My Boy is a RANGER!

Congratulations. I thought about Ranger School when I was in the Army until I realized I was shit scared of parachuting from a plane.
Ranger School is you against the Mountain and you against the Swamp. It was once also you against the Desert but too many people died, so they stopped that. This reminds me of our failed education system where the solution to too many people failing the test is to make the test easier to pass.

I am still a proud Pops (What my boy calls me).

Still less than half complete the course.

And fuck Guille.

Scum is Scum.
You shouldn't need wiki, your boy is a Ranger after all...isn't he?

I don't need wiki either because I passed that course, dumbass.

It's funny how when I ask you what rank your son is you can't answer the question but once I give you the answer you're answering within a minute...with wiki links.

Yep...liar verified.

Why would he lie about such a thing? I got my tab as well, but I fail to see why you are so critical of his pride in his kid.
My wife tells me that air assault school is sliding down a rope out of a copter, that airborne is jumping out of a plane with a chute. My boy has done air assault.

pretty much yeah, a lot of fast roping and sling loading. I found it way more fun than static line jump school.
US Rangers were sent to be trained by British Commandos in Scotland, because Roosevelt thought they weren't ready for combat.

US President Franklin D Roosevelt feared his troops lacked combat experience as they entered the global conflict in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941.

He established a 'hit and run' group to be trained by the British elite commandos who had launched successful raids against the German held Lofoten Islands in Norway.
US Rangers were sent to be trained by British Commandos in Scotland, because Roosevelt thought they weren't ready for combat.

US President Franklin D Roosevelt feared his troops lacked combat experience as they entered the global conflict in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941.

He established a 'hit and run' group to be trained by the British elite commandos who had launched successful raids against the German held Lofoten Islands in Norway.

Fort Benning and the XVIII Airborne Corps say Fuck You.