Most Americans aren't financially ready for a $1,000 emergency?!!

You can't become a millionaire by spending all the money you make.

Word, pay your Ira/401k before The Rolex salesman

I told another accounting supervisor at chevron that I had never spent more than $20,000 on a new car!
He looked at me like I was speaking Greek, all the guys making $100,000 were driving a Lexus and a Tahoe!
They all work longer than me by years. It's a live style choice. That's all
Word, pay your Ira/401k before The Rolex salesman

I told another accounting supervisor at chevron that I had never spent more than $20,000 on a new car!
He looked at me like I was speaking Greek, all the guys making $100,000 were driving a Lexus and a Tahoe!
They all work longer than me by years. It's a live style choice. That's all
True dat. I could easily get a $50, 000 car financed but the last care I bought I paid $11K for a used car. When I bought my Condo I had it financed at $175K but though I was approved for $300,000. My wife and I don't have kids so who needs all that wasted space?

I've largely have been putting that extra jack in my 401K cause my company is still matching what I put into it so that's an automatic 50% roi. Assuming the market doesn't completely collapse I should do all right...though I doubt I hit the magic million. My plan is the invest till it hurts till I'm at least 63 and then change employment to something less stressful and more flexible. and try to draw down as little on my savings as I can till 70. I'm not the retiring type. I want to get a nest egg saved up so that I can work at things that are rewarding in other ways.
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housing prices were why so many were hitting the million mark.

at one point I was nearly a millionaire due to housing prices
Why do you think I'm "fortunate" or "lucky"? I worked and saved early. This idea that most people "cannot afford" it is silly. I simply got the cheapest living arrangement possible and saved money early on so that I would have money later on. I got married later than most because I waited and had money to save because I planned.
I didn't mean it like that Damo. I didn't mean that you didn't earn it or plan and live wisely. I didn't say you were lucky either, I said you are fortunate. You are. Count your blessings even if you got there through skill, hard work, determination, sacrifice and wisdom one unfortunate incident can wipe that all out as it did for my brother. Count your blessings Damo. :)
True dat. I could easily get a $50, 000 car financed but the last care I bought I paid $11K for a used car. When I bought my Condo I had it financed at $175K but though I was approved for $300,000. My wife and I don't have kids so who needs all that wasted space?

I've largely have been putting that extra jack in my 401K cause my company is still matching what I put into it so that's an automatic 50% roi. Assuming the market doesn't completely collapse I should do all right...though I doubt I hit the magic million. My plan is the invest till it hurts till I'm at least 63 and then change employment to something less stressful and more flexible. and try to draw down as little on my savings as I can till 70.

I'm not trying to be pushy, you are way smarter than me and make more than I did at your young age!
Max your 401k and pray for a crash so you can buy cheaper. I was saddled with two private school tuitions from kindergarten through college wrestling at private schools in Iowa. Because my non college grad ex wife wouldn't here of public schools.
Everybody with a job can save something, Damo is right.
I studied millionaires to learn how to get there.
There are plenty of examples of teachers and firefighter types as millionaires.
One of the keys is not getting into the jones race
Agreed...but it still takes good fortune to get there. One bad accident on the interstate can see all your best plans and hard work disappear is all I was saying.
I never count my housing equity as an asset!
Cause I'd never sell to pay bills

Whether you want to count it or not, it is counted as part of your net worth.

But maybe the gobblement will have different rules for you when you croak and you won't have to count it as part of your estate.
I was reading about the early 90s study about how most American millionaires live. Used cars, simple homes, department store clothes, and some very meager budgets, were the surprise results.
If your single and making $40 kpy or married and making $60 kpy and have good health and no unfortunate incidents the road to wealth isn't particularly difficult if you plan wisely and live frugally. You just need to do smart things. I lie 4.5 miles from work. I'd be insane to buy a new gas guzzling SUV. I can get a high mileage 4 banger that will get the job done and save a crap load of money. I don't need a 3,500 sq. ft. house for two people. My 1,200 sq. ft condo does nicely at a far lower price.

I draw the line at shopping for cloths at Wallmart though. That shit aint happening. LOL
I read that book, the millionaire next door.
They drive 4 year old American cars, don't wear $1,000 suites and expensive watches, travel to Europe
Keeping up with the jones makes it tough to sock away a million.
I always had smaller houses and cheaper cars than I could qualify for.
Most people making $70,000 prob spend more than me
It also does a hell of a lot to reduce stress in your life.
I'm not trying to be pushy, you are way smarter than me and make more than I did at your young age!
Max your 401k and pray for a crash so you can buy cheaper. I was saddled with two private school tuitions from kindergarten through college wrestling at private schools in Iowa. Because my non college grad ex wife wouldn't here of public schools.
Young age? Dude...I'm 54. LOL I'm earning around 75 kpy and the misses does about 45kpy....she's only 36. She's far better positioned to become a millionare than I am. It's hard to get her to listen though when I tell her to invest 20% of her income in a split between her 401K (her employers matching isn't as generous as my employer) and a ROTH attitude is like "But what if I dye tomorrow? I won't get to enjoy my money.".
Young age? Dude...I'm 54. LOL I'm earning around 75 kpy and the misses does about 45kpy....she's only 36. She's far better positioned to become a millionare than I am. It's hard to get her to listen though when I tell her to invest 20% of her income in a split between her 401K (her employers matching isn't as generous as my employer) and a ROTH attitude is like "But what if I dye tomorrow? I won't get to enjoy my money.".

My bad you are 2 years younger than me but look 20 years younger. My only point is, you like me have a very hot wife. Who is on their death bed saying I wish I had worked more? Wealth gives you the freedom to take that beauty anywhere she wants to go. I splurged on herb, Corp lunches and tennis racquets that's about it.
You are both well on your way, watch out for snake oil financial advisers there are more crooks than good guys
What is interesting is that If Obama gets his way Topspin and Mott will be violating the law giving investment advice like they are right now
What is interesting is that If Obama gets his way Topspin and Mott will be violating the law giving investment advice like they are right now

Though I have been paid for it before, this general advice is educational in nature and obviously free of charge.
Though I have been paid for it before, this general advice is educational in nature and obviously free of charge.

Doesn't matter. You need to read up on the new regs your boy Obama is pushing. You will be forbidden from giving free advice. Doing so gives you a fiduciary responsibility to the receiver of said advice even if you aren't getting paid. Did they teach what fiduciary means at the Jesus business school you attended?
You mean just like Obama is responsible for the GOP cluster fuck that's currently going on? LOL LOL LOL

You need to educate yourself about what is going on. I enjoy being more informed than you are, even though it doesn't take much to accomplish that feat. You don't present much of a challenge.