Name something good religion has caused

I just noticed this from earlier in thsi thread.... does this smell funny to anyone else, or is it just me?

Dixie said, "If I don't want to do business with black people, it doesn't mean I am a racist.'

I would say that that sentence is a prima facie example of racism.

What if Dixie were to say that he didn't want his children dating black people...isn't that the same thing?

Dixie is too stupid to understand, as his signature shows us. He is making my point for me by displaying my message.
Dixie, if you refuse to do business with people simply because of the colour of their skin, then you are racist.

If you judge someone by their actions (ie Israel) then you are not.
Dixie, if you refuse to do business with people simply because of the colour of their skin, then you are racist.

If you judge someone by their actions (ie Israel) then you are not.

Yes, but if you lie and say you don't do business with blacks because you believe in supporting your own kind, and not because of their skin color, it's no different than opposing Israel because they are Israeli and not because they are Jews. You are hiding behind bigoted logic. The same logic used by segregationists, Nazi's, radical Islamics, and most all other bigoted people of world history. You can SAY you oppose Israel for their actions, but their actions have been to defend themselves and fight for their existence against people who are bent on their destruction. You can SAY you don't do business with blacks because you want to support white business, that excuse doesn't make you non-racist.
I have no problem with Israel attacking Hezbollah. I think they do themselves a disservice in the area of international opinion, when they do not show enough discrimination in their targeting to avoid attacking Christian lebanese neighborhoods, which they have done. That makes it appear as if they are not targetting Hezbollah, but rather Lebanon and the Lebanese in general. Israel dropping bombs on Lebanese Christian civilian apartment buildings is not qualitatively different than Hezbollah launching katyushkas that are aimed at Israeli civilian targets.
Dixie has reverted to the old idiotic trump card that not being a rabid supporter of Israel makes one a bigot. Okay then.

Good God, what utter crap.
just like he postulates that anyone who is not a rabid supporter or Bush and his failed war in Iraq is a traitor and a coward....

which I find especially ironic coming from a guy who successfully avoided military service such as Dixie.
Name something good that has come soley from religion... Something real. Moses walking on water doesn't count.

good is a matter of personal perspective rob.
Some would say that keeping the gays in the colsets is a good thing that Religion has done.
You have the same attitude as the religious people on this issue, just the other side of the fence.
They hate you because you are gay and you hate them because they hate you.
A reall smart route for both sides to take ?
Dixie has reverted to the old idiotic trump card that not being a rabid supporter of Israel makes one a bigot. Okay then.

Good God, what utter crap.

I haven't "reverted" to anything, much less something old and idiotic. Israel is taking defensive action against people who want them wiped off the planet. There is no negotiating with the enemy, they are not interested in a "two-state solution" they want a "no jew" solution. I'm really sorry that you think it's "rabid support" to believe Israel has a right to exist.
Name something good religion has caused. Well as I said before this is a matter of perspective. Exxon and other oil companies loves religion, it has caused their profits to soar into the stratosphere.
I figure Chenys old company also loves their war profiteering, etc...
Name something good that has come soley from religion... Something real. Moses walking on water doesn't count.

1829's: Congregationalists, Quakers, Mennonites, Methodists and Unitarians organized the "underground railway" to help slaves escape northward towards Canada and southward into Spanish held territories.
1829's: Congregationalists, Quakers, Mennonites, Methodists and Unitarians organized the "underground railway" to help slaves escape northward towards Canada and southward into Spanish held territories.

Religion didn't create this, empathy did.

It is not what good religious people have done, but what religion itself.

One point against religion... it promotes philosophical illiteracy....
1829's: Congregationalists, Quakers, Mennonites, Methodists and Unitarians organized the "underground railway" to help slaves escape northward towards Canada and southward into Spanish held territories.

Religion didn't create this, empathy did.

It is not what good religious people have done, but what religion itself.

One point against religion... it promotes philosophical illiteracy....

Any old

Religion, is not a person and can not act on its own, and means NOTHING without people....Besides, you are being a say religion has caused wars...but people cause wars and create the action.....if that's okay with you for that...... then it most certainly should be okay with you in my scenario.....

try again! ;)

good morning,
