NASCAR is rascist.

No, you decided as usual, to bash and trash southern people and southern culture in general by making an absurd stereotypical statement. NASCAR is the largest spectator sport in the country, it did get its humble beginnings in the South, it has been associated with 'working class' Southerners for many years, but the sport has gone nationwide, and is widely accepted outside the South. It is not a "redneck sport" any more than Baseball or Football!

MOST fans are NOT "rednecks" by any definition of the word I know of, which incidentally, you have not qualified as of yet. I really don't know what you mean when you say "redneck!" Is that slang for "working class southern whites" or does it include black people? Is it applied to people who work in agriculture or those who are poor? Does it mean "uneducated" or "unsophisticated?" You see Sol, it is a generalization, a stereotype, not really much different than pejorative stereotypical labels applied to other groups of people. If anything, it shows how willing you are to apply a generalization and prejudice toward people who are different.

As for beer... my point again was... "Rednecks drink Beer!" does that mean that Beer is a redneck drink? You want to twist away from the question by saying "rednecks drink cheap beer!" But I don't think rednecks are picky, they will drink any kind of beer! Maybe if we could come up with some universal definition of what constitutes a "redneck" we could do a liberal focus group study on them, and determine if they prefer cheap beer or expensive beer, but so far, we can't even define what makes someone a "redneck!"

Dixie, get a grip. I am not trashing southern culture. And it is certainly not my usual. In fact, I have spent more time defending the south against slanderous attacks than anyone on this forum.

You see Sol, it is a generalization, a stereotype, not really much different than pejorative stereotypical labels applied to other groups of people. If anything, it shows how willing you are to apply a generalization and prejudice toward people who are different. Coming from someone who has made a name for himself by ranting in generalizations, this is almost funny. But to try and describe millions of fans, a generalization is certainly in order.

But the fact that you attempt to extrapolate this into some description of my view of those who are different is ridiculous. And if you would work just a bit harder at developing your reading skills, you would have seen that I called myself a redneck in many respects. So that makes the fans I am calling "redneck" not so different from myself.
Dixie, get a grip. I am not trashing southern culture. And it is certainly not my usual. In fact, I have spent more time defending the south against slanderous attacks than anyone on this forum.

You see Sol, it is a generalization, a stereotype, not really much different than pejorative stereotypical labels applied to other groups of people. If anything, it shows how willing you are to apply a generalization and prejudice toward people who are different. Coming from someone who has made a name for himself by ranting in generalizations, this is almost funny. But to try and describe millions of fans, a generalization is certainly in order.

But the fact that you attempt to extrapolate this into some description of my view of those who are different is ridiculous. And if you would work just a bit harder at developing your reading skills, you would have seen that I called myself a redneck in many respects. So that makes the fans I am calling "redneck" not so different from myself.

But you're not really a redneck, are ya Sol? You don't live in a trailer and have a sixth-grade education, do ya Sol? You don't chew tobacco and drive a pickup truck, do ya Sol? You're not a backwoods hick, are ya Sol? The term "redneck" is used as a pejorative term to describe southern white trash, and you know that. Still, you will pal around with your liberal buddies here and pretend they mean no harm, and in fact, you'll even join in the fray with them and call NASCAR a "redneck sport" as you yuck it up with them. Sol, you're a jackass! A typical dumb bigoted jackass, who thinks he is making friends by trashing his own on a message board.

You're no redneck, you're a dumbass liberal! You shouldn't be allowed to insult rednecks by associating yourself with them, in my opinion.
But you're not really a redneck, are ya Sol? You don't live in a trailer and have a sixth-grade education, do ya Sol? You don't chew tobacco and drive a pickup truck, do ya Sol? You're not a backwoods hick, are ya Sol? The term "redneck" is used as a pejorative term to describe southern white trash, and you know that. Still, you will pal around with your liberal buddies here and pretend they mean no harm, and in fact, you'll even join in the fray with them and call NASCAR a "redneck sport" as you yuck it up with them. Sol, you're a jackass! A typical dumb bigoted jackass, who thinks he is making friends by trashing his own on a message board.

You're no redneck, you're a dumbass liberal! You shouldn't be allowed to insult rednecks by associating yourself with them, in my opinion.

I don't live in a trailer? How would you know that, Dixie? I did make it a bit farther than the 6th grade, but since I dropped out of high school I should still qualify.

I am bashing NASCAR so I can pal around with my liberal friends? LMAO! I'm sorry, I missed all my friends joining in on this thread.

I don't trash my own. I have spent more time defending the south than anyone on this forum. But I also call them like I see them.

But you, on the other hand, have extrapolated and made assumptions about my political leanings, my personal tastes & choices, and my treatment of other. All because of my opinion about NASCAR. And you want to talk about MY generalizing?
Dixie, I was laughing to myself about me not being a redneck.

I just came back from helping my neighbors with a hog killin. I spent an hour stirring cracklins in an iron pot over an open fire. Mmmm, tasty stuff. Luckily I missed the hide scraping part, thats way too much like work.
Dixie, I was laughing to myself about me not being a redneck.

I just came back from helping my neighbors with a hog killin. I spent an hour stirring cracklins in an iron pot over an open fire. Mmmm, tasty stuff. Luckily I missed the hide scraping part, thats way too much like work.

That sounds like a redneck to me! :p
That sounds like a redneck to me! :p

Bless your little new yorker heart! lol

I may be the only redneck who has performed Shakespeare, but I like expanding my horizons.

The modern redneck is evolving.

But I still think NASCAR is a joke. It ranks right up there with professional wrestling.
But you're not really a redneck, are ya Sol? You don't live in a trailer and have a sixth-grade education, do ya Sol? You don't chew tobacco and drive a pickup truck, do ya Sol? You're not a backwoods hick, are ya Sol? The term "redneck" is used as a pejorative term to describe southern white trash, and you know that. Still, you will pal around with your liberal buddies here and pretend they mean no harm, and in fact, you'll even join in the fray with them and call NASCAR a "redneck sport" as you yuck it up with them. Sol, you're a jackass! A typical dumb bigoted jackass, who thinks he is making friends by trashing his own on a message board.

You're no redneck, you're a dumbass liberal! You shouldn't be allowed to insult rednecks by associating yourself with them, in my opinion.

I personally trash my own European ancestry on this site all of the time, and doing so has only made me less popular. So I don't think your analogy holds.

Besides, I am no liberal, and I am probably the #1 guy who yucks up all of the dirt on the South. Ib1 competes with me, but to no avail.

Once again, NASCAR sux and so does the South. If it makes you happy, a very cosmopolitan girl I go to college with is a huge NASCAR fan, so there is an argument for you against it being a "redneck sport."
If it makes you happy, a very cosmopolitan girl I go to college with is a huge NASCAR fan, so there is an argument for you against it being a "redneck sport."

If someone had said "All NASCAR fans are rednecks", your comment might help.

But alas, no.
If someone had said "All NASCAR fans are rednecks", your comment might help.

But alas, no.

Naw, I just don't want Dixie to go all emo and kill himself over people picking on him. If he's going to die someday, then he should have the opportunity to understand that the South and NASCAR truly do suck majorly before he goes to the grave.

On the other hand, baseball is a cosmopolitan sport, despite the fact that plenty of rednecks love the great American sport. They don't disprove the rule...
Naw, I just don't want Dixie to go all emo and kill himself over people picking on him. If he's going to die someday, then he should have the opportunity to understand that the South and NASCAR truly do suck majorly before he goes to the grave.

On the other hand, baseball is a cosmopolitan sport, despite the fact that plenty of rednecks love the great American sport. They don't disprove the rule...

I am not a fan of NASCAR, but you are absolutely wrong about the south.

No better place to live.
Three, it doesn't bother me for you and Solitary to jerk each other off. Unlike you, I am not a bigot who has a problem with that sort of thing. Whatever cranks your tractor!

NASCAR is not a "redneck sport" in my opinion, it may have started as that, it may have been that 20 years ago, but today in 2009, it is the biggest spectator sport in America, and draws huge crowds of fans wherever it goes, not just in "redneck country." Solitary hasn't refuted that point, he's only tapdanced around it, and you sure as fuck haven't refuted it, you just run your mouth like an idiot without a clue.

"Possum Hunting", there is a "redneck sport!"
Bull riding used to be solely a "redneck" sport that people would go see only on occasion, nowadays there's always a rodeo on TV.

Are all rodeos still "redneck"?

Well, if they are, count me among their number. I thoroughly enjoyed my time riding a one ton tornado.
Bull riding used to be solely a "redneck" sport that people would go see only on occasion, nowadays there's always a rodeo on TV.

Are all rodeos still "redneck"?

Well, if they are, count me among their number. I thoroughly enjoyed my time riding a one ton tornado.

Do you kill the bull afterward?

Oh, and Dixie, its "whatever floats your boat."
Bull riding used to be solely a "redneck" sport that people would go see only on occasion, nowadays there's always a rodeo on TV.

Are all rodeos still "redneck"?

Well, if they are, count me among their number. I thoroughly enjoyed my time riding a one ton tornado.

Good point. I think it comes down to how you can define any real sport as "redneck." How can you even define "redneck?" Read through this thread, see if you find any universally accepted criteria for what constitutes a "redneck!" It means different things to different people. So, how can an entire sport be called a "redneck sport" when you can't even define what a "redneck" is? It's like claiming something is a "dumb" sport... it's a highly subjective OPINION! Certainly those who engage in the sport don't believe it to be "dumb" no matter what it is! And I venture to say, no one who participates in NASCAR thinks it is a "redneck sport!"

Now, here we have this great big long ass thread, where idiots want to argue with me and refute my argument that NASCAR is not racist or redneck, and for what purpose? It all comes down to subjective opinion, nothing is settled by opinion. Yet, they will continue to bluster and flail at me, getting more and more personal in their attacks, and hurling more and more insults, but the point of the matter was settled before it started, and nothing they can ever say will refute that. Who is the real idiot here, the person pointing out the obvious, or those who are arguing against the obvious?
Good point. I think it comes down to how you can define any real sport as "redneck." How can you even define "redneck?" Read through this thread, see if you find any universally accepted criteria for what constitutes a "redneck!" It means different things to different people. So, how can an entire sport be called a "redneck sport" when you can't even define what a "redneck" is? It's like claiming something is a "dumb" sport... it's a highly subjective OPINION! Certainly those who engage in the sport don't believe it to be "dumb" no matter what it is! And I venture to say, no one who participates in NASCAR thinks it is a "redneck sport!"

Now, here we have this great big long ass thread, where idiots want to argue with me and refute my argument that NASCAR is not racist or redneck, and for what purpose? It all comes down to subjective opinion, nothing is settled by opinion. Yet, they will continue to bluster and flail at me, getting more and more personal in their attacks, and hurling more and more insults, but the point of the matter was settled before it started, and nothing they can ever say will refute that. Who is the real idiot here, the person pointing out the obvious, or those who are arguing against the obvious?

Wow Dixie, another rant in which you accuse peoplf doing what you yourself did. What a surprise.

Before you go on with the "Yet, they will continue to bluster and flail at me, getting more and more personal in their attacks, and hurling more and more insults...", go back and reread the thread and look at who was doing more insulting and who threw out more personal attacks.