Morning After Pill

Not particularly... I'm just more openly Libertarian. Having this available doesn't change my stance on abortion either. I would prefer we remove the fetus and attempt to keep it alive thus allowing for both the reproductive choice of the woman and recognizing the life...

In time this would make true reproductive choice happen. Where women could choose to incubate naturally or ex utero...

In other words I am against purposefully killing a fetus that has attached to a uterine wall.
Also,if you want people that will agree with you all the time,why don't you go over to DU?

Don't sweat it Krisy, she has already declared herself a liberal slut so leave well enough alone before she actually believes that she may be something else.

And to be honest, most here are extremely partisan in their views, half won't even discuss something with you if you are not posting rhetorical open assed bullshit! The other half, well the jusry is still out, but there are a few that can at least discuss an issue once middle ground if found.
Don't sweat it Krisy, she has already declared herself a liberal slut so leave well enough alone before she actually believes that she may be something else.

And to be honest, most here are extremely partisan in their views, half won't even discuss something with you if you are not posting rhetorical open assed bullshit! The other half, well the jusry is still out, but there are a few that can at least discuss an issue once middle ground if found.

Don't worry,I won't sweat her. She is busy tearing Damo a new one about putting words in her mouth,yet she did just that to me. I have been friendly in my argument and have insulted no one,except for women that sleep around and are irresponsible. As strongly as I disagree with Liberals,rarely will I insult them personally on a message board. Darla has shown her maturity level,and given me a first impression of someone who is maybe a little irrational.
Darla has shown her maturity level,and given me a first impression of someone who is maybe a little irrational.

Atta girl Krisy! don't go forgetting my maturity level though, I flame the hell out of all of em' then try to make a little peace! :cof1:

seriously though, ain't no sense in trying to warm up to this onel, she so cold her nipples would make excellent coat racks!
Atta girl Krisy! don't go forgetting my maturity level though, I flame the hell out of all of em' then try to make a little peace! :cof1:

seriously though, ain't no sense in trying to warm up to this onel, she so cold her nipples would make excellent coat racks!

It appears you may be right!!:confused:

Seriously,I can't stand when people cannot disagree in a mature way and have to result in misquotes and lies...or even insults.
I like to hear the other sides point of view. I probably won't change my mind,but I will hear them out. Sometimes they make good points,like care4all's argument about the pill.

datrla sounds like a hard core feminist...maybe I am wrong,I'm sure she will let me know. That's not my style. I believe in women and what they can achieve,but I don't have to act like a butch to do that.
It appears you may be right!!:confused:

Seriously,I can't stand when people cannot disagree in a mature way and have to result in misquotes and lies...or even insults.
I like to hear the other sides point of view. I probably won't change my mind,but I will hear them out. Sometimes they make good points,like care4all's argument about the pill.

datrla sounds like a hard core feminist...maybe I am wrong,I'm sure she will let me know. That's not my style. I believe in women and what they can achieve,but I don't have to act like a butch to do that.

I hear ya Krisy! I try to express myself with opinion representing myself not a party but you almost become instantly classified here. I believe that Care is genuine as well as a few other, take it slow and see what happens.

Oh, want a real girly opinion? ask Cypress! :cof1:
Don't worry,I won't sweat her. She is busy tearing Damo a new one about putting words in her mouth,yet she did just that to me. I have been friendly in my argument and have insulted no one,except for women that sleep around and are irresponsible. As strongly as I disagree with Liberals,rarely will I insult them personally on a message board. Darla has shown her maturity level,and given me a first impression of someone who is maybe a little irrational.
LOL. She was "tearing me a new one" because it is embarrassing to be caught out like that. She assumed my opinion and ended up with egg on her face...

I am against abortion when the zygote/fetus has attached to the uterine wall. In every case.

Abortion being the directed killing of the fetus.

I am for:

1. Genuine reproductive choice, not the falsehood of abortion.
2. Working to acheive choice through study.
3. Actually creating a new science, and funding it, to protect both the life and the choice...
4. True women's equality through actual reproductive choice, not slaughter of innocents...

I don't think my stance is all that "liberal"...

She assumed my opinion and ended up with egg on her face...

Exactly what I was saying! I have been assumed more things in my short time here than I can count, well that not really to high anyway... :cof1:

and I am starting to realize that......:sexy:
LOL. She was "tearing me a new one" because it is embarrassing to be caught out like that. She assumed my opinion and ended up with egg on her face...

I am against abortion when the zygote/fetus has attached to the uterine wall. In every case.

Abortion being the directed killing of the fetus.

I am for:

1. Genuine reproductive choice, not the falsehood of abortion.
2. Working to acheive choice through study.
3. Actually creating a new science, and funding it, to protect both the life and the choice...
4. True women's equality through actual reproductive choice, not slaughter of innocents...

I don't think my stance is all that "liberal"...


I didn't think it was ...on abortion at least. Just from remembering posts on jim's board. I think maybe I misunderstood what you were saying. I do remember that you agree with both side at times,right? That's good by me. Everyone should be entitled to their opinion without...ahem...being insulted(wink,wink):)
I didn't think it was ...on abortion at least. Just from remembering posts on jim's board. I think maybe I misunderstood what you were saying. I do remember that you agree with both side at times,right? That's good by me. Everyone should be entitled to their opinion without...ahem...being insulted(wink,wink):)
LOL. nudge, nudge... Knowhatimean?

Exactly what I was saying! I have been assumed more things in my short time here than I can count, well that not really to high anyway... :cof1:

and I am starting to realize that......:sexy:

I don't care what anyone says evil,you crack me up!! :clink:

LOL, it's a self created name. I figured so long as I will be classified I'll do it myself. Megaldon as in the giant prehistoric sharks, also considered beasts, I call myself megalocon, a giant neocon but yet a sexy beast! ;)
LOL, it's a self created name. I figured so long as I will be classified I'll do it myself. Megaldon as in the giant prehistoric sharks, also considered beasts, I call myself megalocon, a giant neocon but yet a sexy beast! ;)

:thup: :doh: I knew that!!....(not really)
Patience grasshoppers!

Darla is a Diamond in the rough, with a heart of gold. (hahaha! It really is in there, somewhere! I promise you! ;) )

Different strokes for different folks...we all come from different walks of life on here and that is one reason I find this board and other's interesting...meeting people that I never would have the opportunity to meet in my small little circle of friends or family.

That's something she(darling darla :) ) needs to get better at accepting herself!
