Most Overrated Presidents

Lists of best presidents, or worst presidents, show up from time to time. Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson usually make it into the top five of every Democrat’s best president list. Conversely, they always make it to number one and number two on my list of worst president.

Should the ‘experts’ ever get around to compiling a list of the most overrated presidents —— Lincoln and Wilson will be the only contestants. That is saying a lot when you toss out FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

I do not know what Tom DiLorenzo thinks about Wilson, but he gets a double-attaboy for nailing “Honest Abe”:

Today, The Two Mikes welcomed back Dr. Tom DiLorenzo for a discussion on Abraham Lincoln and to mark the anniversary of the battle of Antietam on September 17th.

Dr. DiLorenzo has written three excellent, highly provocative, and deeply researched books about Abraham Lincoln, and they have influenced and begun to change the understanding of Lincoln among the public and in the academy.

Dr. DiLorenzo explained that Lincoln was a lawyer for corporate interests and was the chief counsel for the Illinois Central railway, a career that produced a man who favored protectionism, governmental spending to assist railroad and other industries, and a view of the central government properly operating beyond its constitutional powers and reach.

Lincoln is the last person anybody should invoke trying to justify the Civil War with the slavery argument. Everything Lincoln did and said set this country on the road to federal government control.

Instead of civil war, Lincoln could have, and should have, worked within the Constitution if he felt so strongly about preserving the Union. Naturally, the Civil War would have been unnecessary had the South surrendered their Rights instead of defending them.

Thus, the war that came can be seen not only as a Civil War but as a war to protect Northern economic interests.

The fact is that Lincoln saw the Constitution impeding his will.

Americans celebrate Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but H.L. Mencken correctly evaluated the speech, "It is poetry not logic; beauty, not sense." Lincoln said that the soldiers sacrificed their lives "to the cause of self-determination -- government of the people, by the people, for the people should not perish from the earth."

Mencken says: "It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in the battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of people to govern themselves."

As important, Dr. DiLorenzo points out that there is nothing in the founding documents that prevents secession, and that Lincoln was fully empowered to let the southern states go and form another republic in North America, and save 850,000 lives in the process.

This analysis clearly is relevant to the thinking of Americans today.

It also is worth mentioning that this was the position of Jefferson, Madison, and several other of the founders.

Dr. DiLorenzo does not immediately convince all of his listeners, but his work demands respect and consideration and, as for myself, his work has caused me to begin to rethink much of what I had long believed about Lincoln.

Tom DiLorenzo: Abraham Lincoln was a Big Government Politician
by Two Mikes
September 16, 2021

We should have just let the CSA attack our military installations with impunity, because, that's brilliant statecraft.
To Frank Apisa: My my, what a clever fellow you are. After two impeachments your pals never named a crime let alone prove Trump was guilty of anything.

On the other hand, so many top Democrats are guilty of treason and/or sedition it will be easier to shoot them then it is build enough gallows to hang them.

During the impeachments of the disgusting turd, Trump, it was established beyond a doubt that he had committed all sorts of crimes...and had engaged in acts that border on treason.

What the impeachment trials proved was that Republicans are too fucking stupid or too fucking cowardly to actually bring this clueless, classless criminal to justice.

Thanks for the chance to mention that.
To Frank Apisa: Even if Hillary Clinton never committed a crime she would be the most overrated failed presidential candidate.

Franklin Foer is reportedly one of many far-left tools the Democrats and Hillary Clinton used to push their garbage Trump – Russia lies.

In the second 2016 debate, Hillary Clinton claimed President Trump was connected to Russian leader Putin.

This was laughable at the time. We could tell then that this argument was rubbish based on lies. However, Hillary, the Democrats and the Deep State push this lie to this day despite it being a lie.

A couple of days ago one of Hillary’s attorneys was indicted for pushing this lie to the FBI. Michael Sussmann was indicted for pushing the Trump – Russia lie. But as we all know, there was a cabal of journalists, Democrats and Deep State actors who pushed this lie with Sussmann. One such actor was a far-left writer from far-left Slate.

FOX News reports:

Journalist Franklin Foer appeared to admit Friday he was the journalist mentioned in a federal grand jury indictment who sent 2,500 words of his story to Fusion GPS the day before it was published.

The research firm hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump wrote him it was “time to hurry” on the story for left-wing outlet Slate linking the Trump Organization and a Russian bank days before the 2016 election, according to the indictment of Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Sussmann is accused of lying to the FBI by the John Durham probe investigating the origins of the Russia investigation. The indictment accused Sussmann of hiding the fact that he was working for the Clinton campaign while pushing for an investigation into supposed ties between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank.

From Hillary on down, they all knew what they were doing. They are just trying to get their stories straight so they don’t get caught.

Sussmann Case Shows Far-Left Slate Journalist Was Tool for the Democrats and Hillary in Pushing Garbage Trump-Russia Hit Piece
By Joe Hoft
Published September 18, 2021 at 11:00am

What the impeachment trials proved was that Republicans are too fucking stupid or too fucking cowardly to actually bring this clueless, classless criminal to justice.

Asshole. Trump would be in prison if Democrats had 1/10[SUP]th[/SUP] of the evidence they had on the crook:

For starters, Hillary never had to testify under oath. That’s pretty irregular, but it pales in comparison to the FBI preparing their statement before even hearing what she had to say. That alone demonstrates that they weren’t looking for evidence of wrongdoing.

Instead, they were looking for ways to create the appearance of an investigation while really aiming to protect her from prosecution. And, we’re still in the minor injustices.

The Real Reason Hillary Isn’t in Jail [BECAUSE SHE IS TOO BIG PROSECUTE.]
What starts out with an interesting question quickly turns to shit

Consequently, according to "flounder" and "Tom DiLorenzo," who ever the hell he is, James Buchanan then must be one of the greatest President's to occupy the White House

Always comical when those with such little knowledge of history dip into history, the results are predictable. When anyone, well, except those just trolling names and ignorant of history, starts listing worst Presidents, the names Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Pierce, Tyler, Filimore, and Harding usually surface, although I could make a case for Pierce. Discussing Lincoln as belonging on that list is just flat out stupid

In terms of overrated, Cleveland, Jackson, and Wilson are usually included, although, you have to give Wilson some credit, as bad as he was, he did lead the country thru the Great War and had laid the plans for collective security
James Buchanan was the worst POTUS in history. His lack of leadership led to the civil war which cost 850,000 lives and many more badly wounded.

Abe Lincoln was the best POTUS in history, George Washington was the most important, (by far the best General in American history) and we would never have had a country without George, Abe saved what George gave us.

FDR, LBJ, and Wilson were all terrible, (near the bottom of the bunch), and caused us massive long term damage.

Carter and Obama are the worst modern POTUSes, n' Biden is doing his best in his first nine months to be a worse POTUS then those two.

Dim wit Democrats, (the party of slavery, jim crow and the kkk), usually love FDR 'cause they worship massive gubment, they also like LBJ and Wilson because they also grew gubment and were blatant racists.

Me overpriced $.02. burp...

That is, most often, what we do here...offer opinions. Sometimes they are opinions about other opinions...and sometimes they are opinions about facts.

It is a fact that Trump was elected president of the United States in the 2016 election. It is a fact that many people consider Trump to be the very worst president we've ever had...and it is a fact that many people hope that Trump will remain the very worst president of all time. It would be a shame to have someone even worse in that job.

It is, as you noted, MY OPINION that considering him just the worst president we've ever had IS OVERRATING HIM.

It is my opinion that he has instigated and abetted traitorous and seditious acts toward America...and that he therefore is a traitor and a seditionist.

So...we are in agreement. That is my opinion.

My opinion it that you are wrong. Simple as that. No explanation needed.
To Frank Apisa: Even if Hillary Clinton never committed a crime she would be the most overrated failed presidential candidate.

Franklin Foer is reportedly one of many far-left tools the Democrats and Hillary Clinton used to push their garbage Trump – Russia lies.

In the second 2016 debate, Hillary Clinton claimed President Trump was connected to Russian leader Putin.

This was laughable at the time. We could tell then that this argument was rubbish based on lies. However, Hillary, the Democrats and the Deep State push this lie to this day despite it being a lie.

A couple of days ago one of Hillary’s attorneys was indicted for pushing this lie to the FBI. Michael Sussmann was indicted for pushing the Trump – Russia lie. But as we all know, there was a cabal of journalists, Democrats and Deep State actors who pushed this lie with Sussmann. One such actor was a far-left writer from far-left Slate.

FOX News reports:

Journalist Franklin Foer appeared to admit Friday he was the journalist mentioned in a federal grand jury indictment who sent 2,500 words of his story to Fusion GPS the day before it was published.

The research firm hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump wrote him it was “time to hurry” on the story for left-wing outlet Slate linking the Trump Organization and a Russian bank days before the 2016 election, according to the indictment of Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Sussmann is accused of lying to the FBI by the John Durham probe investigating the origins of the Russia investigation. The indictment accused Sussmann of hiding the fact that he was working for the Clinton campaign while pushing for an investigation into supposed ties between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank.

From Hillary on down, they all knew what they were doing. They are just trying to get their stories straight so they don’t get caught.

Sussmann Case Shows Far-Left Slate Journalist Was Tool for the Democrats and Hillary in Pushing Garbage Trump-Russia Hit Piece
By Joe Hoft
Published September 18, 2021 at 11:00am

Asshole. Trump would be in prison if Democrats had 1/10[SUP]th[/SUP] of the evidence they had on the crook:

For starters, Hillary never had to testify under oath. That’s pretty irregular, but it pales in comparison to the FBI preparing their statement before even hearing what she had to say. That alone demonstrates that they weren’t looking for evidence of wrongdoing.

Instead, they were looking for ways to create the appearance of an investigation while really aiming to protect her from prosecution. And, we’re still in the minor injustices.

The Real Reason Hillary Isn’t in Jail [BECAUSE SHE IS TOO BIG PROSECUTE.]

Thank you for sharing your negative feelings about Hillary Clinton. I am happy you are so negative about her, because I consider you to be an idiot.

I especially enjoy the fact that you had to veer off topic, because your hero, Trump, is such a fucking turd that you were unable to continue defending him.

Have a great day.
My opinion it that you are wrong. Simple as that. No explanation needed.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna give one anyway:

Trump is BY FAR the worst piece of shit ever to be dumped in the White House, including the massive ones Taft probably took while there.

How any sane person could look at Trump and not see the seditious piece of garbage he is...and not see just how much he and his supporters have damaged the United States and its beyond comprehension.

Fuck him and fuck you.

Do have a nice day. I'm not going to play golf until Tuesday, so I am all fired up for pissing on that dung heap Trump, if you want to continue this.
James Buchanan was the worst POTUS in history. His lack of leadership led to the civil war which cost 850,000 lives and many more badly wounded.

Abe Lincoln was the best POTUS in history, George Washington was the most important, (by far the best General in American history) and we would never have had a country without George, Abe saved what George gave us.

FDR, LBJ, and Wilson were all terrible, (near the bottom of the bunch), and caused us massive long term damage.

Carter and Obama are the worst modern POTUSes, n' Biden is doing his best in his first nine months to be a worse POTUS then those two.

Dim wit Democrats, (the party of slavery, jim crow and the kkk), usually love FDR 'cause they worship massive gubment, they also like LBJ and Wilson because they also grew gubment and were blatant racists.

Me overpriced $.02. burp...

One...most of the slavery, jim crow and kkk adherents of the Democratic Party....have long since gravitated to the Republican Party. Where the hell have you been...under a rock?

Trump is BY FAR the worst president we've ever had...and I hope the worst we will ever have.
Yeah, well, I'm gonna give one anyway:

Trump is BY FAR the worst piece of shit ever to be dumped in the White House, including the massive ones Taft probably took while there.

How any sane person could look at Trump and not see the seditious piece of garbage he is...and not see just how much he and his supporters have damaged the United States and its beyond comprehension.

Fuck him and fuck you.

Do have a nice day. I'm not going to play golf until Tuesday, so I am all fired up for pissing on that dung heap Trump, if you want to continue this.

Again, I think you are wrong. Why would you want to fuck me? And here I thought you were straight..... :eek:
Again, I think you are wrong. Why would you want to fuck me? And here I thought you were straight..... :eek:

I'm straight as an arrow.

And I am NOT WRONG on Trump. He is a fat, ignorant, clueless, narcissistic, classless boor. Other than that, he is disgusting.

Anyone still supporting him should seek professional mental health help.
I'm straight as an arrow.

And I am NOT WRONG on Trump. He is a fat, ignorant, clueless, narcissistic, classless boor. Other than that, he is disgusting.

Anyone still supporting him should seek professional mental health help.

Frank, you can't see beyond your hate. Trump's political career is probably over. We taunt you like a cat chasing a laser pointer. Then we laugh.
Frank, you can't see beyond your hate. Trump's political career is probably over. We taunt you like a cat chasing a laser pointer. Then we laugh.

Are you supposing I "hate" Trump?

I do not. If he were in danger and I could help, I would do it in a I would for any other human...or any other animal, for that matter.

He is a pig...and unfortunately, he was president of the United States. I comment on his gross ineptitude because of the great damage he has done to our Republic...and I comment on his continuing supporters for their contribution to the great damage Trump has done to our Republic.

All business, nothing personal.

If you think you are toying with me...and get a laugh out of that...GREAT. Laughter is what makes life worth living in my estimation. You have no idea of how much I laugh while composing the responses I post here. I would never deny you your fun.

One...most of the slavery, jim crow and kkk adherents of the Democratic Party....have long since gravitated to the Republican Party. Where the hell have you been...under a rock?

Trump is BY FAR the worst president we've ever had...and I hope the worst we will ever have.

Yasureyabetcha... burp... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft... (breathe deep)

You Marxist dim wit Democrats, (the party of slavery, jim crow n' kkk), hate America, and will always distort history and all the shit yer political party, (which has always been on the wrong side of American history and clearly is now), has put on this great Republic.

Trump was and is infinitely and very obviously mush better then both Obama and Biden and if yer brain worked at all it should be quite obvious to ponder the last 12 years and the actual events that have and are unfolding, (not the crap the corrupt Marxist media's false narrative).

Trump is/was the best modern POTUS since Ronald Reagan, and yer abject stupidity is evidenced by yer Trump derangement syndrome.

Nothing I say will convince a blame n' hate America puke like you, (that lacks any discernable brain function): so just carry on.
Yasureyabetcha... burp... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft... (breathe deep)

You Marxist dim wit Democrats, (the party of slavery, jim crow n' kkk), hate America, and will always distort history and all the shit yer political party, (which has always been on the wrong side of American history and clearly is now), has put on this great Republic.

Trump was and is infinitely and very obviously mush better then both Obama and Biden and if yer brain worked at all it should be quite obvious to ponder the last 12 years and the actual events that have and are unfolding, (not the crap the corrupt Marxist media's false narrative).

Trump is/was the best modern POTUS since Ronald Reagan, and yer abject stupidity is evidenced by yer Trump derangement syndrome.

Nothing I say will convince a blame n' hate America puke like you, (that lacks any discernable brain function): so just carry on.

American conservatives are the ones who have always been on the wrong side of history.

The first American conservatives called themselves Tories...and were the ones claiming George III was our liege Lord, to whom we owed fealty. The American conservatives during Civil War days were called states rights advocates who wanted slavery to prevail and wanted the Union dissolved. Traitors...all of them.

Then the Democratic Party passed some civil rights bills during the 1960's...and the American conservative scum gravitated to the Republican Party...where they now reside and stink up America and the rest of the world.

Carry on, yourself, Puke.
By the way...Trump is a pile of are his continuing supporters. Traitors to our Republic.
American conservatives are the ones who have always been on the wrong side of history.

The first American conservatives called themselves Tories...and were the ones claiming George III was our liege Lord, to whom we owed fealty. The American conservatives during Civil War days were called states rights advocates who wanted slavery to prevail and wanted the Union dissolved. Traitors...all of them.

Then the Democratic Party passed some civil rights bills during the 1960's...and the American conservative scum gravitated to the Republican Party...where they now reside and stink up America and the rest of the world.

Carry on, yourself, Puke.

Well well: original extra stupid puke, ^^^ all upside down semantics.

The founders of the great republic were "classical Liberals" who codified limited gubment n' personal Liberty. I as a modern American Conservative am also a limited gubment personal Liberty "classical Liberal" like the founders of this Republic. I'm not a Republican, n' I lean Libertarian.

Modern "Liberal/Progressives" are big gubment Fascists who whole heartedly embrace Marxism and love Central Control and despise personal Liberty.

Since Abe Lincoln the Republican party, (which is a large and very diverse tent), has been dominated by limited gubment personal Liberty folks in words (n' sometimes actions). The party has from time to time been dominated by Progressive positions (Teddy Roosevelt n' such), butt: usually the party has stuck to the guidance codified in our Constitution.

Since Andy Jackson's time, (good "Ol' Hickory"), the dim wit Democrat party has been dominated by anti-personal Liberty, (like slavery: [you fucking idiot]), anti Constitution, pro massive gubment Fascists. That's why yer past POTUS heroes are FDR n' Woodrow Wilson. (I guess yer too fucking stupid to figure that out). burp...

I'm fairly sure you lack comprehension skills to understand what I'm saying here, as this reply is for the benefit of my fellow forum members who have some cognitive skills.

I have no idea if you have always been this stupid, or if Trump derangement syndrome has lead to yer obvious mental issues.

I'm sure you will stick to yer Marxist/Fascist ways, so as I said in the last post: carry on... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft... breathe deep...
Well well: original extra stupid puke, ^^^ all upside down semantics.

The founders of the great republic were "classical Liberals" who codified limited gubment n' personal Liberty. I as a modern American Conservative am also a limited gubment personal Liberty "classical Liberal" like the founders of this Republic. I'm not a Republican, n' I lean Libertarian.

Modern "Liberal/Progressives" are big gubment Fascists who whole heartedly embrace Marxism and love Central Control and despise personal Liberty.

Since Abe Lincoln the Republican party, (which is a large and very diverse tent), has been dominated by limited gubment personal Liberty folks in words (n' sometimes actions). The party has from time to time been dominated by Progressive positions (Teddy Roosevelt n' such), butt: usually the party has stuck to the guidance codified in our Constitution.

Since Andy Jackson's time, (good "Ol' Hickory"), the dim wit Democrat party has been dominated by anti-personal Liberty, (like slavery: [you fucking idiot]), anti Constitution, pro massive gubment Fascists. That's why yer past POTUS heroes are FDR n' Woodrow Wilson. (I guess yer too fucking stupid to figure that out). burp...

I'm fairly sure you lack comprehension skills to understand what I'm saying here, as this reply is for the benefit of my fellow forum members who have some cognitive skills.

I have no idea if you have always been this stupid, or if Trump derangement syndrome has lead to yer obvious mental issues.

I'm sure you will stick to yer Marxist/Fascist ways, so as I said in the last post: carry on... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft... breathe deep...

I am smart enough to have had my thought published in an op ed sized piece in The New York Times; a full-page MY TURN in Newsweek Magazine; and essays on the op ed pages of a half dozen major US newspaper.

Your copy looks as though it were written by a not especially intelligent or clever high schooler.

Libertarians are worse than American conservatives...people who have a political philosophy that ultimately leads to chaos and anarchy.

You are not a libertarian, you are just an American conservative lucky enough to realize how disgusting that you pretend to be something else. You just are not bright enough to choose "something else" better than American conservatism.

As I said earlier, American conservatism has always been on the wrong side of history...and right now is so far on the wrong side, it manages to out-sludge Nazism in 1930's Germany.

Anyway, this is fun. Let's keep at it. I gotta make a pizza in a bit...and I am gonna watch a few of NFL games, but I have plenty of time to help you make a fool of yourself here in the forum.

I'm here for you.
I am smart enough to have had my thought published in an op ed sized piece in The New York Times; a full-page MY TURN in Newsweek Magazine; and essays on the op ed pages of a half dozen major US newspaper.

OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW, wow yer such a smart feller... I'm sooooooooo impressed that the Marxist media let you expose yer foolish tripe. burp... (the green indicates sarcasm in case ya didn't know).

Your copy looks as though it were written by a not especially intelligent or clever high schooler.

Libertarians are worse than American conservatives...people who have a political philosophy that ultimately leads to chaos and anarchy.

You are not a libertarian, you are just an American conservative lucky enough to realize how disgusting that you pretend to be something else. You just are not bright enough to choose "something else" better than American conservatism.

As I said earlier, American conservatism has always been on the wrong side of history...and right now is so far on the wrong side, it manages to out-sludge Nazism in 1930's Germany.

I said "I lean Libertarian". Try to comprehend what you read.

I am a modern American conservative, ("classical Liberal"), who supports the limitations on nanny gubment codified in the US constitution.

Yer observations are totally upside down, (as a Marxist/Fascist), I'm not surprised. burp...

"By the way...Trump is a pile of are his continuing supporters. Traitors to our Republic."

So ya think I should be executed, (along with the nearly 80 million Americans who voted for Trump). Real nice.

Anyway, this is fun. Let's keep at it. I gotta make a pizza in a bit...and I am gonna watch a few of NFL games, but I have plenty of time to help you make a fool of yourself here in the forum.

I'm here for you.

Yer not here fer me, you are just a fool who wants to execute a huge chunk of American citizens, and is clueless about American history... carry on now... burp...
OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW, wow yer such a smart feller... I'm sooooooooo impressed that the Marxist media let you expose yer foolish tripe. burp... (the green indicates sarcasm in case ya didn't know).

I said "I lean Libertarian". Try to comprehend what you read.

I am a modern American conservative, ("classical Liberal"), who supports the limitations on nanny gubment codified in the US constitution.

Yer observations are totally upside down, (as a Marxist/Fascist), I'm not surprised. burp...

"By the way...Trump is a pile of are his continuing supporters. Traitors to our Republic."

So ya think I should be executed, (along with the nearly 80 million Americans who voted for Trump). Real nice.

Yer not here fer me, you are just a fool who wants to execute a huge chunk of American citizens, and is clueless about American history... carry on now... burp...

You are an obnoxious fucking moron.

Apparently you think you are insightful.

You are not.

And my guess is I know more about American history than far.

Also...and this is just an aside...Trump was the worst president America has ever had, and we should all be hoping he is the worst we ever have. He is a heap of horseshit...and so are his continuing supporters.

You may go back to your rock. I'm going back to the NFL games.