Most Overrated Presidents

Yes, I read what you write (although it's basically all the same shit).

Why don't you consider it over? Yep, there's a minuscule amount of
lingering support, and support of his policies. Let someone step up and
mimic (most of) his policies, you'll see that support for Trump dwindle.
Treason? Have you looked at the liberals agenda and policies lately?

I am not wrong.

Then why do you group everyone who voted for Trump as traitors? You say
we are despicable. You must fear something. But yeah, leaving politics out
of it, we'd have a good time, although I quit drinking (I was an entertaining drunk).

Why don't you question the motives on the left? Immigration is a disaster. The
pull-out of our troops and their supporters was a disaster (although our pilots
performed very well). The removal of long-standing monuments, For what? Why?
There is just a small part of the left's agenda I am aware of, and I don't support it.

I live with everything, Frank. The good and the bad. Sometimes "shit happens," but
you go on, or you dwell on it. I go on.
Get "back into play"? So you support shit like changing school and sports team's
names and mascots because someone's fucking offended? Well, I'm fucking offended
they're being changed! But fuck me, right? That's part of what we don't support.
Scream all you want, your "side" will continue to screw up. Hopefully, those screw ups
won't hurt this country too badly that we cannot recover.
Lists of best presidents, or worst presidents, show up from time to time. Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson usually make it into the top five of every Democrat’s best president list. Conversely, they always make it to number one and number two on my list of worst president.

Should the ‘experts’ ever get around to compiling a list of the most overrated presidents —— Lincoln and Wilson will be the only contestants. That is saying a lot when you toss out FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

I do not know what Tom DiLorenzo thinks about Wilson, but he gets a double-attaboy for nailing “Honest Abe”:

Today, The Two Mikes welcomed back Dr. Tom DiLorenzo for a discussion on Abraham Lincoln and to mark the anniversary of the battle of Antietam on September 17th.

Dr. DiLorenzo has written three excellent, highly provocative, and deeply researched books about Abraham Lincoln, and they have influenced and begun to change the understanding of Lincoln among the public and in the academy.

Dr. DiLorenzo explained that Lincoln was a lawyer for corporate interests and was the chief counsel for the Illinois Central railway, a career that produced a man who favored protectionism, governmental spending to assist railroad and other industries, and a view of the central government properly operating beyond its constitutional powers and reach.

Lincoln is the last person anybody should invoke trying to justify the Civil War with the slavery argument. Everything Lincoln did and said set this country on the road to federal government control.

Instead of civil war, Lincoln could have, and should have, worked within the Constitution if he felt so strongly about preserving the Union. Naturally, the Civil War would have been unnecessary had the South surrendered their Rights instead of defending them.

Thus, the war that came can be seen not only as a Civil War but as a war to protect Northern economic interests.

The fact is that Lincoln saw the Constitution impeding his will.

Americans celebrate Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but H.L. Mencken correctly evaluated the speech, "It is poetry not logic; beauty, not sense." Lincoln said that the soldiers sacrificed their lives "to the cause of self-determination -- government of the people, by the people, for the people should not perish from the earth."

Mencken says: "It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in the battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of people to govern themselves."

As important, Dr. DiLorenzo points out that there is nothing in the founding documents that prevents secession, and that Lincoln was fully empowered to let the southern states go and form another republic in North America, and save 850,000 lives in the process.

This analysis clearly is relevant to the thinking of Americans today.

It also is worth mentioning that this was the position of Jefferson, Madison, and several other of the founders.

Dr. DiLorenzo does not immediately convince all of his listeners, but his work demands respect and consideration and, as for myself, his work has caused me to begin to rethink much of what I had long believed about Lincoln.

Tom DiLorenzo: Abraham Lincoln was a Big Government Politician
by Two Mikes
September 16, 2021

Ronald Reqan.
Yer entitled to yer own opinion, (which is clearly upside down). Usually when a person reaches the ripe old age of 81 they have managed to pick up a few clues about the world, that clearly hasn't happened with you. You are obviously severely stricken with Trump derangement syndrome, and yer to full of yersef, (arrogant), to self heal. You think nearly 80 million of yer fellow Americans are treasonous, and if you had the power to enforce yer upside down notions you would be in a very select league of mass murderers, (Chairman Mao, Uncle Joe Stalin, and Adolph Hitler).

Look in the mirror: yer just a silly old fart who thinks op-eds in the NYT et al make you something special.

The only thing "special" about you is yer misplaced arrogance, and yer abject stupidity. I've kicked below average rocks that look like Albert Einstein compared to you. Carry on now: dolt. Pfffffffffffffffffft...

You are a slob and a clown.

Allow me to offer you a helpful hint: Lay off the trite, standard Internet insults used by damn near every cowardly Internet "warriors." When a slob and clown like you does makes you look even more the slob you are...and even more a clown. Invent a few zingers of your own...or have one of the other kids help you.

Question, if I may, though: Does your mommy know you are using the computer the way you are?

She must be very disappointed in you...although I suppose the other kids think you are hot shit.

I'm not sure about the "hot" part, but I agree with them about the rest of the assessment.
You are a slob and a clown.

Allow me to offer you a helpful hint: Lay off the trite, standard Internet insults used by damn near every cowardly Internet "warriors." When a slob and clown like you does makes you look even more the slob you are...and even more a clown. Invent a few zingers of your own...or have one of the other kids help you.

Question, if I may, though: Does your mommy know you are using the computer the way you are?

She must be very disappointed in you...although I suppose the other kids think you are hot shit.

I'm not sure about the "hot" part, but I agree with them about the rest of the assessment.

Now that's purdy clever ol' coot... Pfffffffffffffffffffffffft... breathe deep... it may help that horrible breath ya have...
Most overrated Presidents:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt. First he ignored the threat in Europe and the Pacific trying to appease popular opinion. Then he allowed a surprise attack on our Pacific fleet. Lastly he gave us the unconstitutional welfare state.

Obama. He did nothing worthwhile for eight fucking years.

Biden won't be overrated; he will go down as the most failed and senile moron to ever sit in the White House based on a miracle election.
Now that's purdy clever ol' coot... Pfffffffffffffffffffffffft... breathe deep... it may help that horrible breath ya have...

If you smell horrible cannot be mine. We are on the Internet, you asshole. If you smell horrible breath and you are alone...IT IS YOUR HORRIBLE BREATH.

Jesus H. are such an amateur at this.
If you smell horrible cannot be mine. We are on the Internet, you asshole. If you smell horrible breath and you are alone...IT IS YOUR HORRIBLE BREATH.

Jesus H. are such an amateur at this.

When ya have caustic shit breath, (like you must have), you stink up the internet sooooooo bad that I can smell it all the way out here on the left coast: old coot.

Question: do you stand on yer porch n' yell at kids who might get near yer lawn, (as their parents might have voted fer Trump), after all?

N' I'd recommend "Smart Mouth", which works fer real nasty breath, (might not be strong enough fer yer caustic pie hole), butt: it can't hurt to try. We would all appreciate any effort to stop the stench you create... burp...
When ya have caustic shit breath, (like you must have), you stink up the internet sooooooo bad that I can smell it all the way out here on the left coast: old coot.

Question: do you stand on yer porch n' yell at kids who might get near yer lawn, (as their parents might have voted fer Trump), after all?

N' I'd recommend "Smart Mouth", which works fer real nasty breath, (might not be strong enough fer yer caustic pie hole), butt: it can't hurt to try. We would all appreciate any effort to stop the stench you create... burp...

As I said, if you smell a stink...the stink is coming from you. Apparently the "Smart Mouth" y ou think works...doesn't.

You really should stay away from discussions like this. You do not have the talent for it. All you do is to make yourself look more and more the slob and boor.
As I said, if you smell a stink...the stink is coming from you. Apparently the "Smart Mouth" y ou think works...doesn't.

You really should stay away from discussions like this. You do not have the talent for it. All you do is to make yourself look more and more the slob and boor.

I love lookin' like a slob n' boor to you: old coot.

My breath is fine, yers isn't. If ya smell 3000 miles away, (and you do), think of the poor people that smell ya when ya buy groceries, or yer poor neighbors... yuk...
I love lookin' like a slob n' boor to you: old coot.

My breath is fine, yers isn't. If ya smell 3000 miles away, (and you do), think of the poor people that smell ya when ya buy groceries, or yer poor neighbors... yuk...

You still do not get it. If you smell something are smelling yourself. You are the thing that stinks so much.

You will never sell that "from 3000 miles away" nonsense except to the other kids in the sandbox.

Stop while you are far behind.

You still do not get it. If you smell something are smelling yourself. You are the thing that stinks so much.

You will never sell that "from 3000 miles away" nonsense except to the other kids in the sandbox.

Nope: I know a smelly old coot when I smell one. LOL!!!

It isn't yer diaper, it's yer pie hole. (Very powerful stuff, that caustic pie hole of yers).

I'm not "selling" anything; old coot, I'm tryin' ta help ya.

Not many people have the malodorous breath that you have, and I only smell it when I'm readin' n' respondin' to yer posts.

Stop while you are far behind.


Yer Trump derangement syndrome is a far bigger problem fer yer well being then yer bad breath: old coot.

Medicare may not cover a shrink, butt: if ya have the resources, I'd get a check up.

Wanting nearly 80 million Americans executed fer treason, (just because you disagree with their vote), is real extreme.

BTW, as far as overrated POTUS(es) go: FDR is by far the most overrated. Marxists like you and yer fellow Marxist academics love his Socialist policies that prolonged the depression and actually made the depression a Great one.

It's one of the reasons dim wit Democrats love crisis to this day, n' "never let a crisis go to waste".

He taught dim wit Democrats/Progressives/Marxists to use the Judicial branch to legislate public policy they couldn't push through Congress, (as the Founders and the Constitution require).

Since 1932 dim wit Democrats have appointed "tyrants in black robes" with their "litmus test" and used the Judicial branch to shove policies down our collective throats, contrary to the intent of the Founders of our Republic.

China Joey gasbag, Chuck U Schumer, n' Nasty Nancy, all wanna pack SCOTUS, (as FDR tried), and because they have the election system rigged they know they can get away with it.

Anyway, try "Smart Mouth" we will all thank you for it...
Nope: I know a smelly old coot when I smell one. LOL!!!

It isn't yer diaper, it's yer pie hole. (Very powerful stuff, that caustic pie hole of yers).

I'm not "selling" anything; old coot, I'm tryin' ta help ya.

Not many people have the malodorous breath that you have, and I only smell it when I'm readin' n' respondin' to yer posts.

Yer Trump derangement syndrome is a far bigger problem fer yer well being then yer bad breath: old coot.

Medicare may not cover a shrink, butt: if ya have the resources, I'd get a check up.

Wanting nearly 80 million Americans executed fer treason, (just because you disagree with their vote), is real extreme.

BTW, as far as overrated POTUS(es) go: FDR is by far the most overrated. Marxists like you and yer fellow Marxist academics love his Socialist policies that prolonged the depression and actually made the depression a Great one.

It's one of the reasons dim wit Democrats love crisis to this day, n' "never let a crisis go to waste".

He taught dim wit Democrats/Progressives/Marxists to use the Judicial branch to legislate public policy they couldn't push through Congress, (as the Founders and the Constitution require).

Since 1932 dim wit Democrats have appointed "tyrants in black robes" with their "litmus test" and used the Judicial branch to shove policies down our collective throats, contrary to the intent of the Founders of our Republic.

China Joey gasbag, Chuck U Schumer, n' Nasty Nancy, all wanna pack SCOTUS, (as FDR tried), and because they have the election system rigged they know they can get away with it.

Anyway, try "Smart Mouth" we will all thank you for it...

You acknowledge that when you are alone and typing at your keyboard...there is a stink, a stink you consider to be terrible breath.

Okay...apparently you have Zacherly Disease. Your breath must smell zacherly like your shit.

And you are too stupid to realize that anyone and everyone hearing your complaint about stinky breath while you are ALONE...means YOU are the one who stinks.

Give this one up, Jerkoff. Accept that you fucked up...and take it like a mouse. Any carry your bullshit about the worth of presidents with you back to under the rock where you live.

I love when assholes like you demand the right to continue to fuck up.
You acknowledge that when you are alone and typing at your keyboard...there is a stink, a stink you consider to be terrible breath.

Okay...apparently you have Zacherly Disease. Your breath must smell zacherly like your shit.

And you are too stupid to realize that anyone and everyone hearing your complaint about stinky breath while you are ALONE...means YOU are the one who stinks.

Give this one up, Jerkoff. Accept that you fucked up...and take it like a mouse. Any carry your bullshit about the worth of presidents with you back to under the rock where you live.

I love when assholes like you demand the right to continue to fuck up.

Gettin' all worked up: ol' coot? I'm healthy n' smell great. Yer the problem. Try "Smart Mouth", it may help, (yer case is severe). Pffffffffffffft... breathe deep, it may help yer malodorous pie hole...
Gettin' all worked up: ol' coot? I'm healthy n' smell great. Yer the problem. Try "Smart Mouth", it may help, (yer case is severe). Pffffffffffffft... breathe deep, it may help yer malodorous pie hole...

Okay, okay.

So far you've met your objectives...and I commend you for doing so.

You wanted everyone to know that your breath stinks as much, if not more, than your shit...

...and you wanted everyone to know that you are a moron.

You've got those two boxes check (several times over) move on to the next item.
Okay, okay.

So far you've met your objectives...and I commend you for doing so.

You wanted everyone to know that your breath stinks as much, if not more, than your shit...

...and you wanted everyone to know that you are a moron.

You've got those two boxes check (several times over) move on to the next item.

What "next item" would that be: you old Marxist coot? Hmmmmmmmm???? burp...
What "next item" would that be: you old Marxist coot? Hmmmmmmmm???? burp...

I don't know.

You have established that your breath stinks...

...and you have established that you are a moron.

Not sure why you were so adamant to do that, but, hey, ya gotta acknowledge when someone manages to do what they set out to do.

You are aces at making it clear your breath stinks...and that you are a moron.

No way I can guess what you are going to aim for next.

Maybe you will throw some shit at your family or friends.

Whatever it is, lots of us will be here to enjoy watching the show.
I don't know.

You have established that your breath stinks...

...and you have established that you are a moron.

Not sure why you were so adamant to do that, but, hey, ya gotta acknowledge when someone manages to do what they set out to do.

You are aces at making it clear your breath stinks...and that you are a moron.

No way I can guess what you are going to aim for next.

Maybe you will throw some shit at your family or friends.

Whatever it is, lots of us will be here to enjoy watching the show.

Lots of you nasty Marxists enjoy watching the show: eh?

Wash that pie hole with "Smart Mouth": eh, old coot? LOL

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft... breathe deep, it could help...
Lots of you nasty Marxists enjoy watching the show: eh?

Wash that pie hole with "Smart Mouth": eh, old coot? LOL

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft... breathe deep, it could help...

Poor, poor, Jerkoff.

You cannot figure a way to get out of this hole you've dug with any grace at all.

Yeah, you are a typical American conservative sludge heap.

Good for a laugh, though.

Glad you enjoy it, (I try to please).

You do...and I give you credit for that.

You insist that you have terrible breath...and that it annoys you; you insist that you are a moron; and no matter how much of an ass kicking you get, you keep coming back for more.

You are a hell of a guy...if you are a guy.