Most Common Jobs Of The One Percenters: Report

A rising tide raises all vessels not anchored to the fucking bottom by the fucking socialist slave owning leftist bastards.
A rising tide raises all vessels not anchored to the fucking bottom by the fucking socialist slave owning leftist bastards.

That's was a nice mini-rant. but of course you can concede that when corporations outsource and cut costs as much as possible it has negative impacts on the wellbeing of other americans right, even non socialists?
That's was a nice mini-rant. but of course you can concede that when corporations outsource and cut costs as much as possible it has negative impacts on the wellbeing of other americans right, even non socialists?

How's that? If operating expenses need to be cut and overseas workers save labor costs, shareowners (the people who built the company and own it) benefit. Some of them are Americans.

Why do you want to rob American investors of their dividends?
They are harming many americans by choosing to send their jobs overseas, lay them off, reduce benefits, and lower their wages, despite record profits. This is harmful to individuals and the nation as a whole. Have you been watching the news? Have you noted anything about the economy? It's bad.

Yeah none of that has happened to me

BTW your boy Obama says he fixed everything. Created millions of jobs, saved Detroit, decimated Al Queda and killed Osama

The economy is great. All those months of job creation according to Obama.

Are you saying Obama is lying? You racist