Mountain West Conference

Mott, child please
Saban met tressle head to head and bitch slapped him. Your whinning is funny but sad. You keep crying about no1 Fla not looking good while they win every week by double digits. Ohio slow is just like ND. You both have plenty fast offensive players. The difference is the sec has speed at LB and safety. Now cry some more it's funny.
Mott, child please
Saban met tressle head to head and bitch slapped him. Your whinning is funny but sad. You keep crying about no1 Fla not looking good while they win every week by double digits. Ohio slow is just like ND. You both have plenty fast offensive players. The difference is the sec has speed at LB and safety. Now cry some more it's funny.
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Tressel and Saban have never coached against each other as head coaches.

Saban had one good season in the big 10, he was 1-4 against Mich, 1-4 against OSU, 1-4 against Wisc and 1-4 against Noter Dame. Then during his one good season, right after the regular season and before the bowl game he resigned to take the LSU job. Low class thing to do all the way.

Saban has never comitted to one program for longer than 5 years. First time someone offers him more money than Alabama he'll be gone.

Keep drinking that kool-aid dude and check out the facts cause you don't know what your talking about. But if you want to, show that you got some balls like Tennessee and schedule to play us home and home. Ya'll won't cause ya'll are afraid that some big mean team outside the SEC migth actually beat your or you might have to play in some bone chilling 60 degree weather.
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Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Tressel and Saban have never coached against each other as head coaches.

Saban had one good season in the big 10, he was 1-4 against Mich, 1-4 against OSU, 1-4 against Wisc and 1-4 against Noter Dame. Then during his one good season, right after the regular season and before the bowl game he resigned to take the LSU job. Low class thing to do all the way.

Saban has never comitted to one program for longer than 5 years. First time someone offers him more money than Alabama he'll be gone.

Keep drinking that kool-aid dude and check out the facts cause you don't know what your talking about. But if you want to, show that you got some balls like Tennessee and schedule to play us home and home. Ya'll won't cause ya'll are afraid that some big mean team outside the SEC migth actually beat your or you might have to play in some bone chilling 60 degree weather.

You are still harping on the weather? I have played football and can assure you that its far easier to play in 30 degree weather than in 100 degree weather, especially with a high humidity.
You are still harping on the weather? I have played football and can assure you that its far easier to play in 30 degree weather than in 100 degree weather, especially with a high humidity.
Never played football but worked out lots in both extremes. I'll take the heat any day. I hate coldweather! LOL
Never played football but worked out lots in both extremes. I'll take the heat any day. I hate coldweather! LOL

Cold weather is tough on the QB. But the WRs wear gloves and that helps a little. I remember steam coming off all of us, and that was in Alabama.

To get warm in cold weather you cover up (pads, jerseys, ect) and keep moving (easy to do).

In hot weather you can't keep enough fluids in to stay hydrated.

Look at the number of medical emergencies there are at football practices all over the place in the summer. Never heard of any after it turns cold.
I have heard that over and over again for over 20 years. The steel town part is true. The Speed vs Bulk is a bunch of Baloney. I bet OSU has more players with sub 4.5 40 speed then either Bama or Florida. What is true is that we don't have a play off and there's no way in the world to tell "Who has the best conference" other then there are a lot of southern sportwriters. Maybe the SEC is #1 because there are more journalism majors coming out of SEC schools then any other conference. My only frustration is that we don't have a play off system to dispell the SEC myth. You ever notice that the SEC runs away from non-conference competition and in Bowl games they seed higher rated SEC teams against lower rated opponents (and by that I don't neccessarily mean polls. How often do they put the #2 SEC team against the #3 or #4 Big 10 of Big 12 team?) usually in some southern city and then blow a lot of smoke about their superiority. That's all's it is. Smoke and hot air. Until we have a national championship tournament and the SEC can win 3 or 4 in a row, then I might start to believe.

I am a betting man but there is no way to prove your bet which I would love to take. One could say the proof of the pudding is in the eating and the fact is the Big 10 ain't what it used to be.
The 'U' has had at least one first round draft choice to the NFL every year for 19 seasons, a college record. The 3 Florida Majors have more players in the NFL(UM #1) than any other state, the reason is speed on either side of the ball.(Winterborn got it right.) I live in UF country and there is no need for me to tout their prowess, the evidence is in the record, but, consequently, I get little UM or FSU news. That said, pro and college, I saw some of the greatest games I had ever seen in the same week. I would suggest if there was any way possible to see it again, do so. The UM/FSU game involved the 2 fastest teams I have ever seen on the same field and on both sides of the ball. Bowden called it one of the 2 best games he had ever been involved in. I really recommend it for great football viewing, it was amazing.
By the way, ESPN stats, 4 out of the 5 most watched regular season football games ever broadcast involved the 3 Florida teams with Miami being in all 4 of them. One FSU/Miami game in the late 90s had 57 future NFL players on the field. That is why I said what I said about the Big 10 second tier. Is Northwestern improving or is the league going down to meet them? Let's also not forget the fact that 3 major conferences, the SEC, ACC, and Big East all recruit in and represent the same geographic area, there must be a reason.
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Cold weather is tough on the QB. But the WRs wear gloves and that helps a little. I remember steam coming off all of us, and that was in Alabama.

To get warm in cold weather you cover up (pads, jerseys, ect) and keep moving (easy to do).

In hot weather you can't keep enough fluids in to stay hydrated.

Look at the number of medical emergencies there are at football practices all over the place in the summer. Never heard of any after it turns cold.
Dude, I agree, it's much easier to play in 30 deg weather than 90 deg.

But Dude, you've never played in cold weather if you think 30 deg is cold cause up here....30 deg is not considered cold weather. Hell that's jacket weather! LOL. That's just a warm sunny winter day up here. On the other hand, try playing when it's 30 deg with sleet/snow/rain combo (fairly common fall conditions up here) or better yet, try playing when it's 10 deg or colder. Then tell me about playing in cold weather vs. hot. The ground doesn't freeze solild at 30. It does at 10 and then it's like playing in a parking lot and the ball is hard as rock and will break fingers even if you are wearing gloves. Why in the world would anyone wear gloves in warm weather like 30? They whimps or something? LOL

Try playing in 10 deg or colder and 90 deg+ and tell me which is harder to acclimate too.
I am a betting man but there is no way to prove your bet which I would love to take. One could say the proof of the pudding is in the eating and the fact is the Big 10 ain't what it used to be.
The 'U' has had at least one first round draft choice to the NFL every year for 19 seasons, a college record. The 3 Florida Majors have more players in the NFL(UM #1) than any other state, the reason is speed on either side of the ball.(Winterborn got it right.) I live in UF country and there is no need for me to tout their prowess, the evidence is in the record, but, consequently, I get little UM or FSU news. That said, pro and college, I saw some of the greatest games I had ever seen in the same week. I would suggest if there was any way possible to see it again, do so. The UM/FSU game involved the 2 fastest teams I have ever seen on the same field and on both sides of the ball. Bowden called it one of the 2 best games he had ever been involved in. I really recommend it for great football viewing, it was amazing.
By the way, ESPN stats, 4 out of the 5 most watched regular season football games ever broadcast involved the 3 Florida teams with Miami being in all 4 of them. One FSU/Miami game in the late 90s had 57 future NFL players on the field. That is why I said what I said about the Big 10 second tier. Is Northwestern improving or is the league going down to meet them? Let's also not forget the fact that 3 major conferences, the SEC, ACC, and Big East all recruit in and represent the same geographic area, there must be a reason.
Well this wasn't a discussion on the State of Florida, it was about the SEC. There's no doubt, right now Florida is the biggest hot bed of high school recruiting talent in the country, followed by California, Texas, Ohio and New York. But this SEC mythology about SEC superiority is just that. A myth.

As for Ohio State, well maybe the NFL knows something the SEC fans don't because more Buckeyes have been drafted in the last 10 years then from any other college. So they must be doing something right up here in Columbus.

BTW, Topper. OSU has had 50% more players drafted by the NFL then LSWho! LOL
Dude, I agree, it's much easier to play in 30 deg weather than 90 deg.

But Dude, you've never played in cold weather if you think 30 deg is cold cause up here....30 deg is not considered cold weather. Hell that's jacket weather! LOL. That's just a warm sunny winter day up here. On the other hand, try playing when it's 30 deg with sleet/snow/rain combo (fairly common fall conditions up here) or better yet, try playing when it's 10 deg or colder. Then tell me about playing in cold weather vs. hot. The ground doesn't freeze solild at 30. It does at 10 and then it's like playing in a parking lot and the ball is hard as rock and will break fingers even if you are wearing gloves. Why in the world would anyone wear gloves in warm weather like 30? They whimps or something? LOL

Try playing in 10 deg or colder and 90 deg+ and tell me which is harder to acclimate too.

And all of this cold has what to do with who is the better football team?

Ok, so I was off in the numbers I posted for temperatures. But my post still holds true.

You want people to essentially play in a parking lot and risk broken fingers from a frozen ball so you can tell who is the better football team? huh?

And, even with lots of teams in the far north, there are way more players taken out by the heat than the cold.
Well this wasn't a discussion on the State of Florida, it was about the SEC. There's no doubt, right now Florida is the biggest hot bed of high school recruiting talent in the country, followed by California, Texas, Ohio and New York. But this SEC mythology about SEC superiority is just that. A myth.

As for Ohio State, well maybe the NFL knows something the SEC fans don't because more Buckeyes have been drafted in the last 10 years then from any other college. So they must be doing something right up here in Columbus.

BTW, Topper. OSU has had 50% more players drafted by the NFL then LSWho! LOL

Well I sure hope malcom Jenkins is as advertised. Lsu has way more first rounders. And back to college LSU has 2 nc this decade. We have more national champs you prob have more chess clubs.
May we please talk about my Jayhawks... Didn't we beat up on Nothern Colorado?
Dude, I agree, it's much easier to play in 30 deg weather than 90 deg.

But Dude, you've never played in cold weather if you think 30 deg is cold cause up here....30 deg is not considered cold weather. Hell that's jacket weather! LOL. That's just a warm sunny winter day up here. On the other hand, try playing when it's 30 deg with sleet/snow/rain combo (fairly common fall conditions up here) or better yet, try playing when it's 10 deg or colder. Then tell me about playing in cold weather vs. hot. The ground doesn't freeze solild at 30. It does at 10 and then it's like playing in a parking lot and the ball is hard as rock and will break fingers even if you are wearing gloves. Why in the world would anyone wear gloves in warm weather like 30? They whimps or something? LOL

Try playing in 10 deg or colder and 90 deg+ and tell me which is harder to acclimate too.

LOL I live in the temperate paradise of the Pacific Northwest where God abolished extremes (minus the occasional summer heat, like the 103 Seattle got this summer, and 108 Olympia got), and I don't even consider 30 degrees to be cold!
And all of this cold has what to do with who is the better football team?

Ok, so I was off in the numbers I posted for temperatures. But my post still holds true.

You want people to essentially play in a parking lot and risk broken fingers from a frozen ball so you can tell who is the better football team? huh?

And, even with lots of teams in the far north, there are way more players taken out by the heat than the cold.
What does it have to do with the SEC? I'm throwing the hat down. I'm saying that they can't deal with adversity. Particularly from mother nature. (not to mention that their running away from good non-conf teams). Look at how silly LSWho looked yesterday. It rained during the first quarter and they played a cupcake team like Mississippi State and it looked like a womans mud wrestling match. They came with in 4 inches of losing to a real weak team.

It also points out the SEC bias In the media I've been talking about that propagates the SEC mythology. In ESPN's coverage alls they did was brag about LSWho's heroic game and goal line stand when in fact they played poorly and almost lost to a poor team. OSU on the other hand played the entire game in a downpoor and utterly dominated Illinois (granted not exactly national champ caliber either) in every phase of the game and shut them out 30 to 0 and ESPN says "Well if a 30 to 0 game could be called sloppy, this was it.". Well Ohio State played a hell of a lot better under worse weather conditions than LSU did and that's a fact.

On a side note, How about those Hawkeyes? I told you they were good. They have a brutal road schedule. Doesn't look good for my Buckeyes either. The last week of the season we play PSU, IA and MI all in a row. I doubt we win all of those.
Well I sure hope malcom Jenkins is as advertised. Lsu has way more first rounders. And back to college LSU has 2 nc this decade. We have more national champs you prob have more chess clubs.
LSU has 3 NC, OSU has 5. Minnessotta has more NC's then LSWho. There's only one national championship caliber team in the SEC this year and it's Bama.
LSU has 3 NC, OSU has 5. Minnessotta has more NC's then LSWho. There's only one national championship caliber team in the SEC this year and it's Bama.

Mott, I have argued with you about whether the weather in football.

But in this post you show why you won your award. Absolutely brilliant.
Well this wasn't a discussion on the State of Florida, it was about the SEC. There's no doubt, right now Florida is the biggest hot bed of high school recruiting talent in the country, followed by California, Texas, Ohio and New York. But this SEC mythology about SEC superiority is just that. A myth.

As for Ohio State, well maybe the NFL knows something the SEC fans don't because more Buckeyes have been drafted in the last 10 years then from any other college. So they must be doing something right up here in Columbus.

BTW, Topper. OSU has had 50% more players drafted by the NFL then LSWho! LOL

I don't know how to discuss the quality of a conference without discussing recruiting. Yes, the Buckeyes had 70 drafts in the same time Miami had 69, however, Miami's 27 first rounders far surpasses any other school, they also must be doing something right.(Even though they lost to VTech.) The other 2 Fla. major teams are also among the NFL draft leaders. As I said before, the days of the football player coming out of the steel mills and coal mines are long gone and it has made a big difference in the major schools of years past and the perennial powers of today.
By the way, I wouldn't poo-poo Florida's chances for a repeat, no guarantees, but certainly better than a small chance. They're a helluva a good, team, obviously better than the "Beast" or other teams in that neighborhood.
I don't know how to discuss the quality of a conference without discussing recruiting. Yes, the Buckeyes had 70 drafts in the same time Miami had 69, however, Miami's 27 first rounders far surpasses any other school, they also must be doing something right.(Even though they lost to VTech.) The other 2 Fla. major teams are also among the NFL draft leaders. As I said before, the days of the football player coming out of the steel mills and coal mines are long gone and it has made a big difference in the major schools of years past and the perennial powers of today.
By the way, I wouldn't poo-poo Florida's chances for a repeat, no guarantees, but certainly better than a small chance. They're a helluva a good, team, obviously better than the "Beast" or other teams in that neighborhood.
Sorry, OSU has 77 draft picks with 19 1st rounders to Miami's 65 (not 69) draft picks with 26 first rounders in the last 10 years .

Well I don't think anyone poo-poo's Florida's chances. With the cupcake scehdule they have and the SEC Bias of the pollsters they have a solid shot, if they can get past the SEC west champ and Both Bama and Auborn look better than Florida and LSU looks like they can play them pretty good too. I doubt this is Florida's year.

I also fail to see how anything having to do with Miami has anything to do with the SEC? Ohio State proved in 2002 that Miami was over rated and ended their so called dynasty and they didn't look to hot this weekend either. Florida State and Miami are middle of the road football teams playing in a basketball conference. They would compete well against the MAC or the Moutain West or Big East and other Basketball conferences like the ACC but arean't in the same league as the Big 10, Big 12, Pag 10 or SEC and haven't been since 2001.