Most Conservatives Still Believe The Civil War Wasn't Over Slavery

Troops didn't march down until America was attacked. Some people (not southerners) consider it an egregious act of war when America is attacked.

More obfuscation to avoid the actual point - and I know why. What I'm saying is axiomatic.

Was "America Attacked" to defend a right to slaves, or to defend a right to secession is the simple question.
I understand the libs argument. Here's mine: the VAST majority of men who fought(and died) for the Confederates owned no slaves. So to say they were fighting for something they literally never had is a stretch to say the least.
More obfuscation to avoid the actual point - and I know why. What I'm saying is axiomatic.

Was "America Attacked" to defend a right to slaves, or to defend a right to secession is the simple question.

Nope, America was attacked, and that act of war is the reason/cause for the so-called Civil War. Neither slavery nor secession could have dragged America into such a war.
Nope, America was attacked, and that act of war is the reason/cause for the so-called Civil War. Neither slavery nor secession could have dragged America into such a war.

You keep saying America - but those that ordered the attack considered America to be dissolved as secession had already happened. The fight was over the right to that secession.
I understand the libs argument. Here's mine: the VAST majority of men who fought(and died) for the Confederates owned no slaves. So to say they were fighting for something they literally never had is a stretch to say the least.

This. Political and financial power was held by a tiny minority of wealthy families and their Democrat politician minions. They created the meme: "The War of Northern Aggression", convincing the common Southerner to fight for the right of self-determination. The War was thus one for slavery by the minority, and for self-determination for the majority. For the educated Officer class, it was merely a required duty.

Then as today, The Democrat Party is the true enemy of America and has no concern over the fate of blacks, the poor, and especially the military.
You keep saying America - but those that ordered the attack considered America to be dissolved as secession had already happened. The fight was over the right to that secession.

Those who ordered the attack considered themselves to be a new country—the CSA. On that, I agree with them. The war was between America and Confederacy—not Union and South. The war was fought because the CSA attacked America. Had it been about secession, America would have had to fire the first shot.
This. Political and financial power was held by a tiny minority of wealthy families and their Democrat politician minions. They created the meme: "The War of Northern Aggression", convincing the common Southerner to fight for the right of self-determination. The War was thus one for slavery by the minority, and for self-determination for the majority. For the educated Officer class, it was merely a required duty.

Then as today, The Democrat Party is the true enemy of America and has no concern over the fate of blacks, the poor, and especially the military.

Owning slaves was a sign of wealth, the same as owning a new car or a house. Something you plan to do someday when you can afford to. Also, per the secession documents, it was about the principle of keeping the black race in its place more so than the institution itself.
The only reason that the slavers wanted to set up an independent State was to keep slavery. Everyone knew, and everyone knows that. Two of my Wife's Chartist family went over to join the Union Army to fight for the Liberation, and they had a series on Sianel Pedwar Cymru a few years back composed of letters by 'Welsh'-speaking soldiers (Cymry Cymraeg), and it was very clear they knew what it was all about. It's like the Nazis doing the murder-camp denial bit.
Those who ordered the attack considered themselves to be a new country—the CSA. On that, I agree with them. The war was between America and Confederacy—not Union and South. The war was fought because the CSA attacked America. Had it been about secession, America would have had to fire the first shot.

and they attacked because the Union refused to honor the secession and leave territory that was no longer considered American. you are trying so hard to try to make this not about secession, but are completely failing.
Owning slaves was a sign of wealth, the same as owning a new car or a house. Something you plan to do someday when you can afford to. Also, per the secession documents, it was about the principle of keeping the black race in its place more so than the institution itself.

Most poor whites respected hard word and had no intention of forcing someone else to do theirs. They fought for freedom, and now you believe that they wanted to usurp the freedom of others.
The only reason that the slavers wanted to set up an independent State was to keep slavery. Everyone knew, and everyone knows that. Two of my Wife's Chartist family went over to join the Union Army to fight for the Liberation, and they had a series on Sianel Pedwar Cymru a few years back composed of letters by 'Welsh'-speaking soldiers (Cymry Cymraeg), and it was very clear they knew what it was all about. It's like the Nazis doing the murder-camp denial bit.

That was the Union view and no one is denying it. What is being debated is the Confederate view of the war. Try to keep up old codger....
Most poor whites respected hard word and had no intention of forcing someone else to do theirs. They fought for freedom, and now you believe that they wanted to usurp the freedom of others.

Throughout history the southern poor were regarded as idle and ignorant, as you know, by all the bosses, Southern and Northern. They didn't respect hard work, because 'blacks' did it. It's the same reason as that which kept classical Greek science purely theoretical: slaves use their hands!
That was the Union view and no one is denying it. What is being debated is the Confederate view of the war. Try to keep up old codger....

Racists always lie to themselves; how else could they be racists? It's like the way the scumbag leadership liked to pretend they were Mediaeval aristocrats - total bullshit.