Most Badass Vehicle Ever Built

Real men ride steel! :)


"I couldn't agree more"

*I appreciate that this is perhaps the most parochial gag ever to feature on this board and will likely be understood by just one other current poster (Hello Tom, if you're reading) but i thought - "to hell with it i'm just going to baffle the lot of 'em". Stick that in your pipe Uncle Sams.

Carry on.
A little shack in the country. Big deal. *shrug*

So it is your contention that a house is either a mansion or a shack?

Strange way of looking at things.

I wish it was taxed as a shack. My property taxes would go way down.
So it is your contention that a house is either a mansion or a shack?

Strange way of looking at things.

I wish it was taxed as a shack. My property taxes would go way down.
Sure. $400/year too much for you?

Let's see some pictures of this lake-side resort. LOL


I can only assume the next thing on the list that you two are going to start comparing is cocks.
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Sure. $400/year too much for you?

Let's see some pictures of this lake-side resort. LOL

I would prefer lower taxes. If that doesn't make sense to you, there is not much I can do to clarify it.

Sorry but no. I have seen what you do with pictures and personal information. I have a very nice home. Not a shack and not a mansion.

No Charver, no comparisons from my end. Just a discussion on the percentage of the US military fighter aircraft that Southernman owns because he pays taxes.
No Charver, no comparisons from my end. Just a discussion on the percentage of the US military fighter aircraft that Southernman owns because he pays taxes.

Does it matter how much he reckons he owns seeing as if he ever tries to claim his 'property' he'll likely get his head blown off?
Does it matter how much he reckons he owns seeing as if he ever tries to claim his 'property' he'll likely get his head blown off?

I think you are right.

It would be a lot like the drunk telling the cop "You work for me!".
I make no claim on my portion, but the fact is that I paid for a percentage of it and thus am partial, if "silent" owner. And again, more than you. :)
I make no claim on my portion, but the fact is that I paid for a percentage of it and thus am partial, if "silent" owner. And again, more than you. :)

Unless all your contributions were ringfenced to finance affirmative action programs. :D
I make no claim on my portion, but the fact is that I paid for a percentage of it and thus am partial, if "silent" owner. And again, more than you. :)

No, you made the attempt to call my posting of the Porsche 911 as irrelevant because I didn't own it, as you do your submission for Ruler of the Road.

And now, unless you own the F-22 you posted, your claim is bogus.

But since you don't own the F-22 you posted a picture of, your claim is bogus.

And now you want to play "I pay more taxes than you do" so you can claim to own more of it than I do.

Absolutely ridiculous.
No, you made the attempt to call my posting of the Porsche 911 as irrelevant because I didn't own it, as you do your submission for Ruler of the Road.

And now, unless you own the F-22 you posted, your claim is bogus.

But since you don't own the F-22 you posted a picture of, your claim is bogus.

And now you want to play "I pay more taxes than you do" so you can claim to own more of it than I do.

Absolutely ridiculous.
Actually, its completely logical, for the reasons cited. You own nothing of the 911. *shrug*
Actually, as an honorably discharged veteran, I was a member of the organization that does own the F-22.

So I would say my service earned me a greater portion of the aircraft.

:rolleyes: See? I can twist the truth and make ridiculous claims as well.

Actually, its completely logical, for the reasons cited. You own nothing of the 911. *shrug*

Actually, no it is not logical. You are not a "silent partner". You cannot make any claim to ownership of that aircraft.

And I think it is funny that you think you do.
When next you think about posting that I am the reason for the arguments we have, or that I am stalking you or whatever, please think back tothis thread.

You posted what you like as a vehicle. I did the same, with the statement "I guess what we see as "ruler of the road" depends on what we like in a car and want out of it. Personally, this is what I call the current Ruler of the Road:"

I did not make any statement demeaning your choice of vehicles. I did not say anything negative towards you at all. I was simply putting up a pic of what I think is the "Ruler of the Road". There had been no mention of ownership whatsoever. I even added what I did to show it was only a difference of personal choices in vehicles.

And yet you chose to turn this into another attack. You chose to try and make this into an "I am better than you" bit of bullshit. And did that, despite the fact that you know so little about me.

And now you are asking me to post pictures of my home and tell you how much I pay in taxes.

So much for me being the antagonist.
Actually, as an honorably discharged veteran, I was a member of the organization that does own the F-22.

So I would say my service earned me a greater portion of the aircraft.

:rolleyes: See? I can twist the truth and make ridiculous claims as well.


Maybe, during your forces career, you've had a shit in a toilet paid for by SM.

Or wiped your bottom on the toilet paper his tax dollars paid for. Sure, it's a little less glamorous than, say, a small nut on a fast plane but equally as vital and worthy of some mighty fine swaggerage.
Maybe, during your forces career, you've had a shit in a toilet paid for by SM.

Or wiped your bottom on the toilet paper his tax dollars paid for. Sure, it's a little less glamorous than, say, a small nut on a fast plane but equally as vital and worthy of some mighty fine swaggerage.

And I thank him for his contribution to my personal hygiene while I served.
Actually, as an honorably discharged veteran, I was a member of the organization that does own the F-22.

So I would say my service earned me a greater portion of the aircraft.

:rolleyes: See? I can twist the truth and make ridiculous claims as well.

Sorry, but as an employee you retain no additional right to the property. That would be like saying that I own a portion of my old boss's building. *shrug*