MSNBC Host To Rick Santorum: What Are You Doing About ‘White Men With Guns’?

I made two posts about gun ownership. What's your point again?

1. Agreed, nobody (not just young gang members) should own guns illegally.

2. First of all I don't think there should be any violent gangs carrying illegal weapons no matter what the color of the members.

you forgot the one that is important.....
"I know that some who own guns illegally got them from legal owners." see it isn't the fault of the guy who stole the gun.......its the fault of the guy who owned the gun that got stolen.......if only we had realized we shouldn't allow guys who get robbed to own guns we could have kept those poor children who stole them from killing each other...........
you forgot the one that is important.....
"I know that some who own guns illegally got them from legal owners." see it isn't the fault of the guy who stole the gun.......its the fault of the guy who owned the gun that got stolen.......if only we had realized we shouldn't allow guys who get robbed to own guns we could have kept those poor children who stole them from killing each other...........

I didn't even mention stealing, you did. I said there are people who can own a gun legally that are willing to buy a gun and re-sell it to someone who cannot own it legally.... for a price. It's called straw purchasing. Maybe you've heard the term.

If only you had even a smidgen of reading comprehension...
I didn't even mention stealing, you did. I said there are people who can own a gun legally that are willing to buy a gun and re-sell it to someone who cannot own it legally.... for a price. It's called straw purchasing. Maybe you've heard the term.

If only you had even a smidgen of reading comprehension...

The inherent truth of liberalism isn't "reading comprehension," it's a delusional world you live in
The inherent truth of liberalism isn't "reading comprehension," it's a delusional world you live in

You have a pretty fast mouth for someone new to the site. If you don't understand why I answered him the way I did, better to keep your mouth shut than to prove you're a fool.
I didn't even mention stealing, you did. I said there are people who can own a gun legally that are willing to buy a gun and re-sell it to someone who cannot own it legally.... for a price. It's called straw purchasing. Maybe you've heard the term.

If only you had even a smidgen of reading comprehension...

really?.......that's what you said?'s the me with my reading comprehension and show me where you said that.....
Agreed, nobody (not just young gang members) should own guns illegally.

Now how do we stop this from happening?

I know that some who own guns illegally got them from legal owners.
The judicial system is heavily weighted in favor of those who have costly representation. Blacks often can't afford a six figure lawyer. An educated person would know this about our system and how it is the poor who often go to prison for things the wealthy get off for doing. Remember the teen who was too rich to go to prison according to the judge.

You're saying most whites can afford 6 figure Lawyers. LOL!
I'm not the one making false claims. He maid an assertion based off no evidence.


He made the maid ....What?
really?.......that's what you said?'s the me with my reading comprehension and show me where you said that.....

I didn't say STEAL, I said GOT. If I wanted to say "steal" I would have typed that word. Don't try to impose your interpretation on my comment, it's such a transparent ploy.

If you don't think legal gun owners have provided guns to people who aren't permitted to have them, your education needs serious ramping up.

"Ask a cop on the beat how criminals get guns and you're likely to hear this hard boiled response: "They steal them." But this street wisdom is wrong, according to one frustrated Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent who is tired of battling this popular misconception. An expert on crime gun patterns, ATF agent Jay Wachtel says that most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes," Wachtel said. Because when they want guns they want them immediately the wait is usually too long for a weapon to be stolen and find its way to a criminal.

In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales. A straw purchase occurs when someone who may not legally acquire a firearm, or who wants to do so anonymously, has a companion buy it on their behalf."
1. Agreed, nobody (not just young gang members) should own guns illegally.

2. First of all I don't think there should be any violent gangs carrying illegal weapons no matter what the color of the members.

see how easy it is to get agreement when you stop tossing around silly memes.....already we know that we can work together to end half of gun violence if we concentrate on young gangs instead of flapping our gums about the legal ownership of guns.......if only you had come around fifteen or twenty years ago.......
see how easy it is to get agreement when you stop tossing around silly memes.....already we know that we can work together to end half of gun violence if we concentrate on young gangs instead of flapping our gums about the legal ownership of guns.......if only you had come around fifteen or twenty years ago.......

If you know how to "concentrate on young gangs" in order to end gun violence, post your solution. Better minds than yours have tried.
no it is phony. If it were real indignation, you would apply it across the board regardless of party. However you don't. You don't care about the principle itself, just that it is Trump. Ergo it is faux indignation.

In fact you are having faux indignation about me accusing you of having faux indignation.

Summed up well.