Morning After Pill

actually if the guy took responsibility and kept his pants zipped or covered his one eyed trouser worm, then you wouldn't have to worry about that ''weak little female'' having any kind of personal responsibility...

i know, let's just make the MALE birth control pill that has been created, mandatory for men over the age of 13....that would reduce abortions and the 40% of childbirths in america to unwed mothers....

where's the guy in all this and does he hold any responsibility?

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WOW, your a lesbian?

That would explain some of the inflammatory hatred.

You know maybe if she got some dick in her she might......... eww damn did I say that out loud.....sorry my thought bubble popped:cof1:
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That would explain some of the inflammatory hatred.

You know maybe if she got some dick in her she might......... eww damn did I say that out loud.....sorry my thought bubble popped:cof1:

It's always heart-warming to see the party of family values parading their real values around.
Do you judge everyone based on the people in your own little world? I know several cons women...married once for years. It goes both ways. Get out a little.

I am planning on divorcing my hubby soon,no reason,just so I can marry 3 or 4 more times :rolleyes:

That is a joke;)

Is kev aware of this!:p
actually if the guy took responsibility and kept his pants zipped or covered his one eyed trouser worm, then you wouldn't have to worry about that ''weak little female'' having any kind of personal responsibility...

i know, let's just make the MALE birth control pill that has been created, mandatory for men over the age of 13....that would reduce abortions and the 40% of childbirths in america to unwed mothers....

where's the guy in all this and does he hold any responsibility?



There's a lot of sexism and outright misogyny hidden in all of this concern for women. There always is.
it was a long quote with a lot more in it than merely the assertion that republicans used gay marriage to get out the vote...and I still haven't figured out that multi-quote function ;)
it was a long quote with a lot more in it than merely the assertion that republicans used gay marriage to get out the vote...and I still haven't figured out that multi-quote function ;)

i haven't figured out that multi quote functions yet either!:(
You simply click on and activate each you wish to quote in the order you wish them to appear... You then hit Post Reply and the quote boxes with text will appear in your new post.
How could there be a lot of women like the one you describe in this world? I don't dispute that they exist, but in large quantities? I doubt it. Why would anyone in their right mind choose to put themselves through any surgical procedure, over and over? You'd have to be sick. Any surgery carries inherent risk in it, people go in for very minor procedures, and sometimes, die right on the table. We all know of cases like that. Plus, just the fact of surgery, and bleeding, and after care, all can be avoided if you take a pill or use a diaphram, but there are "a lot of women" who go through this procedure over and over, using it as birth control?

I just can't see it. The ones who do obviously have problems, but I can't believe it's that common. I don't know anyone who has done this, or if I do, they haven't told me about it. In fact, I actually don't know anyone who has had more than one abortion. One woman I know may have had two, now that I think harder about it, but I'm not certain.

Woman’s contraceptive use and abortion

65% Used contraceptives, but not at the time of

26% Used contraceptives at the time of conception

5.5% Never has used contraceptives

0.8% Did not know whether she used contraception

2.5% Did not provide information

Unfortunately, many women use abortion as a form of
birth control. For example, more than 70 percent of the
women who obtained abortions in 2001 did not use any
form of birth control when they became pregnant.

Reason for abortion*

44% Does not want children at this time

17% Economic reasons

6% Emotional health is at stake

4% Physical health is at stake

1% Pregnancy resulted in fetal anomalies

0.2% Continued pregnancy will cause impairment of
major bodily function

0.66% Rape

0.04% Incest

22% Other stated reason

31% Unknown/refused to answer

If abortion were allowed only to save the life of the
woman, Minnesota would have had only 0.2 percent (34)
of the abortions that occurred in 2001. Of the women who
stated a reason for their abortion in 2001, more than two
out of every five women obtained abortions because they
did not want children; for these women, abortion was
clearly elective and these babies died for no reason other
than to make life more convenient for the mother.

* This information is self-reported by women and not
subject to further scrutiny or verification. The percentages do
not add up to 100 percent because women are allowed to
provide more than one reason.
Age of woman

17% 19 years of age or younger

34% 20–24 years of age

22% 25–29 years of age

15% 30–34 years of age

9% 35–39 years of age

3% 40 years of age and older

Eighty-three percent of Minnesota’s abortions are
performed on women 20 or older.

The most common reason women
gave for abortion in 2001 was, “does
not want children at this time.”

More quick facts

• Although people who identify themselves as Black
or African-American make up only 3.5 percent of
Minnesota’s population, more than 19 percent of
abortions performed in Minnesota’s abortion
facilities were on black women.
• 948 women had three or more previous abortions.
• 240 babies were 20 or more weeks old when they
were aborted.
• 1,371 women traveled to Minnesota from another
state or country to have an abortion. Because most
of Minnesota’s abortion providers are located
relatively near the Wisconsin border, it isn’t
surprising that 1,117 of these women were from
• 2,974 Minnesota women who live outside of the
seven-county metro area obtained abortions in 2001.
• 355 abortions were “medical” abortions. Medical
abortions are drug-induced, non-surgical abortions
(such as RU-486). using abortion as form of birth control"
No, I told Care I would take you off and so I did.

I'm simply ignoring you manually now.

Because I find you to be a pig, and frankly, I seriously question whether English is your first langauge.

:lolup: :lolup:

Well I don't care what your views are, that was pretty damn funny!

I'm really not a pig, why would you think that?