My Boy is a RANGER!

I should mention that my kid is a Quarter is rare for them to even be sent to Ranger School....much less earning the tab.

Fuck The Negativity....I am a proud Pops as he calls me.
Too smart to jump from a perfectly good airplane.
Too smart to jump from a perfectly good airplane.

That is Airborne....He might be getting that too, we will know in a few days.....oft times once people pass the Ranger Course they automatically instantly do the Airborne Course, which is easier to get in and has a negligible drop rate once the PT test is passed.

Disclaimer: This information comes from my wife, a 97E who did 26 years and was picked up for SGM...she had to decline because of the PTSD, she had to retire immediately after her last Iraq tour, she spent several months on the couch 24/7 except for appointments...she was fried.
That is Airborne....He might be getting that too, we will know in a few days.....oft times once people pass the Ranger Course they automatically instantly do the Airborne Course, which is easier to get in and has a negligible drop rate once the PT test is passed.

Disclaimer: This information comes from my wife, a 97E who did 26 years and was picked up for SGM...she had to decline because of the PTSD, she had to retire immediately after her last Iraq tour, she spent several months on the couch 24/7 except for appointments...she was fried.
You do realize we're in a trade war with Russia and China? Things could escalate quickly.
You do realize we're in a trade war with Russia and China? Things could escalate quickly.

My excitement that my son is a high speed officer is tempered by multiple factors, but I am still proud of him. He has wanted to be a soldier since his earliest memories, he was even allowed to participate in some of the FTX's my wife ran at Ft Huachuca as a civilian child...he loved it!
That is Airborne....He might be getting that too, we will know in a few days.....oft times once people pass the Ranger Course they automatically instantly do the Airborne Course, which is easier to get in and has a negligible drop rate once the PT test is passed.

Disclaimer: This information comes from my wife, a 97E who did 26 years and was picked up for SGM...she had to decline because of the PTSD, she had to retire immediately after her last Iraq tour, she spent several months on the couch 24/7 except for appointments...she was fried.

Interrogation specialists have a rough job, I'm glad she made it through coming home, so many don't.
Interrogation specialists have a rough job, I'm glad she made it through coming home, so many don't.

Thanks...The VA gets a lot of shit but this is a woman who spent months on the coach, sleeping and holds down a demanding corporate job...the VA helped her to heal. My wife rolled through multiple IED attacks, the copters she was in were often fired upon, and she was actually in the Mosul DFAC as it was attacked, and she lost some of her people in it. The thing about MI assets is that there were spread around, and as Top she made lots of trips to go visit her people,m putting her in grave danger. It was the attempted fratricide upon her that really did her in I think, that plus she had intel on the Mosul attack a week before it happened but she could not get her chain of command to listen...she feels guilty to this day that she did not do more to prevent that attack....the dead haunt her in her nightmares.
Are you trying to claim that being a Ranger is not special?

What is your point EXACTLY?

You seem hyper-sensitive and fragile.
Do people have to walk around you on egg shells to keep from triggering you?

Making the Rangers is an achievement.

I merely took an opportunity on a thread about special forces to give my top ten list of elite world special forces.
I am so proud.

Awesome! I know it's not easy and have for a long time.

Best friend's kid didn't make it. ( I knew he would not because cardio)

Cousin didn't make it.

Hunting partner used to teach Ranger battle tactics.

Good friend that was a Ranger laid a lot of heavy shit on me before, and I can never tell anyone what it is.

I'm just blocking that. Damn! Maybe in 30 years or so. It's still too soon right now.

Really a Ranger could kill just about anyone and get away with it.
They are the best trained military.

They are trained to kill, don't think they're not. As effortlessly and cleanly and quickly as possible. That'
s the goal. They are trained and trained well to achieve it.
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Awesome! I know it's not easy and have for a long time.

Best friend's kid didn't make it. ( I knew he would not because cardio)

Cousin didn't make it.

Hunting partner used to teach Ranger battle tactics.

Good friend that was a Ranger laid a lot of heavy shit on me before, and I can never tell anyone what it is.

Really a Ranger could kill just about anyone and get away with it.

Thanks....I had very little connection to the military as a kid 60's and 70's, my dad had done Navy Reserve because he had run out of money for University, and he hated it, he almost never talked about it and he threw a fit when my younger brother decided to join the Army after high school. But a friend of the family had a son that he almost never saw (wife had divorced him long before, moved far away, taken the kids) who was a he was hard core....had stories to tell!