Most Badass Vehicle Ever Built

Nuff said.
Just put my wife behind the wheel and it would a baaaaaaad mofo!! You sure as hell wouldn't want to jay walk in front of her at the mall!! Not if there's a sale going on.
When I was Solitary? You just don't get it do you?

Nowhere in this thread did anyone say anything about owning the vehicles.

And nowhere in this thread did you mention that you owned that vehicle until you tried, yet again, to just be hostile and demeaning.

But try as you might to make it one, its not an issue.

I think the Porsche 911 turbo is the Ruler of the Road. You like your SUV. Its called different tastes.
SUV's are for pencil dicks. Real men ride Vespas!!

Trident submarine.

This vehicle has more destructive capability than any in the history of the world.

No the fastest thing around. But can be almost impossible to locate until they launch their missiles. And then, of course, its too late.
Ha! You've obviously never seen my wife driving her civic!
So far I'm ahead. While the JSF or Trident may be capable of killing billions of people or destroying my vehicle easily, they're seriously lacking in badassness. What could be more badass than a flying battleship with gun turrets that look like they salvaged them from the Bismarck?
I agree! I vehicle is only as badass as its driver. I mean what use would a Trident submarine be if Threedee was driving it?
Not so much. I'm driving mine 20K per year to the mountains, through the snow, on rutted unimproved roads, camping, dragging huge logs out of the woods, hauling trailers and carting my family around on trips to Vermont, Florida, and wherever; all in complete comfort and luxury. Yours is a cut-out picture on your wall. *shrug*

So how many F-22s do you own? After all, you did post that in this same thread.
Ha! You've obviously never seen my wife driving her civic!

My wife is not a dangerous driver going forward. But let her put it in reverse and you better run like hell.

Or stand in the spot she wants to back to, she'll never hit that.
As a taxpayer, probably a lot more than you. *shrug*

That was your best zinger? lol

I suppose we could swap tax info and see who pays the most in taxes. But that would give you my personal info and I am not about to do that.

Safe to say neither of us has paid for one of the F-22s.

Also safe to say you don't own one.
That was your best zinger? lol

I suppose we could swap tax info and see who pays the most in taxes. But that would give you my personal info and I am not about to do that.

Safe to say neither of us has paid for one of the F-22s.

Also safe to say you don't own one.
Safe to say I own a bigger percentage that you. *shrug*
Safe to say I own a bigger percentage that you. *shrug*

LOL!! Thats quite a statement considering you know absolutely nothing about my financial situation. In other words, you are just blowing smoke.

YOu think you own a bigger percentage? lol So that equates to ownership?

You'll do anything to try and look bigger & better and not admit you are wrong. That is just too funny.
LOL!! Thats quite a statement considering you know absolutely nothing about my financial situation. In other words, you are just blowing smoke.

YOu think you own a bigger percentage? lol So that equates to ownership?

You'll do anything to try and look bigger & better and not admit you are wrong. That is just too funny.

LOL You've seen my house, or one of them.
LOL You've seen my house, or one of them.

No, as a matter of fact I have not. And you have not seen my house on the lake.

But that is not a matter of house much you make or how much you pay in taxes. That can also be a matter of how much credit you can swing.

But neither that nor the amount of taxes either of us pay is relevant. You were denigrating my post because I do not own the Porsche I posted a picture of. I pointed out that you do not own the F-22 you posted a picture of. And that is the absolute truth. Even if you paid billions in taxes, you do not own the F-22 fighter aircraft that you posted the picture of on this thread.