as "emergency contraceptives". Because it's for an emergency. Like if the condom breaks. Did you know that they do that sometimes? I've had it happen.

And I don't even have sex all over the place.

Whatever that means.

This is just another form of birth control, for when your birth control of choice, fails. That's all it is. It's just another for a woman to keep control of her body and of her reproductive choices. It's another way for her to choose not to reproduce, but still choose to make love. If it has any effect on the abortion rate, it will be to lower it. Which, you would think we could all agree would be a good thing. But nooooo. So what does this tell me? It tells me what I've always known. It's not about abortion, it's about control.
She said "make love" I'm offended.

Yes well, even some of us liberal sluts, who believe a woman must control her own body while we're sleeping all over the place, have found that that's the best sex to be had anywhere.

Doesn't mean we want to have a baby every time we do it. Oh and Damo, do you know anyone who isn't a conservative over at this other site wherever it is? I mean, what is that site, free republic? Shit .

I can see a scenario where one would otherwise say no, but knowing this was accessible may say yes.

Imagine. Right before while both are all bothered and ready the contraception fails. They know it failed but have no backup. Are they slightly more likely to continue rather than reign in their impulse because they know that consequences are likely to be lighter if they use this? They know they can... Ahhh... Why not?

Saying that there never could be a circumstance that one might otherwise have said no to unprotected sex, but might go ahead because of this product is, IMHO, objectionable to my intelligence. I couldn't care less if you call it "screwing" over "making love"... That's all ridiculous anyway.
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So now, if I have freer access to the morning after pill, I'm going to be out every night screwing my brains out (oh sorry if screwing offends you, maybe I should say "sleeping all over the place", because you know, that's not offensive) so anyway, I'm going to be out screwing, with no protection, laughing my ass off about it because I can always go get the morning after pill.

Way to jump allover the new people! It's called an opinion, is she not entitled to it if you don't agree?

You have so much pent up anger I have to wonder if you were'nt an accident of birth yourself.
Yes well, even some of us liberal sluts, who believe a woman must control her own body while we're sleeping all over the place, have found that that's the best sex to be had anywhere.

Doesn't mean we want to have a baby every time we do it. Oh and Damo, do you know anyone who isn't a conservative over at this other site wherever it is? I mean, what is that site, free republic? Shit .

LOL. No it isn't Free Republic... but it is heavily conservative. It's basically the old site in bizarro.
Imagine. Right before while both are all bothered and ready the contraception fails. They know it failed but have no backup. Are they slightly more likely to continue rather than reign in their impulse because they know that consequences are likely to be lighter if they use this? They know they can... Ahhh... Why not?
what ever happened to oral copulation!
I can see a scenario where one would otherwise say know, but knowing this was accessible may say yes.

Imagine. Right before while both are all bothered and ready the contraception fails. They know it failed but have no backup. Are they slightly more likely to continue rather than reign in their impulse because they know that consequences are likely to be lighter if they use this? They know they can... Ahhh... Why not?

Saying that there never could be a circumstance that one might otherwise had said not to unprotected sex, but go ahead because of the product is, IMHO, objectionable to my intelligence. I couldn't care less if you call it "screwing" over "making love"... That's all ridiculous anyway.

There are always possible scenarios to anything.

What business is that of yours, or of hers? You don't belong in that bed making that decision. Mind your own business.

It's a contraceptive. If someone chooses to make love after their first choice contraceptive fails, because they have a second choice, it's none of your business, it's none of her business, and it's none of my business.

The difference seems to be, that I couldn't care less in the first place. Only sex life I'm interested in is my own.
There are always possible scenarios to anything.

What business is that of yours, or of hers? You don't belong in that bed making that decision. Mind your own business.

It's a contraceptive. If someone chooses to make love after their first choice contraceptive fails, because they have a second choice, it's none of your business, it's none of her business, and it's none of my business.

The difference seems to be, that I couldn't care less in the first place. Only sex life I'm interested in is my own.
No. You specifically went on a long-assed rant telling me how nobody would EVER do this. I simply gave a scenario where it was clear it could. Now that you are caught out you simply suggest my opinion where none was given and fight that paper tiger....

Joust away, but you are aiming at the wrong target.
No. You specifically went on a long-assed rant telling me how nobody would EVER do this. I simply gave a scenario where it was clear it could. Now that you are caught out you simply suggest my opinion where none was given and fight that paper tiger....

Joust away, but you are aiming at the wrong target.

I never said nobody would ever do that. I'm smart enough to never say, never OR always. No such things exist.

However, sane people do understand that this is emergency birth control, for emergencies. And that most uses of it will be when primary birth control fails. It's that simple. Hey, guess what, some people huff glue and get off on cough medicine. so what? Do most people? No, most people use both for their primary purpose. That's why we sell it. Same thing here.