NASCAR is rascist.

Not really. It's reasonable to assume you were talking about white employees being employed at the bailout companies. Don't be a retarded turd.

Well one thing for certain, your definition of "reasonble" is not the same as 98% of the human races definition.
Well one thing for certain, your definition of "reasonble" is not the same as 98% of the human races definition.

Why did you bring up bailed out companies? Oh yeah, it was to insinuate that whites are getting their fair share of government money by working at them.

At least commit to your own argument, retard.

and my favorite driver...

Also, contrary to Solitary's statement it is a "redneck" sport, a number of drivers from all over the country compete in NASCAR. The races in California, Pocono, Pennsylvania and Phoenix, Arizona, are the single largest attendance sporting events in their respective states. So... STFU!

Dixie, if you had paid attention to what I have written, you would know that I have said that there are rednecks all over the country. It is not just a southern thing.

And as one who has been to a few races and have been around some NASCAR people, I know its a redneck sport.
Dixie, if you had paid attention to what I have written, you would know that I have said that there are rednecks all over the country. It is not just a southern thing.

And as one who has been to a few races and have been around some NASCAR people, I know its a redneck sport.

I disagree. The Andretti's aren't rednecks. Jack Roush isn't a redneck. Chad Knaus (crew chief for the 2008 NASCAR champion) is not a redneck. The late Alan Kulwicki wasn't a redneck. The late Tim Richmond... not a redneck. Geoff and Todd Bodine from Chemung, NY... not rednecks!

I will bet you any amount of money that I have been around MORE NASCAR races and personally know MORE drivers and racing people than you will ever know, don't try to pull the "experience" card on me, when it comes to this topic. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!

Now, does NASCAR attract "redneck" fans? Well, it depends on what your definition of "redneck" is, which is something I would like to hear you articulate for me, since you think it has nothing to do with geographic location. My understanding of the term is, it applies to people who worked in the fields, mainly farmers, who became sunburned on the neck. Do people who work in fields and farmers, like NASCAR? Probably so, since it is the #1 attended spectator sport in America! Do rednecks also like BEER? Does that make BEER a redneck drink?

Why don't you stop being a fucktard from the South who likes to bash on the South, before we run your traitorous ass out of here on a rail, boy! Or better yet, edumacate yourself on the culture before you start blathering your idiocy all over the place.
Next thing we'll see posted is a discussion about how billiards\pool is obviously a subversive racist game invented by a white man.

Billiards, yes, but it sux anyway.

Last night at the bar (my roommate's birthday), I played pool with a black guy, so the analogy doesn't really work anyway...
Cheap beer, yes.

The average NASCAR race team costs over $5 million per year to operate. Tickets to Talledega can run as high as $1200 for skybox seats. It will cost you around $1 million to get your company name painted on the side of one of those "redneck" race cars. A Jeff Gordon t-shirt sells for $40... and beer sells for $7.50 a pop at the track. So this seems to completely contradict your criteria for what is "redneck." Thanks for refuting usidiot's argument.

That's because it sux.

Not as well as your mother does. :cof1:
The funniest boast ever.

Well, it should be funny, downright hilarious, because it wasn't a "boast" it was a fact. My father was best friends with Donnie Allison back when I was born. They built race cars together in the garage behind my house. Davey Allison and I shared a playpen together as babies. Donnie wanted my Dad to go with him up to Indianapolis to the Indy driving school, so they could race at Indy, and my Dad was going to do it, but he was severely burned in a racing accident and had to spend about 6 months in the hospital, so Donnie went without him. Later, Donnie Allison would become the first race car driver in history to run in both the Coca Cola World 600 and the Indy 500 in the same day. That distinction stood for nearly two decades, and is now done routinely, but he was the first to do it, and my Dad could have probably been right there with him, had he not been in the accident.

So, my association with NASCAR goes way back, and I happen to know a little more about it than the average person. That's not bragging, when Solitary pops off some bullshit about "knowing and being around some NASCAR fans," that is a clarification on who is immensely more qualified on the subject.
First of all Dixie, I did not say I was the biggest NASCAR fan or knew all the NASCAR drivers. So don't get your panties in a wad. You can have that honor.

Second of all, saying NASCAR is redneck is only a bad thing if you think rednecks are necessarily a bad thing. I don't.

I am sure you could name some blue bloods that enjoy NASCAR. The Andretti family is not what I would call redneck. But the overwhelming majority of people that are into NASCAR are rednecks.

I am not badmouthing the south at all. I am southerner and always will be.

But let me know when you want to try and run me out. That would be entertaining as hell.
First of all Dixie, I did not say I was the biggest NASCAR fan or knew all the NASCAR drivers. So don't get your panties in a wad. You can have that honor.

Second of all, saying NASCAR is redneck is only a bad thing if you think rednecks are necessarily a bad thing. I don't.

I am sure you could name some blue bloods that enjoy NASCAR. The Andretti family is not what I would call redneck. But the overwhelming majority of people that are into NASCAR are rednecks.

I am not badmouthing the south at all. I am southerner and always will be.

But let me know when you want to try and run me out. That would be entertaining as hell.

First of all, here are your own words... "And as one who has been to a few races and have been around some NASCAR people, I know its a redneck sport." Now excuse the fuck outta me, but that sounds like you are trying to claim you know more than others by way of your intimate association with "NASCAR people", to which I set the record straight on which of us has the biggest connection.

Secondly, you have yet to define what a "redneck" is, so I don't know whether it is a "good" or "bad" thing, or what the criteria is for your determination, but I venture to say not all, and not even MOST of the 2 million people who tune in to watch the Daytona 500 on CBS are "rednecks", and the 150,000 who show up at Sonoma, CA, Sears Point, Watkins Glen, and Pocono Raceways, are not "rednecks." I think it is an ignorant stereotype that ignorant people like yourself, apply to things they don't understand.

Lastly, I never said that I was going to run you anywhere, but you don't have the balls to go running around Alabama in public, calling NASCAR a "redneck sport" because you'd soundly get your elitist ass whooped and probably find yourself on a Greyhound headed north in the baggage compartment. I have heard your consistent put downs of the south long enough to know you are a SINO. You'll sit there behind the comfort of your keyboard being derogatory toward the people and culture of the place you live, but in public you'll act like the two-faced liberal bastard you are and suck up to the "rednecks" claiming to be one of them. Naw, "redneck" isn't a "bad" term is it? Only when it's coming from the mouth of an asswipe elitist liberal punk like you!
First of all, here are your own words... "And as one who has been to a few races and have been around some NASCAR people, I know its a redneck sport." Now excuse the fuck outta me, but that sounds like you are trying to claim you know more than others by way of your intimate association with "NASCAR people", to which I set the record straight on which of us has the biggest connection.

Secondly, you have yet to define what a "redneck" is, so I don't know whether it is a "good" or "bad" thing, or what the criteria is for your determination, but I venture to say not all, and not even MOST of the 2 million people who tune in to watch the Daytona 500 on CBS are "rednecks", and the 150,000 who show up at Sonoma, CA, Sears Point, Watkins Glen, and Pocono Raceways, are not "rednecks." I think it is an ignorant stereotype that ignorant people like yourself, apply to things they don't understand.

Lastly, I never said that I was going to run you anywhere, but you don't have the balls to go running around Alabama in public, calling NASCAR a "redneck sport" because you'd soundly get your elitist ass whooped and probably find yourself on a Greyhound headed north in the baggage compartment. I have heard your consistent put downs of the south long enough to know you are a SINO. You'll sit there behind the comfort of your keyboard being derogatory toward the people and culture of the place you live, but in public you'll act like the two-faced liberal bastard you are and suck up to the "rednecks" claiming to be one of them. Naw, "redneck" isn't a "bad" term is it? Only when it's coming from the mouth of an asswipe elitist liberal punk like you!

LOL! Dixie you got some better shit this week I see. What are you paying an ounce?