My Boy is a RANGER!


Unidad de Operaciones Especiales (Spain)
Spain's Unidad de Operaciones Especiales — or the Naval Special Warfare Force, as it has been known since 2009 — has long been one of Europe's most-respected special forces.

SSG (Pakistan)
The Special Services Group in Pakistan is better known in the country as the Black Storks because of the commandos' unique headgear.

Alpha Group (Russia)
Russia's Alpha Group is one of the best-known special forces units in the world. An arm of the well known and feared Spetsnaz, the alpha group is the fiercest in their group. This well known task force started out in the mid 1970s and came to the limelight during the invasion of Afghanistan. They are known for their brutal vengeance and heartless taking down of the opponent.

CIGN (France)
Few of the world's counterterrorism forces can compete with France's National Gendarmerie Intervention Group, or GIGN. The group is 200 strong and trained specifically to respond to hostage situations. It claims to have freed more than 600 people since it was formed in 1973. It is against the law in France to publish pictures of its members' faces. One of the most extraordinary episodes in the GIGN's history was the seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979. Because of the prohibition of non-Muslims entering the holy city, a team of three GIGN commandos briefly converted to Islam before helping the Saudi armed forces plan the recapture of the mosque.

Sayeret Matkal (Israel)
Israel's Sayeret Matkal is another of the world's most elite units. Its primary purpose is intelligence gathering, and it often operates deep behind enemy lines.

SAS (Great Britain)
The British Special Air Service, known as the SAS. Their insignia bears the phrase "Who dares wins." Asked about the importance of the SAS's role in the fighting that followed the Iraq War, US Gen. Stanley McChrystal said: "Essential. Could not have done it without them."

Navy Seals (USA)
The US Navy SEALs is arguably the top special operations force. Created in 1962, the Sea-Air-Land operators go through years of training and, especially after 9/11, endure an incredible operation tempo. Many foreign militaries base their special ops on the SEALs.

MARCOS (India)
MARCOS is the short name for 'Marine Commandos'. Trained in HALO and HAHO, equipped with the best assault rifles, sniper rifles and real-time war equipment, Indian MARCOS are one of the deadliest Special Forces in the world.

GIS (Italy)
The Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS) is one of the most elite operations to counter terrorism. Created in 1978, this unit is a part of the Italian military police, and is known for its marksmanship.

GROM (Poland)
The Polish elite counter-terrorism unit, GROM means "Thunderbolt" and justly describes their tactics - speed, precision and deadly force. In the same league as the British SAS, this special force was created with the same principle. Having worked with SEALs many times, they are rumoured to have given special training ideas to the SEALs as well.
This was actually his second time through, three weeks before this course started he had failed sit-ups on day two of sixty two...the drop rate is over 65%...his chain of command believed in him enough to give him another go.

My Boy.
This was actually his second time through, three weeks before this course started he had failed sit-ups on day two of sixty two...the drop rate is over 65%...his chain of command believed in him enough to give him another go.

My Boy.

I know I'm going to regret asking you this but why did he fail sit-ups?
I know I'm going to regret asking you this but why did he fail sit-ups?

He said because his rater was a dick because they needed to fail more people that day, because believe it or not.....and this will not last long trust me....Ranger School still has standards to keep.

Half the people have to fail in the first two days.

That's the Policy.
Of course your circuit boards have short circuited yet again....Because you suck.

I have had the most awesome day.

Go Fuck Yourself Please.

Or you could fuck off. The Army does not spend the money they spend on moving personnel around all over the world in order to attend these schools just to rock them the fuck out on day two for sit-ups.

You are lying to me...again.
With in a year the Ranger School will be devalued, The Revolution will insist, but right now it is an honor.
With in a year the Ranger School will be devalued, The Revolution will insist, but right now it is an honor.

Fuck you moron.

I actually passed that school unlike your "son."

You know what makes soldiers rock out of that school? Sleep deprivation. If you're borderline physically you ain't going there in the first place.

Nice try Chang, or Chong...or Lee, or whatever the fuck your name is. Fuck you and the "empire"
Or you could fuck off. The Army does not spend the money they spend on moving personnel around all over the world in order to attend these schools just to rock them the fuck out on day two for sit-ups.

You are lying to me...again.

You dumb fuck....being hard to get is what makes it valuable.

The United States Army Ranger School is one of the most challenging military schools in the world. It is the Army’s premier combat leadership and small unit tactics course. For the last 12 years, only 49% of those who have attempted the course have succeeded.
I should mention that my kid is a Quarter is rare for them to even be sent to Ranger School....much less earning the tab.

Fuck The Negativity....I am a proud Pops as he calls me.


That's a good profession to be in!

I mean Army Ranger of course but it is criminal how few people are interested in talking about how the National Park Service has been massively underfunded for a very long time. Just about nobody seems to care.

BTW that Pic is out of date, you cant possibly flash a pic with three apparently white people in these deeply racist times, you could cause a riot!