Most Badass Vehicle Ever Built

Actually, no it is not logical. You are not a "silent partner". You cannot make any claim to ownership of that aircraft.

And I think it is funny that you think you do.
It would be refreshing for you to argue against my point instead of a caricature of it. *shrug*

So how's your dream car 911 doing. Does it need an oil change or something? I'm about to clean out my bad ass SUV for my trip to Virginia next week.
It would be refreshing for you to argue against my point instead of a caricature of it. *shrug*

So how's your dream car 911 doing. Does it need an oil change or something? I'm about to clean out my bad ass SUV for my trip to Virginia next week.

Again, see post #116.

It explains the root of the problem.
That post is another logical fallacy called "appeal to ridicule", and not worth addressing. Moreover tax payments cannot be designated for anything in particular.

It is not appeal to ridiculeIt is outright ridicule for a ridiculous argument.

Two reasons for it being ridiculous.

1 - Your claims of ownership in order to prevent looking foolish for your statement about my not owning the porsche is foolish. The claim to ownership of the materials of the US government is based on citizenship, not on how much taxes are paid. Claiming that paying more taxes gives you a greater ownership means ignoring what the nation stands for.

2 - Your claims of paying more taxes than I do is nothing but false bravado. Since you do not know my real name, much less my income, you have absolutely no basis for your claim except your own ego.

This is just another personal attack by you.
Either way, I own the SUV and you own a picture of the 911. *shrug*

And that would be relevant why?

Nevermind. Your reasoning does not matter. I understand why you continue to push the idea that you own something so valuable. I understand why you feel the need to say that I own less.

Lets let the thread go back to "Most Badass Vehicle Ever Built"
And that would be relevant why?

Nevermind. Your reasoning does not matter. I understand why you continue to push the idea that you own something so valuable. I understand why you feel the need to say that I own less.

Lets let the thread go back to "Most Badass Vehicle Ever Built"
The point is that if we're comparing massive military vehicles none of us would own one out right, but when comparing personal vehicles we can, and some of us actually do. *shrug*
The point is that if we're comparing massive military vehicles none of us would own one out right, but when comparing personal vehicles we can, and some of us actually do. *shrug*

I recall you saying something about me not letting go? lol

Yes, you own what you think is "Ruler of the Road". But I challenge you to show me where the posts said anything about ownership of what we think is "Ruler of the Road". It ain't there. And then you launch into this "I pay more taxes than you do" or the "Show us pictures of this lakeside mansion" bits of bullshit. It had nothing to do with the topic and everything to do with you wanting to make yourself look bigger and try to make me look less. As if you know anything about my finances.

Its all about the attack for you and not about the topic. And there is no need for that bullshit.
I recall you saying something about me not letting go? lol

Yes, you own what you think is "Ruler of the Road". But I challenge you to show me where the posts said anything about ownership of what we think is "Ruler of the Road". It ain't there. And then you launch into this "I pay more taxes than you do" or the "Show us pictures of this lakeside mansion" bits of bullshit. It had nothing to do with the topic and everything to do with you wanting to make yourself look bigger and try to make me look less. As if you know anything about my finances.

Its all about the attack for you and not about the topic. And there is no need for that bullshit.
If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. *shrug*
If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. *shrug*


What? More macho posturing? What heat? I am trying to get this petty personal attacking to stop. It is a waste of time and bandwidth.

The only way there would be heat is if this actually mattered. But this is idiocy.
So stop being an idiot. *shrug*

WTF? How have I been an idiot? I posted a picture of what I think is the Ruler of the Road, and you start on this "you don't own it" and trying to compare incomes and taxes.

And you say I am being an idiot?

Why do you continue this? And don't go with the "shining the light of truth" bullshit, because none of this has anything to do with truth. Why continue the personal attacks?

I am trying to stop this bullshit. I was making no attack on you when I posted the pic of the porsche. In fact, I made a point of saying it was a matter of personal taste and choice.

What is it that you get out of all this crap?
Ask your buddy Solitary, who insulted my family, or yourself, who defended him about it. *shrug*

I defended him? I said I thought it was funny and offered an alternative to the trash you thought about it.

Just chill out and stick with topics.
LOL "An alternative". That's a stretch. *shrug*


You post the "but you don't own it" and "being a tax payer I own more of it than you" and then call my post a stretch??


Just petty bullshit, Southernman. And I am trying to stop it. While you are thinking that it makes you more of a "man" to continue insults online.
You're the one who stretched a story in a thinly veiled insult. *shrug*

Pretty funny how Solitary threw himself in front of a train like that.
You're the one who stretched a story in a thinly veiled insult. *shrug*

Pretty funny how Solitary threw himself in front of a train like that.

What story did I stretch into a thinly veiled insult?

I have spent the last few days trying to end this bullshit.

I do so because its the right thing to do. If the only way to avoid it is to block you, then thats easy enough to do. But I prefer not limit who I see and who's responses are on my screen.