Name one thing you agree with the opposing side on.

Ill forgive them once they are beaten


I doubt it.

And of course you have set an impossible condition for relinquishing your hatred. Suggests a fear to move away from it, a weakness. As if it is a security blanket. A fear of arguing on the basis of merit alone.

And that is so ridiculous.

You have a good grasp of the issues, an ability to make excellent powerful points.

Why not let them stand on their own power?
Hello Celticguy,

Its been a while since the left has had an idea that i can get behind. Ill settle for agreeing with Obama that uncontrolled borders is a massive problem. Nobody wins with it. Its devistating to our minority citizens, its a huge public health problem, it hurts the homelands they are leaving and it is illegal.

A cop out.
You cannot deal with a Republican anymore- as they have become traitors, liars, cheaters, obstructionists, racists, misogynists, xenophobians, plutocrats, and thieves!

That is why everything is in the hands of this investigation right now. Until law and order is re-established, you can't agree with them on anything, because every inch you give them in negotiations- they are abusing their power and taking America light years in the wrong direction! It's called over-reach! It's called Abuse of Executive power, and lack of proper oversight by a Vindictive and selfish self-centered Republican Congress drunk on Donald Trump's abuse of power !

No- there is no dealing with Republicans at this time in history! Not until they are put back in their proper place

Democrats intend on putting them back in their proper place (Jail for some and as minority leaders in both sides of Congress) in the upcoming 2020 election!

Not become.........Black people have know they have been this way for ever that's why we never vote for them...….white people are either in denial or are OK with some actions of the republican party.

Until they face the facts and realize this is how they have always been......we can't move forward or past it...…….I think most whites really don't want to move forward...shrugging shoulders.
I doubt it.

And of course you have set an impossible condition for relinquishing your hatred. Suggests a fear to move away from it, a weakness. As if it is a security blanket. A fear of arguing on the basis of merit alone.

And that is so ridiculous.

You have a good grasp of the issues, an ability to make excellent powerful points.

Why not let them stand on their own power?

Here's a powerful point.

Black people don't vote for the party of hateful, greedy racist......nor do we want to compromise with them and treat them as if they are good people.

We'll leave that for the racist whites to do.

Would you forgive, compromise and coddle someone who murder your child?
Again with the false rhetoric. Beto O'Rourke does not speak for everyone. I don't support sanctuary cities. What do you think we should do to secure the borders since you're so smart, killer?

Sophistry? LOL! I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Here is how I would deal with illegal immigration if nobody wants to build a wall

1) Enforce current immigration law
2) Prevent anyone not born here from receiving ANY welfare benefits at all.
3) Prevent anyone not born here from entering the public school system
4) Any business found to hire illegal aliens will be fined $10,000 per day per illegal and whistleblowers will get 10% finders fee

Do these four things and you won't need a wall because you remove the magnet that draws illegals here.

Absent that, a 25 foot wall, with 15 foot moorings barbed wire trenches on each side. Towers every 200 yards manned 24/7 with trained ex military snipers with orders to shoot anyone who attempts to climb said wall

Yeah, great you claim to not support sanctuary cities but the party you vote for does that makes you complicit
Hello Adolf_Twitler,

You cannot deal with a Republican anymore- as they have become traitors, liars, cheaters, obstructionists, racists, misogynists, xenophobians, plutocrats, and thieves!

That is why everything is in the hands of this investigation right now. Until law and order is re-established, you can't agree with them on anything, because every inch you give them in negotiations- they are abusing their power and taking America light years in the wrong direction! It's called over-reach! It's called Abuse of Executive power, and lack of proper oversight by a Vindictive and selfish self-centered Republican Congress drunk on Donald Trump's abuse of power !

No- there is no dealing with Republicans at this time in history! Not until they are put back in their proper place

Democrats intend on putting them back in their proper place (Jail for some and as minority leaders in both sides of Congress) in the upcoming 2020 election!

It would be a GIANT mistake to assume that Republican posters at JPP are representative of Republicans everywhere. This place is where people who can put up with trash-mouths ostensibly come to talk about politics, but in many cases all they come here for is to vent their frustration with the other side which they don't understand and refuse to try.
What is the threat to this country that is worth death?

NOTHING... BUT multiple ‘ people here often wish violence and death to others... it's a JPP "tradition"....they do because they can...just scroll on by...
Black people have know they have been this way for ever that's why we never vote for them...…

No Black people have ever voted for a Republican?


Is that your final answer?
Here is how I would deal with illegal immigration if nobody wants to build a wall

1) Enforce current immigration law
2) Prevent anyone not born here from receiving ANY welfare benefits at all.
3) Prevent anyone not born here from entering the public school system
4) Any business found to hire illegal aliens will be fined $10,000 per day per illegal and whistleblowers will get 10% finders fee

Do these four things and you won't need a wall because you remove the magnet that draws illegals here.

Absent that, a 25 foot wall, with 15 foot moorings barbed wire trenches on each side. Towers every 200 yards manned 24/7 with trained ex military snipers with orders to shoot anyone who attempts to climb said wall

Yeah, great you claim to not support sanctuary cities but the party you vote for does that makes you complicit

Those four points that you stated, I actually agree with. Those are excellent ideas.

Oh, I see. Us Mainers have an independent streak, meaning that I don't march in lockstep with any party. I am not a big one for groupthink.

I am also not a proponent for acting like a horse's ass just because someone doesn't agree with me. If you are willing to be nice and learn from each other, great. I don't cotton to keyboard warrior edge lords.
Hello Adolf_Twitler,

It would be a GIANT mistake to assume that Republican posters at JPP are representative of Republicans everywhere. This place is where people who can put up with trash-mouths ostensibly come to talk about politics, but in many cases all they come here for is to vent their frustration with the other side which they don't understand and refuse to try.

Granted, but if these forum Trump Peddlers are voters and not just Russian Bots, they are the ones that are egging on their leaders just like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and the idiots on Fox News who keep threatening Congressional leaders they won't vote for them in upcoming elections.

So it's like a disease in pandemic mode! It's easy to compare Republicans to the zombies you see in the movies and TV shows- because their ill intent spreads much like that!
NOTHING... BUT multiple ‘ people here often wish violence and death to others... it's a JPP "tradition"....they do because they can...just scroll on by...

Ah. Okay, thank you. I have to stop letting my curiosity override anything else. :laugh: I am so curious about others' thought processes around things like this.
Since this thread was about "Name one thing you agree with the opposing side on.", I agree with the JPP liberals who think Desh is a total nut bag. :good4u:
Yes, it is all leftists and yes ALL democrats are leftists.

You can make this easy for me. List five things the democrat party has done to keep illegal immigrants out of this country. List five

Democrats are Centrists. Virtually all Democrats are Capitalist. That is starting to change now, but Leftists are still a small minority in the DNC.

They've deported large numbers of illegals, they've build physical barriers in certain areas that were having lots of illegals pour in, they argued against amnesty, offered Trump money for increased security, and had cameras put up along the border.